The Ultimate Wadi Rum Travel Guide

The Ultimate Wadi Rum Travel Guide

We saw canyons, mountains, dunes,

 rock formations, rock carvings, and inscriptions

as we stood there awe-struck

the redness of the desert sand and sky

bathed us in cerise, coral, and carmine!


About the Wadi Rum:

What is the first thing that comes to mind when you think of Jordan? Is it mostly Petra, and the Dead Sea? But then the Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan, with all its antiquities, has other sites that are equally picturesque and eye-catching; like the Wadi Rum Desert, a majestic wilderness covering an expanse of 720 square kilometres, located near the southern city of Aqaba.

There are many ways to explore this fragile, unspoiled desert retreat. Vikram and I had a great time touring the spectacular landscape of the Wadi Rum in an open 4×4 while on our trip to Jordan. The vastness and openness of the dunes and the mood of the desert took us both to another realm where the ripples on the sand, gorgeous sunsets, and the silence gave a new meaning to serenity and peace.


The Ultimate Wadi Rum Travel Guide

The Ultimate Wadi Rum Travel Guide

The Ultimate Wadi Rum Travel Guide


With narrow canyons, dramatic cliffs, and mountains of granite and sandstone ~ this protected area is truly a tranquil escape and a haven for nature enthusiasts, campers, climbers {some 1750 mt or 5741 feet}, trekkers, and hikers. With a landscape such as this, it is not surprising that the locals call it “The Valley of the Moon” {fact file: Wadi Rum is the largest valley in the country of Jordan}. I would suggest combining a hiking trip along with a day of sightseeing in an open truck or on a camel so that you do not miss out on experiencing the beauty of the place.

To note: Naturalists will be drawn to the desert, where just like any other place the desert comes alive with rebirth, regrowth, and renewal during springtime. Whether it is the poppies, black irises {Jordan’s national flower}, red anemones, and varieties of wildflowers ~ the profusion of green, yellow, red, and other colours ~ that claim the arid valley as their own in wild abandon, is a sight to behold!

While our days were spent driving through the desert on a 4×4 and soaking in the magnificence of the red desert, our nights were spent in a ‘Martian Dome’ courtesy of Sun City Camp.



The Wadi Rum {Wadi means Valley in Arabic} epitomises the quintessential desert; the extreme summer, harsh winter, expansiveness, camels and Bedouins form the soul of the desert. We were told that the Wadi Rum Protected Area {WRPA} has proof of life that existed close to 12,000 years through the 20,000 inscriptions, 25,000 rock carvings, archaeological remains, and hieroglyphs that still exist in the area. Additionally, the presence of a Nabatean Temple is evidence of an early Nabatean settlement in the area.

The nomad Bedouins who live here are scattered in various camps, and if you are lucky, you can get invited to their tents for a cup of mint tea or cardamom coffee. Sipping tea with these hospitable and friendly desert people, sitting around a fire pit while basking in the glow of the moon and the stars as the flames flicker, would be a memorable moment indeed!

To note: Various reasons are cited for the current rock formations at the Rum; lithology, surface processes caused due to erosion {the weather conditions in the desert and the humidity in the past}, and tectonic activities. As has been declared by the UNESCO, they are testimony to the years of ongoing landscape evolution.


Reminiscing the Wonders of Wadi Rum in Jordan:

The Ultimate Wadi Rum Travel Guide

The Ultimate Wadi Rum Travel Guide


My favoured moments in Jordan would be; soaking in the essence of Amman ~ the capital city of Jordan, the ruins of Jerash ~ a very well preserved place of Roman architecture, a rendezvous with nature in the Dead Sea, and the prehistoric Jordanian city of Petra ~ a majestic place that still holds hidden secrets.

But by far, our visit to Wadi Rum was the highlight of our Jordan tour. On second thought, calling it a mere visit would be an understatement; it was an escapade peppered with heroic adventures!


We started early morning towards Wadi Rum from Petra {the entry point of Wadi Rum is just about an hour and a half away}. We reached the Wadi Rum railway station and looking at the quaint train, which was more or less like a collector’s item, was beguiling. We were told the train was the original one from the Arab Revolution when the railway line built by the Ottomans was attacked and destroyed to put an end to the dominance of the Ottomans who were the rulers of Arabia. The revolt was said to have been masterminded by Lawrence of Arabia.

Walking into the desert, the shimmering sand flowed like silk between my fingers, and the texture and feel was sensuous. Being alienated from the multitude, into the wilderness, and participating in the harmony of nature was indeed spiritual!


The Ultimate Wadi Rum Travel Guide


We ventured further into the stillness of the desert, and after a few kilometres we reached our destination. Located in the heart of the sublime desert, is the unmatched authentic charm and beauty of Sun City Camp. We switched on relaxation mode here with welcoming fresh juice and delicately scented, refreshing face towels.

