Looking Good While Working from Home

Looking Good While Working from Home

The global pandemic has obligated us to continue our social-distancing pledge, which translates to the ‘work-from-home’ concept for many of us. This begs the question, “What should I wear to work in my kitchen/bedroom/living room?” or “How do I curate a wardrobe to keep me looking good while working from home?” Following five years of being a travel, beauty, and fashion writer, I’m confident that I have mastered the art of deciphering the work-from-home dress code. Read on for the ultimate guide on what to wear when working from home!


What to Wear When Working From Home

What to Wear When Working From Home


I reminisce my time before my blogging days, where I would wake up early to leave myself with plenty of time to get ready before leaving for work. I had a set morning routine that marked the beginning of a fresh day filled with high levels of energy and enthusiasm. This time allocated to getting ready and travelling was eliminated for me once I struck out on my own. I’m not going to lie, although it felt good to follow my passion, the main obstacle I faced during my transition from a corporate worker to a full-time work-from-home blogger was the loss of routine.

Working from home really throws you off it and routine is difficult to achieve. The need to adapt to a new way of being or flexibility, if you will, was a boon as well as a bane. Figuring out the ropes of handling everything on my own ~ scheduling client meetings with Brand and PR representatives {both virtual and in person} what with my packed calendar, managing finances, and yes, figuring out my work-from-home wardrobe ~ was a task!


Now, working exclusively from home since early 2020 {read: completely shunning physical contact with the outside world}, these home etiquettes have become even more important for my work; creative writing at my work area {like I am right now}, prepping for a shoot, curating visual content, taking client meetings on Zoom, and appreciating quality time during much-needed breaks with Vikram. Since they all have a separate dress code, and I believe that being in the right outfit makes a lot of difference ~ my everyday wardrobe ranges from a put-together look for my shoots to striking the right balance between elegance and poise for a conference call, to {let’s be honest} being dressed comfortably enough for an afternoon of relaxation on the couch. Of course, we all love to feel comfortable, so the mix of fashion and function helped me get the best of both worlds when choosing work looks.

Of course, balancing between looking presentable for virtual meetings and being comfortable enough to lounge at home was an elaborate process of trial and error, thus, in my opinion, I have pretty much aced the possible combination of outfits. Although, these uncertain times have made me push further and experiment with my look even more, and that’s what you should do as well.

I would absolutely encourage you to make the effort to:

Dress As Per Your Mood

Fashion allows us to be versatile, i.e. we have the freedom of dressing up according to our mood. And since I strongly believe that clothing gives us a sense of comfort, for me, dressing accordingly is vital. This translates to the right outfit giving me the morning push I need to ward off the laziness and avoid slouching all day when working at home. But this doesn’t mean compromising on comfort. My optimal work-from-home style, as with most things, is really all about finding this balance based on my mood, and creating and maintaining a daily routine is the most important aspect.


Choose Colours To Boost Your Mood

How many of you have noticed that we frequently dress in colours that mirror our mind-set? Do pinks and purples brighten your day while greys make you gloomy? Our mood is greatly affected by our surroundings, and the colour of our outfit plays an equally important role. I personally love to dress in warmer tones like yellow, red or reddish-purples to brighten up my day and induce the right amount of enthusiasm in me. Whereas, I choose cooler tones when I want to feel relaxed and slow down my pace for the day. You can work out something similar by choosing colours that represent your emotional state. I assure you, you will get by your day very easily.


Make It Fun But Stylish

Staying at home, I definitely crave comfort, and so I find myself reaching out for cotton and linens ~ but that doesn’t mean I have to look like a “potato sack”. Summers encourage me to mix-and-match fashion pieces, such as wide-leg striped pants that can be teamed with a t-shirt or a pretty linen blouse, or a floral cotton dress worn with an accented slim belt for video calls. However, I love to dress cosily during winters. So, jeans with high neck tops pulled together with a jacket or blazer would be my go-to winter work look. Another thing we easily overlook is accessorizing our look ~ earrings, headbands, or belts can completely transform an outfit while helping one look stylish-yet-approachable.


To conclude: My final thoughts on what to wear when working from home would be to wear your own personality. As long as your outfit boosts your own confidence, you can pull off anything and look great in it. So now, take this newfound confidence up for a spin and enjoy a work-from-home life in style!


Do you think it’s important to get dressed when working from home? Share your thoughts with me in the comments below!

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* I love bringing together a bunch of conflicting items and weaving my own sense of one-ness to them. *


  • Let’s talk about how important balance is when choosing work from home clothes… For me, personally, they should evoke a FEELing when you wear them.

    By the way, I love seeing how you’ve grown your brand along the way… You have always been TRANSPARENT – which drew me in more!

  • Perfectly said! You are the epitome of elegance and positivity! And yours are always positive posts… ❤️

    Although, thank you for this post, Tanya. As always, it is insightful, honest, and valuable. Just like you are! (I’m a true believer of energies/vibes I receive from other people!)

  • My work from home outfit game is STRONG right now! ⁣

    Monday: sweatshirt and jeans. ⁣
    Tuesday: sweatshirt and sweatpants.⁣
    Wednesday: sweatshirt and jeans.⁣
    Thursday: sweatshirt and leggings (plot twist!).⁣
    Friday: REAL CLOTHES. :D⁣

  • This is very well articulated, Tanya. Totally agree with your views! Life is all about finding your balance as you say… To add to your post, I would say that the symbolic value of apparel is enhanced by the person who adorns it! ✨

  • Such a pertinent post… And the epitome of grace, as always!

