Tips and tricks for looking better in photographs

Tips and tricks for looking better in photographs

Tips and tricks for looking better in photographs


Taking Instagram-worthy photographs comes rather naturally to some, but for most, taking a good photograph is an art they have yet to master. If you’re one of those people, perhaps you have pondered over how celebrities, models, or even your family and friends manage to be so photogenic? The secret they know, that you might not, is that it really is all about practice and positioning in front of the camera.

Although you may love the way you look personally, it still takes a little skill to ensure your beauty translates for digital photography. A good way to rehearse this is to try out several facial expressions, poses, and angles in front of the mirror. When you’ve uncovered your preferred/favourite/most liked angles and expressions, integrate them with my tips and tricks for looking better in photographs, and you are set to never take an unflattering photograph again!


Tips and tricks for looking better in photographs

Tips and tricks for looking better in photographs


1. Avoid Facing the Camera Head-on

It is seldom complementary to face the camera squarely. It can make your face look wider, bigger, or even rather discoloured. Alternatively, turn your head slightly sideways and tilt your chin either a little bit downwards or upwards; this will aid in giving your facial features more depth.

For the classic no-fail pose, think 3/4ths or 7/8ths; turn your body three-quarters of the way towards the camera, with one shoulder nearer to the photographer and one foot ahead of the other. Correct your posture; shoulders back, spine erect, stomach tucked in, and derrière tight. This pose will ensure that the camera gets you at your best angle.

Should you be taking your image sitting down, request your photographer to take the shot from above; for when your face is tilted up to meet the camera, your jaw-line will appear more defined. When standing, ask your photographer to shoot from a lower position; this trick will make you look lean and taller.


2. Facial expressions

Smile. Laugh. Candid shots are engaging and even more interesting than the conventional ‘say cheese’ obligated smile, which creates a forced look and squinty eyes. To prevent a too-wide silly grin, place your tongue at the back of your teeth when you smile. Contrarily press your tongue on the roof of your mouth to prevent the dreaded double chin; this will make your neck look longer.

Your eyes are the key. Use them. Keeping your eyes engaged while holding a pose is difficult, so close your eyes and then open them. Look a little bit above the lens. Look away, then look back to the camera; make an unexpected move or take a step. These small movements can make all the difference.

Face your eyes towards the light source: catching the light creates sparkle and instantly adds life to your expression. In case you are outdoors, move into the shade and face the light to avoid casting unflattering harsh shadows on your face. If you happen to be indoors, face a window at an angle.


Tips and tricks for looking better in photographs

Tips and tricks for looking better in photographs


3. Try the Red Carpet Pose

Celebrities are often seen posing this way because it works! Place your hand on your hip and angle your body to one side, then rest your weight on your back leg and tilt your head towards the camera while leaning slightly towards the photographer. Voila! In addition to making you look fabulous, this pose will also help you look leaner.

Additionally, crossing your ankles at the calves when standing, assists in helping your hips look narrow and making your legs look much longer. Also, crossing your lower limbs at the ankles while seated will look more pleasing than not arranging your legs at all.

And yes, seek a simple and clean background that contrasts with you. You do not want the background to divert attention away from you.


4. Makeup

It is actually best to tread lightly when it comes to makeup ~ particularly with regards to foundation. Your face masked in any sort of monotone base will look pasty and flat in photographs.

To achieve a more natural look, I would suggest using concealer only on imperfections, red spots, and shadowy areas. To look for your facial shadows, tilt your chin down just a bit while looking in a mirror. Shadows will most likely show up around your eyes, on your chin, and under your lips. I also have noticed it is easier to get the shot I want by applying a berry hue to my lips and a warm blush to my cheeks {bare lips could easily get washed out by the camera’s flash}.

At the end of it all, don’t forget that a digital camera does not generate an accurate image! What you get is just an interpretation of the light bouncing off your face.


Tips and tricks for looking better in photographs


To conclude: Study a favourite photograph of yourself. To enhance the nature of future photographs, look closely at photos from the past in which you think you looked your best. How were you positioned? What was your best angle? You’ll most likely see that you were having a great time or laughing. Capturing photographs when your subject is relaxed or most animated {as a rule} makes for the best results.