Staying at this retreat was an out-of-this-world experience. It gave us a wonderful opportunity to connect with the Universe, where the peaceful echoes of the desertscape resonated with the resplendent hues that stretched endlessly in front of us, making it a divine and spiritual experience of a unique kind.


The Ultimate Wadi Rum Travel Guide

The Ultimate Wadi Rum Travel Guide



Sun City Camp in Wadi Rum
Sun City Camp
Sun City Camp in Wadi Rum
Sun City Camp
Sun City Camp in Wadi Rum
Sun City Camp


Later that afternoon, Vikram and I kick-started our exploration of the amazing landscape of the Wadi Rum with a 4×4 adventure that took us through the colourful hills, the curvature of the gorges and canyons. As the hot Jordanian sun cast its rays from horizon to horizon, it was difficult not to miss the spectrum of blues that painted the sky as wisps of translucent clouds floated unabashed in its immensity.

The scenic and fun tour courtesy ‘The Wild Wadi Rum’ through the uneven terrain of the desert was surreal and gave us a feeling of being on another planet as we took in glimpses of the red rocks, camels, and the sweeping orange-pink-reds of The Rum {this Valley of the Moon was depicted as the Red Planet and immortalised in the 2015 movie ‘The Martian’}. Our driver Salman was fast-talking, good-natured with a thick accent, and obliging {making photo stops at every turn as we explored the desert}.


The Ultimate Wadi Rum Travel Guide

The Ultimate Wadi Rum Travel Guide

The Ultimate Wadi Rum Travel Guide


As we traversed through the magnificent desert scenery, the lustre of the Universe made me feel trivial for a while as I took in its muteness. Who knew that this arid land with its lavish rock formations, myriad hued sand, and windblown dunes would captivate you with sheer distinctiveness! In fact, I was drawn to this fathomless space; its enigmatic beauty making me wonder about its limitations and boundaries.


Lasting Impressions:

I recommend these six stops that should not be missed on your Wild Wadi Rum adventure while you are in Jordan. They are amazing and they shed light on some interesting insights about the valley, its existence, and its aesthetic charm.

  1. Seven Pillars of Wisdom

This imposing rock formation has been made immortal in the book ‘The Seven Pillars of Wisdom’ by Lawrence of Arabia. With its seven fluted turrets, this iconic rock formation will leave you gasping with its sheer size. It can be seen from the Wadi Rum Visitors Centre and what still lingers, and remains fresh in our memory, is relishing our packed lunch with the view of this towering rock formation that day.

Seven Pillars of Wisdom in Wadi Rum


  1. Lawrence’s Spring

This historic place close to the Wadi Rum village is named Lawrence after Lawrence of Arabia, who fought against the Ottoman Empire during the Great Arab Revolt of 1917-18 {the place was the setting for the film ‘Lawrence of Arabia’}. The sight of Bedouins, camels, and the old camel watering trough transports you back in time to a timeless era. As do the landmark formation of pillars we had just driven by.

Some moments have to be treasured and this was one such moment; sitting under the shade of a tree on the sand, looking around wondering how the day glided by quickly, watching the camels drinking water, and enjoying the stillness and silence of the desert.

Lawrence’s Spring in Wadi Rum

Lawrence’s Spring in Wadi Rum

Lawrence’s Spring in Wadi Rum


  1. Hiking the Dunes of Wadi Rum

The red-rock wilderness of the desert, the rippled sand, and dunes swaying in the zephyr are more like a painting that breathes and is truly a sight to behold. Vikram and I soaked in the absorbing silence of the desert broken only at times by the swishing sound of the sand, and the lilting tunes of Arabic music emanating from our jeep.

It was now time to move onto our next stop; the beautiful salmon pink dune where one could go sandboarding. The dune though steep became our perfect playground for a while that day; and we revelled in the antics of childhood ~ prancing and rolling down the dunes, sand in our pockets and hair and ears ~ as we tried to race each other to reach the summit. The sand felt cool between our toes, and skeins of sun rays falling on the sand making the colours richer and deeper left a lasting impression!

Hiking the Dunes of Wadi Rum

Hiking the Dunes of Wadi Rum

The Ultimate Wadi Rum Travel Guide


  1. Khazali Canyon

This canyon slot is a large rock formation with Nabataean inscriptions that are 2000 years old. The petroglyph rock drawings, Thamudic inscriptions, and Nabataean carvings of humans and animals have an element of strangeness, and since protected from the sun, rain, wind, and people, has remained intact through the landscape has changed with time.

