Light It Up Blue

Light It Up Blue

Light It Up Blue I Autism Awareness Day

2016 Theme: “Autism and the 2030 Agenda: Inclusion and Neurodiversity.” Autism and other types of disability are part and parcel of our human experience that adds to human diversity. All things considered, the United Nations has accentuated the need to mainstream disability ~ necessitating an integral methodology in design, execution, monitoring, and assessment of programmes and policies in all societal, economic, and political spheres, with the goal that disparity is not sustained.

Disability and persons with disabilities are unequivocally referenced in the accompanying objectives:
*Quality Education
*Reduced Inequalities
*Partnerships for the Goals
*Decent Work and Economic Growth
*Sustainable Cities and Communities

Use #LIUB to share your experience across social media and help light the world up blue today!

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* I love bringing together a bunch of conflicting items and weaving my own sense of one-ness to them. *


  • Was about to hit the textbooks but couldn’t scroll past this post. This World Autism Awareness Day, Autism-friendly events and educational activities in our country would be desirable. Beautiful work and words once again, Tanya.

  • Lets light’it up blue in recognition of people living with autism to increase understanding and acceptance and foster worldwide support!

    p.s. You look incredibly beautiful!

  • What an fun shot! You seriously keep outdoing yourself, Tanya.

    On another note: autism awareness, inclusion and self-determination for all indeed! Let’s embrace a new perspective!

  • Outstanding! Let’s expand this work to focus on the rest of us – ensuring acceptance and inclusion in schools and communities that results in true appreciation of the unique aspects of all people. 🙂

  • Yes! Let’s all aim to see each person with autism for the person they are, and not for what we think their diagnosis means. xx

  • I find myself watching how the media covers autism… Accepting autism to me means giving up my way of thinking and being willing to constantly unlearn and relearn.

  • How lovely to see you wear something blue in support of understanding and acceptance for people with autism! The idea of who is disabled is such a narrow line that I am not sure any of us can walk on it without falling right off… Thank you for this post ~ it is much appreciated!

  • How lovely! For autistic people, awareness alone is not the goal–acceptance is. Conquering that step means taking autistic people as they are, learning from them and listening to them.

  • Thank you, Tanya! We really are in need of useful research, and educational, healthcare, family and workplace protections more than ever, not less, to support the autistic community!

  • Any raising of public awareness is a good thing when it comes to ASC… especially when the goal is one of increasing autism awareness and celebrating the abilities of individuals with autism. Thank you for this share, Tanya!

  • I look forward to many well-known landmarks around the world going blue today in support of the cause… and I’m glad to see that autism self-advocacy has increased the world’s understanding and acceptance of the condition. Thank you for showing your support and love for those with autism, Tanya. xx

  • You are my hero, Tanya! Yes, we are not broken and we do not need to learn how to fit into anyone’s world. It is our world as well and we have every right to inhabit it just as we are.

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