    In other news, I wear jeans pretty often at home because I do a lot of zoom calls, and I’m terrified of suddenly having to chase after the dog or baby in my underwear on camera 😀 but all my jeans are jeggings – soooo win-win! ✨✨✨

  • Valid points. Many of my friends tell me that they have no motivation to dress up, and most of the time they log in to their work in PJ’s… But in this current situation, we really do need to self motivate! Thanks for sharing! ❤️

  • And what a way to start this week ❤️! Thanks for such amazing tips!

    On a side note: Casual Fridays hit a little differently when you work from home. Part of my routine to remain motivated during the work from home malady is to make my bed and get dressed – even if it’s a simple coordinated sweatsuit.

  • Lovely post! I love the good counsel that comes from you, and I think being human here is always a stage one learns from. That being said, I have never been swayed by trends and hashtags… I love to see myself well dressed, even at home; in fact, I automatically brighten up at the mere thought of it!

    • Taking it at your own pace, while not driven by expectations. It’s such a valid point you’ve made, Jayadivya.

  • This aesthetic is everything! Inspired to start my week!

    Just so you know, I have been wearing slippers for the past year and think it is entirely possible I have forgotten how to tie a shoelace… #explorationofmywardrobe the shoe edition. 😀

  • Love this! I hope everyone reading this incorporates some of your wisdom in their lives…

    On a side note: While spending the past weekend at a work retreat, the time away truly inspired me to continuously work to build myself, and others up! 🙂 I know that when I surround myself with good people (like you, Tanya), positive thinking & affirmations that support who I’m becoming – the building of everything else in my life will follow.

  • This is amazing! Nothing is worth more than a deep, happy breath (chain ki saans)… 🙂

    It’s really hard working from home while taking care of my baby boy, plus taking care of the pup, being a good wife, and taking care of myself… All while still attempting to keep up with the house! Finding the balance between it all can be overwhelming at times; not to mention being in yet another lockdown and a year into this pandemic…

    But then I take a moment to breathe, and think to myself how grateful I am to have this resource!

  • Beautifully expressed. ❤️ Much needed post when we are often in two minds about the clothes we want to wear when working from home!

    By the way, it’s so nice that you are documenting your experiences; they are invaluable!

  • New month, new week, and I am busy prepping for a perfect balance between Comfort and Fashion… I like being ready for my live videos or zoom calls I need to be on, but heck, I’m definitely going comfy on the bottom!

    Just so you know your work is always impressive. And I deeply value your thoughts. Thank you very much for sharing.

  • I have totally been feeling this lately… ❤️

    My work from home outfits are a collection of relaxed and cool pieces that I look forward to on my most stressful days; the days that the kids have said “mommy” one too many times, the days that my bosses have forgotten what they’ve promised me, and the day that I just need to be thankful for life and not worried with it.

  • I totally agree that clothes can influence your mood & confidence. ✨

    When wearing office wear, there is a feeling of sureness. For instance, wearing floral patterns or lace leaves me feeling modest & girlish. 🙂 While I feel cool & tough when I have on a banded tee with leggings…

  • Enclothed cognition says the way you dress is correlated with your productivity… Wearing sweats makes you feel tired while dressing up makes you feel efficient. Well, you don’t have to go all out, but wearing something with clean lines and luxurious fabrics helps.

    Here’s to working from home in style! ✨✨✨

  • It’s a good day. I’ve got my coffee (homemade lavender latte), my quilt made by my mom, lounge pants (stretchy to accommodate all those chocolates & wine I’m working my way through…), my cosy slippers and my lap desk – doing a day of reviewing files and sorting through spreadsheets…

    So yes, this guide IS A LIFESAVER! ❤️

  • Each word resonates with what I feel! Even though I work from home a few days a week, I still like to get up and have my normal morning routine and get showered and dressed before beginning my day. I feel more productive, and honestly, when I feel great (even working from home) I am more motivated to get things done.

    That being said, I don’t get “dressed up” but I do love a comfy sweater or sweatshirt and soft leggings or sweatpants to work in.

    • Absolutely, Foram! It’s all about routine to keep you consistent and closer to your goals even when you don’t “have to”.

  • You’ve given such precious ideas! What’s life without a little faith and hope? 🙂

    On another note, I love seeing your pictures and reading your posts… Love how you are able to visualise the final picture and put them together beautifully ❤️.

  • I love the way you give your personal touch to each post. And as for your thoughts, I totally agree – for the women with style and grace ✨.

    On that note, loungewear, the undisputed winner of 2020 has a bright future ahead! As I find that leggings make perfect casual wear – whether you are heading out to the market or working from home. Super soft and comfortable to wear they are so lovely and warm too!

  • ❤️❤️❤️. Loved your post! These valid points are what one should contemplate. My respect & love for you is increasing day by day!

    Well, I’m all about super soft and comfy cotton pants paired with a printed blouse – whether its work from home or chill at home, it’s got you covered!

  • Beautiful post. ❤️ Even the slightest of thought can change the whole vibration. Every small instance in our daily lives tells us so many things and teaches us so many lessons… I’m so glad you’ve experienced this yourself many times. Lots of love and light to you!

  • Now, more than ever, I’ve been living in comfy athleisure clothes (and will be for the unforeseen future!). Thanks for the amazing tips, and even more amazing photos!

  • Like always, a very informative post. Each and every line conveys a message and a lesson to practice. On that note, hats off to your creativity & passion to preserve what you hold dear to your heart! ❤️

  • Life lessons and beauty as always in your posts! ❤️

    This post is all and everything I’ve always believed in, but I sure wouldn’t have been able to compile my thoughts so beautifully and pen it down the way you did… But then that’s what makes us wait for your next post!

  • Ahhh… Thank you for such an insightful post!

    “Anyone can get dressed up and be glamorous, but it is how people dress in their days off that are the most intriguing.” ~ Alexander Wang

    Here’s to work calls on Zoom to 5 o’clock happy hour on your couch… But without having to change your outfit! 😀

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