And that’s it; go get ’em, tiger/ress!

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* I love bringing together a bunch of conflicting items and weaving my own sense of one-ness to them. *


  • Some extremely valid points. I like looking away from the camera… If you do it right, looking away can really increase the dreamy/soft effect in your photos.

  • This is such a wonderful personal review post. Something we don’t see very often ~ bloggers sharing their knowledge so others can improve. As always, you are truly beautiful and wonderful inside and out, Tanya!

  • Great share. I have a new posing tip for you – I personally like posing with my hands close to my face, in my hair or neck. By the way, you look absolutely stunning – the makeup, the clothing, the setting – just perfect!

  • Absolutely breathtaking shots, Tanya! Here’s my tip when sitting: keep your back straight, make your upper body long & pull your shoulders down & chest forward. This will make you look slimmer & more elegant. 🙂

  • You have the sweetest smile, Tanya! Saving this post for later to check it out again when taking selfies or getting some photos taken. 🙂

  • Love these tips! Would be a fun challenge to incorporate them in self-shoots for practice. And, would love to see some tips on posing with bags!

    Side note: I totally love the sari you have on, Tanya! I can tell it’ll be worn MANY a time over the fall! Have a wonderful weekend! ❤️

  • Awesome tips, Tanya! It is so true that good lighting is like natural photoshop ~ haha! I hope you’re having a happy weekend!

  • I truly love the wonderful way the light looks in your photos, and I understand that it has to do with the light – first and foremost. I would love to capture my partner in the same radiant light. 🙂

  • I am pretty, but I am not photogenic. I’ll definitely need to try a few of these tricks and see how they work out.

    A question to the universe: I know everything happens for a reason and I also know that there is light at the end of every tunnel, can’t wait to step into beautiful photos!

  • The soul becomes dyed with the colour of its thoughts… Love this post ~ it totally rang true! Although, it would be great to have you make a video on how to pose for photos. I feel like there aren’t a lot of comprehensive videos on that.

  • Love your vibes, girl! My closest friend is beautiful, however she looks TERRIBLE in every picture. It really boggles my mind! I should to send her this post {since her wedding is in a month and she is super stressed that she will look frightful in all her photos}!

  • What beautiful photos , Tanya! ❤️ Well, perhaps its age… perhaps it’s the light… and possibly it’s simply life… I tend to look awful in photographs and I think this post can help me. Thank you for sharing.

  • Great post! I think being nervous and thinking your photo will turn out awful, is what makes a bad photo. The pictures you take are beautiful, by the way. ❤️

  • Tanya, I figure a good photographer can make anyone look amazing – and that’s what I endeavour to accomplish. Everybody has a beauty to them, and you have to try to capture that. xx

  • Thanks Tanya, nice tips! Will attempt to follow them as much as I can because I don’t look that great in photographs! I guess you don’t have to be perfect to be amazing… just be you!

    • Generally sound principles for life, whether you happen to be taking photos of yourself or having someone else do so, Chandni.

  • Oh, I absolutely agree! Follow your photographer’s direction on where to look. Looking directly into the camera has limited appeal and doesn’t work in a lot of cases. When asked to look a specific direction, have your eyes follow the direction your nose is pointing. Doing this produces a more honest and candid shot.

  • Thanks for this share, Tanya! I am hesitant to have my photos taken, as I consider myself unphotogenic (if that’s even an expression!). My sisters pull faces, and look amazing! I just look silly – every time!

  • Simply another reason I return every week! This one I’m bookmarking, so I can re-read when I’m feeling blah and remember that I am not alone! 🙂

  • I think most people are photogenic as children, and they somehow lose that with self-consciousness and hesitance. However, by relaxing and not trying too hard (looking essentially natural) I figure you can recapture some of that.

  • Gorgeous you! Here’s another tip, you glow differently when you’re actually happy. 🙂 And once you start believing in yourself, MAGIC starts happening!

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