Why A Blog is Important for Your Life and Career

Why A Blog is Important for Your Life and Career

Am I the only one that thinks the word “blog” lacks the thrill of written material?

Writing is a heartfelt passion and the term “blogging” just doesn’t make the cut. Maybe it’s just me but glimpses of over-sharers posting tiresome details of their daily routine, strikes me like war flashbacks, even though it may just be a Facebook tick.

Originally derived from the words “weblog”, blog is one of the many slang that have come into being by playing mix and match, to make the language of the internet, a quick one! An oddball for a back story, I’m presuming you just have to appreciate the culmination of words and grammar coming together in the new age internet world!


20 years ago, blogs were a nonexistent concept. Today, there are over 150 million of them.

Blogging is the most crucial element of marketing a business or growing an online consumer base, but this is still a foreign concept to a lot of people I meet. Although a widely popular concept, not a lot of business owners understand how a blog can help and further, grow and benefit their business.


Why A Blog is Important for Your Life and Career


Blogging ~ A Rationale

  • Passion: This is for those looking to put up journal entries on a digital platform; to share their experiences and feelings with others using words and multimedia, without the distractions of a platform like Facebook.
  • Entrepreneurship: If you are looking to advancing your writing to a professional level for various brands and agencies, blogging is a great kick start; to be paid for while expressing your creativity.
  • Expertise: Sharing your experiences, thoughts, and ideas that you have learned through your educational background, career, and your personal life; to impart knowledge and some lessons for your readers.


A blog is a treasure chest with hidden jewels.

A blog goes just beyond advancing your online presence. A blog can be that little something that nudges you a few steps ahead of your current standing, like a propeller moving you in the direction of your choice.

No two individuals are alike and each of us brings a sense of uniqueness and wonder into the world. Go ahead and discover your purpose, discover it to its fullest. Embrace it for everything it’s worth and don’t shy away from sharing it with the world!


Why A Blog is Important for Your Life and Career

Why A Blog is Important for Your Life and Career


Why A Blog is Important for Your Life and Career: If you are looking to begin your journey of blogging, read on to understand my perspective on blogging and its impact on both, your life and your career:

  1. A Humane Experience

A blog is a blank canvas we paint with our thoughts and words. Similar to combining colours and textures, allowing our thoughts to come together in a coherent and attention-grabbing manner is a task that takes practice. It takes immense focus, loads of reflection, and re-writing until you finally see the magic coming to life. Like any other experience we come across, with practice, you can see your ideas and thoughts evolving and growing every single day ~ which is the most humbling ordeal in my opinion.

Amplified by various online interfaces, blogging has now become the intersection of humanity and technology. Creativity and comprehensible content coming together amplifies our words to billions of people. There is a world out there waiting to hear your voice, and this is the best medium for that service!

  1. A Rewarding Act

Mangling together content is a groundbreaking feeling of accomplishment, but the real reward lies in the choice of publishing it. Putting your words and thoughts out on a platform for the world to read takes courage and willingness to be vulnerable. Having doubts like whether your ideas are interesting enough to be read or the fact that your thoughts are widely discussed already, is extremely natural. Your task is to shove away your apprehensions and go ahead with publishing your blog. The psychological rewards are unmatched, trust me. Furthermore, we live life in a global village called the internet that will boost your views and success in real-time! Learn from the words you read on these global communities and allow your words to be a learning experience for others.


Why A Blog is Important for Your Life and Career

Why A Blog is Important for Your Life and Career


  1. A Barrier-free Experience

Unrestricted by geographical boundaries, let your thoughts flow freely on a blog for not just a local but a worldly audience. A concoction of magazines, books, and online resources, gather the attention of thinkers and writers, as yourself, with your blogs! Additionally, social media interfaces allow you to get a quantitative audience response by its shares, comments, and likes. The more attention you grab, the higher your chances to put your name on the map, allowing like-minded people to come your way!

The world is now at the tip of your fingers and you need to seek every opportunity to reach out to the other side of the world!

  1. Blocks of Building Relations

Whether blogging is a source of expanding your business model or just a personal “dear diary” entry, it is still a powerful tool of self-expression. As a blogger, my first order of business for a new project is to talk about it and to introduce it to my audience.

Your blogs are a quick and essential technique to leave behind a positive footprint on online communities. Your blog is the elevated platform that allows you to voice your opinions and views regarding a certain topic to the right audience; the same audience that might be beneficial for gaining new business and customer loyalty. Gone are the days of delivering your messages through more expensive mediums like radio and television. Blogging the right way will hit the mark, even with limited knowledge and experience.


