3 Valuable Investments That Will Change Your Life
Three Secrets to a Rich Life: My framework for getting places, accomplishing things, and living in a way that makes me happy!
What is the price of that pink flush on your cheeks when you ask your crush out? What is the price of the smile that lights up on your child’s face when you prepare her favourite meal? What is the price of the tears rolling down your mother’s cheek when you visit her after a long time?
Some things in life are priceless and these moments remind us that life’s investments are not just the ones we make for financial gain. These are investments that may not require deep pockets but a big heart and a conscious effort. Investing in these will reward you with returns much more gratifying than monetary goods. Keep reading for 3 valuable investments that will change your life in 2022, and help in determining the quality of your life now and in the future.
A Connection With Yourself
Ambivalence is a critical element of life that is often treated as an enemy rather than the friend it truly is. We are quick to judge the uncertainties of life even before they completely unfold before us. By investing in ourselves and the connection we have with the person deep within, we will be able to see the true meaning of living and not just conform to the rules of life.
Some people see age as the advocate for deciding whether it is a good time to bring their thoughts to action or letting their fancies pass as a whim of an ageing soul. But this kind of self-criticism can only limit you and turn you into a cynic ~ never being able to see beyond the incongruence of your own mind. Raised to be a woman who kowtowed to the norms of society while humbly accepting life as it came, I have realised how wrong these notions were and how important it is to take a stand for yourself and know what you really want from life.
Almost six years ago, I left a secure job to follow a dream that didn’t promise much at the time in terms of monetary benefits. Nine to five working hours transformed into round the clock schedules, sleep became a luxury and practises a necessity. It took me time to find myself. But by investing time and energy into introspection, I stand here today, more complete and more rounded as a person than I was before I started this blog.
Connections Beyond Yourself
When we connect with ourselves we’re able to create lives that are meaningful and fulfilling; but the connections we establish and nurture with others will enable us to embrace the reality of our interconnected nature, and help us live with compassion, equanimity and purpose.
What’s important to remember is that relationships aren’t something you plant and expect to grow on their own. They take nourishing and time. And, while some connections are formed to last forever, others may require a little more of your attention. Because without being mindful of the connections you establish around yourself, you will soon be caught up in the noise instead of taking pleasure in the enriching company of people you truly value.
Relationships are crucial in life so be careful to pick the right friends and a partner who will cherish your selfhood as much as you cherish theirs. Invest in these beautiful relationships which bring forth value, empower you, and help you enjoy a sense of achievement in the life you lead.
The Celebration of Life
Celebrating life is one of the biggest investments you can make. I know I’ve touched on the subject of gratitude earlier on a deeper note, but I’d like to reiterate. There is nothing more wonderful than being grateful for the big and small moments of happiness that dot your life. Be grateful even in everyday moments which spin around the big wheel called life. When you are mindful of these moments and appreciate life for being benevolent to you, you will be able to attract positive energy that can really help you to raise your vibration.
A Final Word
Don’t just focus on the finances you are setting aside for the trip you want to take or for the house you want to purchase or for your retirement. Think of the person you would like to take that trip with and how important it is to invest in the relationship you share with that person. Think of the people you would want to be surrounded with when you reach retirement age. Think of the life you currently lead and ask yourself that if you were to be sitting on a rocking chair right now thinking of the things you missed out on when you were young, will you still lead the same life? Or will you stop and reset?
Please share which of the 3 valuable investments that will change your life, listed above, you plan to implement this week… I would love to hear from you!
Wonderful article, Tanya – with some wise words.
On the self-investment angle, I’d like add that if a person’s thought process is, “How should I do this” – they likely have it wrong. My advice would be to try not to think “how” but “who”, “Who can enable me to do this”. Thereby adding value to me to make a valuable future.
Your reasoning is sound and resonates with my own experiences, Ayushi.
Through the process of growth we find out that we love things that we never thought we would, and we grow in ways that consciously or subconsciously we have avoided. But the spirit of the Universe helps us discover what we have been looking for all along!
Tanya, I love your work! Thanks so much for this! Looking forward to new great chapters in life!
Appreciate your feedback, Simran.
We invest in so many amazing things for our families. Activities that keep them active. Extra curriculars that teach them life lessons. Even all the ‘hidden’ things that they don’t see right now, but they will in their future… So, why do we struggle to invest in ourselves?
So happy to have discovered your blog, Tanya! This article has inspired me. You are amazing and merit all your accomplishments!
Thank you for taking the time to read, and for your wonderful response, Abhishek.
This is remarkable advice, Tanya. I will not deny the fact that everywhere we find good and bad, but it all depends on us and what we want to imbibe from our surroundings. Enhancing my life is what I have always wanted to do, and your post has motivated me to put in resources towards achieving that. Thank you!
You’re welcome, Pawan. Here’s to a positive and healthy attitude!
This article really hit the spot! I’ve always been curious about this subject; investing in oneself is something we don’t generally understand because it has so many grey areas…
I think there’s probably going to be some grey areas where you’re making an emotional trade-off some of the time, but the other times you’re taking higher quality action, Satyam.
Personally, I read your posts for motivation, Tanya… to place me in the right frame of mind. Your article outlined it beautifully towards the end; that thought needs to be followed with action!
Glad to hear it, Renu.
Your blog is a great resource for inspiration and positive attitude, Tanya.
I have consciously been working on improving the quality of the life I live for several years; but it wasn’t until recently that I’ve noticed positive changes and made progress. Thank you for sharing.
Thank you, Akira. Your investment into yourself will benefit you and your family – today, tomorrow and every day after that!
