Urban Diaries loves you: A Valentine’s Day special

Urban Diaries Loves You: A Valentine’s Day Special

Urban Diaries loves you: A Valentine’s Day special

Urban Diaries loves you: A Valentine’s Day special


It all started with an embellished story of a Roman priest named Valentine, who performed the weddings of soldiers who were forbidden to marry. While he was sadly executed when it was revealed that he was breaking the law, his martyrdom became a symbol of love for people around the globe. Now, Valentine’s Day is usually the time of the year when lovers exchange flowers, chocolates, and gifts; and end up splurging on a romantic date.

Although love has changed its meaning over the years, and where we once heard stories of lovers who died for each other, all we now have are news feeds on our Facebook page that tells us how quickly relationship statuses can change from “in a relationship” to “single” and back again. Youngsters breaking up over text messages and sharing their imprudence over tweets is no longer unheard of. That’s what makes me stop and think to myself, what does Valentine’s Day mean to anyone?


Urban Diaries loves you: A Valentine’s Day special

Urban Diaries loves you: A Valentine’s Day special

Urban Diaries loves you: A Valentine’s Day special

Urban Diaries loves you: A Valentine’s Day special


To me ~ each day is Valentine’s Day!

My husband, Vikram, and I have never really found meaning in celebrating such occasions. For us, love is all about making every day with your lover special. We’ve cherished some very beautiful moments together without having to wait for a big occasion to hit us on the head and remind us that we need to show our love to each other. After all, there is no point in making so much fuss just once a year only to prove you really love them.

For us, love resplendently shines in the warm glow of the sun that we watch together as it sets with the promise of returning the next day; in the mountain treks where we encouraged each other as we reached for the highest point; in the racing of our hearts as we cycled together on cobbled streets far away from our homeland; in the thrilling road trips where we referenced maps and got lost only to find our way back in togetherness. Going to the movies and sharing a tub of popcorn, or going for long walks, taking time out for each other, and going on dinner dates have helped us love each other in ways that could never be achieved in one single day.


Urban Diaries loves you: A Valentine’s Day special

Urban Diaries loves you: A Valentine’s Day special

Urban Diaries loves you: A Valentine’s Day special


I wake up to a warm smile and a good morning every day, and my day ends lying beside him and laughing with him as we share a joke or watch a funny show or remember some of the crazy things that we’ve done. Mine is the kind of life that Nora Roberts imagines for her novels. Maybe, it is time for you too, to stop waiting for just one day to keep the flame ignited; give your loved one a reason to cherish the love you two share every single day.


Happy Valentine’s Day, Beautiful People!

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Written By

* I love bringing together a bunch of conflicting items and weaving my own sense of one-ness to them. *


  • Such a beautiful piece of work ~ and glad that it can serve as a reminder. You are beautiful inside and out, Tanya!

  • What a beautiful blog post! I could not agree more with everything that you say. As much as I try to put all of what you have said into action ~ reading your post solidifies what I am trying to do. I will always return to it for moments when I need that extra reminder that love every day is what matters… xx

  • I have always admired this quality in YOU! I did a video interview recently and the agency asked who my favorite influencers were to follow, and of course you were the first one I mentioned! xo

    Btw, from the styling to the editing, everything about this blog is just amazing!

  • So true ~ agree with every point you’ve hit! You give me so much inspiration to get on that love boat & work to bring love into my day-to-day… <3

  • What a great reminder that I’m important too and that care for others is rooted in good care for myself and my loved one Every . Single . Day!

  • Stunning visuals, Tanya! I do like V-Day, although to me it’s a little overrated. I just feel that LOVE DAY should be everyday ~ just like you’ve shared. 🙂

  • Great post, Tanya. While Valentine’s Day is celebrated in most countries, different cultures have developed their own traditions for this festival. That said, wouldn’t it be nice if Valentine’s Day is observed as a day for expressing love between family members and friends as well, rather than just that of romantic couples? 🙂

  • Often chosen as the perfect day to express love and commitment, I’d rather express the same throughout the year! Thank you for sharing. xx

  • Beautiful imagery to go with your beautiful writing, Tanya. I intend to put a little effort into doing something fun and different this whole month! Like visiting a new museum, going paintballing together, or hiking a long trail that we’ve both been interested in, but never had the time for. 🙂

  • Such a lovely blog! It sounds so cliché, until you realize that it has been forever since you last took an hour or two to simply sit down across from the people you love at a table to talk. Put phones on silent and out of sight, and just give them your full attention. 🙂

    • How nice would that be! Tell them how much you love them, and include specific things that you love about them, whether it’s how passionate they are about the things they love or their strong sense of justice or just the way they smile when they’re a little embarrassed.

  • Love this, Tanya! I love dogs, and usually offer to spend the day cleaning kennels and walking dogs at the local SPCA. 🙂

    • How lovely. By investing time in something near to their heart, you are affirming that what matters to them matters to you.

  • I absolutely agree! And, while notes and chocolates are nice (and can be saved for another day), few things are as thoughtful and affirming as having your partner look directly into your eyes to tell you how much they love you and why. xx

  • Beautifully written! If you go out of your way all year round to make the ones you love feel special, you won’t have any trouble doing it on Valentine’s Day, because they’ll already know. xx

  • Lovely ❤️ Valentine’s day is just a day to celebrate love but people forget that on the other days when their loved ones actually need them, that is the time they should celebrate love.

  • This is a beautiful share. ❤️ I absolutely agree that you don’t need a particular day to express your feelings to someone… I think that love must be celebrated every day, by each person in their own way.

  • If the original spirit behind Valentines Day, was to celebrate love, somewhere down the line it has lost that. I am one of those who still have an old fashioned view of love, that it is about sharing and caring, of the feeling that some one is there for you, and you have some one who cares for you.

  • The ‘Swag se Solo’ anthem by a beverage giant, ahead of Valentine’s Day, celebrates the singleton community and rejoices their unabashed confidence… So, it’s definitely about respecting the choice of today’s generation, too.

  • Wow ~ this is such amazing advise, and I’m surely gonna apply this to my life as well from now! Learnt so much from you today. Thank you so much for sharing your insight with us, I really appreciate it. ❤️

  • This is so true. Healthy reminder, Tanya! I think one needs to understand that they can feel happy and content and celebrate that every day!

  • Wise words. Such an important thing to understand to help us in our relationships with others and with ourselves. And once we understand this it changes the way we look at day’s like Valentine’s.

  • That’s such a beautiful thought! Thank you so much for sharing it with us. I’m going to practice the same and watch my world change, too. Hope you’re having a good day today. ❤️

  • Honestly, your growth is so inspiring and there’s so much to learn from you here. Thank you so much for sharing your journey with us, Tanya. and I truly appreciate your blog. ❤️ Sending lots of love and good wishes!

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