Bonus Tip: Media consumption is a dangerous slope downhill where you can catch yourself trying to reiterate information and ideas you have seen online. I am guilty of this too, but I can tell you with full assurance that this is the wrong path. Focus on being a content creator and producer, and you will find the right path soon.

To conclude: Allow yourself to be vulnerable through the process of online creation and publishing because it will undoubtedly be rewarding. A game-changer and career enhancer, blogging will set you on a journey of self-discovery and growth ~ don’t hold yourself back from it!

Be bold enough to take the road less travelled. Courage lies in the ability to take the risk of growth.


Feel free to share your thoughts in the comments section on blogging and its end result ~ if you already are well underway, at the initial stages, or soon starting out!

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Written By

* I love bringing together a bunch of conflicting items and weaving my own sense of one-ness to them. *


  • That is quiet inspirational. I have been following your blog for the past two years and I must state your posts have spurred me enough to go forward with my own blog, Tanya. xx

  • Excellent post! My proposed keyword to potential bloggers would be “passion”. If you are passionate about your subject, then you’ll be bound to prevail in your blogging.

  • Wow. Thank you for your painstaking quality and generosity in outlining all the positives of blogging, Tanya! Hugs <3

  • This is quite an informative post, Tanya. My blog is still in its early stages and I am making an effort to remain in the habit of updating it regularly so I can build my viewership. 🙂

  • It is always inspiring to read about the journey and thought process of successful bloggers. The joy of giving is immense. And what better option than blogging to connect with people who need your help.

  • Thank you for sharing, Tanya. For me personally, the greatest advantage of blogging is that I will most likely build a good association with my list of subscribers and profit at the same time. 🙂

  • We can make a difference! From the time I started blogging, I have really started to have immense respect towards it. Thank you for another great post, Tanya!

  • I began blogging to share my views on fashion and beauty. For me ~ blogging is more then a job, it’s a passion! Thanks for sharing. 🙂

  • I must say that your detailed post makes for a wonderful guide for anybody keen on building a successful blog. Your recommendations are spot on, much appreciated! 🙂

  • Thank you for sharing, Tanya. I would like to include two points: everybody has their own recollections throughout every day, and I think blogs are good sources for keeping these memories. Additionally, blogs draw out one’s creative ability and inner emotions…

  • Thank you for these well defined advantages of blogging, Tanya. In addition, I think blogging makes you think more deliberately about who you are and who you want to become. xx

  • Another insightful post. 🙂 In my opinion, blogging lets us explore our boundaries… and is the most productive thing that anyone can do online. Have a great week ahead. 🙂

  • Great post, Tanya and instructive. I particularly like the point about improving as a writer by writing more regularly, as I believe I have gotten better since starting my blog.

  • These are some really great benefits stated here. And yes, everything will come to you at the right time. But build doors so someone can knock. 🙂

  • So much of blogging was really unknown to me personally. I am exceptionally inspired and encouraged as a newbie to peep game into blogging. Thanks a lot, Tanya!

  • Couldn’t agree more .. Loved reading this post! Although I still have a long long long way to go, I am thoroughly enjoying being a part of this lovely community.

  • Great post! I absolutely agree that blogging is not just meant as a hobby, but it is also a great tool for personal branding. Thank you for sharing.

  • Agree! Blogs are a great way to keep your website content fresh, and are also a cost effective way to help drive traffic to your website. ⁣They can also provide you with lots of content that you can re-purpose in your social media content planning. xx

    • Thank you for sharing, Bhumi. Blogging not only drives more traffic to your website, but also gives you a platform to really connect with your target audience.

  • I did a LOT of listening and reading today! ❤️ Every time I write a blog post for my business, I now know that it’s one more opportunity for my business to show up in search engines. Thank you for sharing.

  • Awesome post! Just started blogging ❤️ I think that it’s no longer a simple online diary, but your ticket to incredible opportunities. And most importantly, it gives me an OPPORTUNITY to discover myself in the process.

  • I think pretty much every year, someone somewhere declares that ‘blogging is dead’ – and yet year after year that proves to be the complete opposite of the truth.⠀In my opinion, blogging just keeps getting better and better! Personally, I can hand on heart say blogging has transformed my life!

    • Agree – it has given me a career I love, increased confidence, a plethora of new skills, and the opportunity to make a difference in the world!

  • Beautifully written, Tanya. A blog can be read by anyone, and therefore creates the potential for your story to be shared virtually around the world. I’m looking to start one soon…

    • If you are contemplating starting a blog in 2020, then I really encourage you to stop thinking about it and start doing it. It will almost certainly be one of the best decisions of your life, Harkaran.

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