Enlivening and Enlightening. Self investment enables us to open our minds and be less fixed in our attitudes, convictions and judgements (which can be an impediment to making the most of our lives).
I think this worry is more of a reflection on our impatience as human beings rather than an issue with the endless meta layers that I believe exist, Rahul.
This is a fascinating concept. I think more people should practice this, with the end goal of leading a fuller life. By the way, I think your posts may do well as YouTube videos. I think you should try it.
I completely agree.
Thank you, Aadhya. I will take that into consideration.
No one is going to gift you that 30 mins! You have to do that yourself!
Your posts continually give me opportunities for further self development, Tanya. Thanks for writing!
The ideal approach to learn is to seek and discover general truths and to apply them throughout everyday life, Madhu.
Yes, invest in yourself and compete everyday against everything that is trying to hold you back! Although, the challenge here is having the introspective clarity to acknowledge when you are using a situation as a means of avoiding your objectives as opposed to working on them…
Yes, there is by all accounts a fundamental disconnect for being mindful and being honest with yourself about the outcomes of your choices, Shubham.
I found this very inspiring. Invest in yourself before you invest in anything else! That’s the secret to healthy and smart living.
Thank you very much, Ayushi.
Here is my weekly dose of Monday motivation!
In order to obtain any results in life, there must always be something done, given, offered or exchanged. Things don’t merely occur by wishful thinking!
Thank you for sharing, Manisha.
Indeed a beautiful and powerful share! Experienced it and I can’t agree more that we can all just get in a flow state, put some effort in and build some momentum to get a bit more out of life than a daily calendar saturated with commitments!
That’s so sensible, Abhishek.
Such a thoughtful share! Our life can only be transformed in the degree that we are open to invest our time and entire selves towards its transformation!
Absolutely Divya!
If we have an unchanging attitude about a situation, it’s because we believe some people are “just born with it” versus the growth mindset that says anyone can develop an ability if they just work towards it. By the way, I’m loving the way you are growing, Tanya!

Thank you so much for your beautiful appreciation, Anisha.
Be more than what they told you, you were capable of… Investments make the road to success and happiness easier!
Absolutely Gaurav. Investments simply enhance the journey you are on.
What a wonderful share! It is indeed good intentions and genuineness that matters and leaves a lasting impression. The world needs more people like you, Tanya!
Thank you, Urvashi. Your appreciation is valuable to me.
This is an amazing write-up, Tanya! Small steps but I will get there! On that note, you deserve all the happiness in the world!
…I have no doubt everything will fall into place from there, Jeyakumar. Slow and steady, as they say!
Oh my heart, I feel this so much!
As the author of your life story, you have to keep going in life regardless of what happens. You might need to pause to take care of your mental/emotional health. But, choose to put a semicolon and not a full stop.
Thank you so much for joining in and sharing your lovely thoughts, Sukanya.
A beautiful piece that couldn’t be any truer!
Since getting to know and be your Authentic Self is a journey, it’s important to ensure you create an atmosphere that encourages you to be you.
Thank you so much for being present, Nagarjuna. So glad you enjoyed the post!
This is beautiful & resonates so deeply!

The best parts of your life are small and tiny,
always hard to notice.
Hiding in corners,
too shy to come out
unless you hold their hands
and ask them to.
Love and light coming your way, Satya!
What a post, love this so much!
Sometimes we need to jolt ourselves out of old habits and that can only be done when we are conscious of what & who we surround ourselves with.
So glad you stopped by and left such a meaningful comment, Aabhash.
It’s only when we feel truly aligned with our purpose that we can show up as our best selves and truly serve this world!
Wishing you a joyful start to the week, Tanya!
Thank you for your artistic expression, Shoukath.
Ohhh, this was so needed today.
I love your words, and I love you!! You are an absolute beaming light in the darkness, Tanya. Be you, your you, not society’s you.
Thank you, Dipanjana. You fill my heart with joy!
This is so beautiful and true.
You always put words out that enmesh with me so deeply, Tanya. Sending you big hugs!
Aww ~ that’s very kind of you, Aishwarya. Thank you!
Beautiful message. I really needed to read THIS today morning.
I shall strive to make the best from moment to moment. Building. Maintaining. Creating.
On a side note: Your blog is my absolute favourite.
Thank you for your work, it’s so appreciated!
Thank you for reading my blog, Arka. And thank you for sharing such kind thoughts about my writing.
Beautiful! Also resonates… You are truly amazing with your words!
Wishing you a fabulous day, week, month and life ahead filled with self-love, worth, and confidence!
Deeply value your warm and heartfelt appreciation, Durjoy.
Loving this so much… A beautiful piece!
I find daily gratitude to be so helpful especially on Mondays. Here’s to seeing ourselves getting stronger and living a fulfilling, happier and healthier life!
Thank you for resonating with this and your warm appreciation, Krunali.
This one right here… It hit deep!
I’m spending some quality time with myself today for reflection, introspection, and spirituality.
Thank you so much for sharing, Tanya. You are inspiring to me.
I’m overjoyed by your sweet words, Deep. Thank you!
This is a beautiful piece to hang on a feature wall, a salient reminder of a beautiful blueprint for the future.
Aww ~ thank you so much, Kritika. Your support on this platform means the world!
Thank you for this post; it’s just what I needed to read. Your beautiful words so eloquently expressed, reinforce a strong message that I’m on the right path. Much love to you always, beautiful Tanya.
Such heartfelt appreciation, Keerthana! Truly treasured.
Loving this powerful message that resonates in every way, deeply.
Just so you know, you always seem to say exactly what is in my head and heart, and express it so perfectly!
Thank you, Priyanka. Love your affectionate thoughts!