The gaps between the huge rocks added up to the mystery of the place, and the visuals of the rugged mountains entangled with the fragility of red sand left us awestruck and increased our curiosity to know more about the secrets of the Rum. Truly, it is the walk farther back into the jaw-dropping cave!


After taking in the expansiveness of the desert, we walked to a nearby desert camp to have sweet and spicy cups of tea; the local Bedouin way.

Khazali Canyon in Wadi Rum

Khazali Canyon in Wadi Rum

Khazali Canyon in Wadi Rum


  1. Natural Bridges of Wadi Rum

There are several natural bridges in the area, the famous ones being the Little Rock Bridge, Burdah {or Jabal Burdah}, and Umm Fruth. The valley floors are about 900-1000 meters above sea level, and the great sandstone crags rise sheer, a further 500-550 meters. These natural arches, lines and shades, do not always need perfection to look gorgeous and made us wonder about the amazing textures and geometric patterns provided by the Universe.

None of the pictures we saw before we left for the place or the descriptions we read about the Wadi Rum, captured the actual magnitude and radiance of these natural bridges. Sandwiched between the blue sky and the red desert sand, it was an experience of a lifetime. It left us both giddy and intoxicated with the sheer beauty of the place, as we posed for pictures atop the bridge formations and around it.

p.s. Those who have watched the Hindi movie Krrish will remember seeing one of these natural bridges featured in a song sequence.

Natural Bridges of Wadi Rum

Natural Bridges of Wadi Rum

Natural Bridges of Wadi Rum


  1. Watching the Sunset

This was the much-anticipated finale after a day of wandering in the desert wilderness and exploring the beauty of the land and the winding dunes. Desert sunsets are exquisite and it was a whimsical moment watching the myriad hues; gold, orange, peach, and pink on one end and violet, mauve, lavender, and plum on the other. It is not every day one gets to see such a magical sunset. The desert looked radiant in her bridal finery. We stood there and watched in awe till night slowly crept in with its dark fingers and the moon and the stars slowly peeped out. The perfection of nature and the sound of silence that engulfed us were beyond our imagination, and we just stood there watching.


Tea is synonymous with Jordanians, and one distinct feature you notice while travelling in Jordan is being offered tea wherever you go. It is aptly termed the Bedouin Whiskey in Wadi Rum because of the Bedouins who live there, who breathe life and movement to the otherwise starkness of the desert. It is customary to be served three cups of tea, and once done, you are supposed to hand the cup back to your host for a refill.

Watching the Sunset in Wadi Rum

Watching the Sunset in Wadi Rum

Watching the Sunset in Wadi Rum


Our Return

It was night by the time we returned to Sun City Camp, and though the curtains had fallen on the day, there were still a lot of other activities to indulge in. Paper-bag lanterns were lining the entrance that led to a common area where we snuggled near the bonfire, on the rug covering the ground. The colours on the diwan and bolsters livened up the ambience along with the traditional songs playing in the background. The music and singing session continued after dinner and ran late into the night, and though it was tricky imitating the dance steps of the traditional dancers entertaining us that evening, Vikram and I did manage to get the footwork right after a while.

Images of crackling fire, hot mint tea, and shisha were surreal and transported us to another zone. It was a dream watching the night come alive under the moonlight, star lights, and the mysterious planets that seemed to deeply gaze at us with eagerness and curiosity.

I would have loved to wander far from the camp to have a tête-à-tête with the heavenly stars and planets, but it was too dark for my comfort.

This day was over. Now to sleep in our dome, then wake up the next day, and enjoy the coolness in the camp against the desert sun before travelling to the Dead Sea the day after.

The Ultimate Wadi Rum Travel Guide

The Ultimate Wadi Rum Travel Guide

The Ultimate Wadi Rum Travel Guide

The Ultimate Wadi Rum Travel Guide


Adventure activities at Wadi Rum

Wadi Rum is not just about driving around in a 4×4 and walking over sand and mountains. The place offers many different adventure activities where you can soak in the magnetism of the desert and its landscape viewed from another dimension.

Hot air Balloons

This is a great way to experience the Wadi Rum, the calmness and peace of the place. The balloon ride gives extensive and glorious views of the sunrise as the ride is always early mornings when the weather conditions are perfect. The trip duration is 45 minutes and it takes you up to 6000 ft where you are treated to an entirely different view of the desert.


Flying is an adrenaline rush and if you want to have a taste of that, try out the Microlight flight. The rate is decided according to your flying time which can be either 10 minutes or 60. You will be cruising at an altitude of 1000-1200 ft. and the sweeping views are breathtaking.


It is better to have a guide accompanying you while going on treks because you can get lost in the vastness of the desert. These treks make the unexpected happen at times; feel like a nomad, and explore hidden spots.

Rock Climbing

Do not indulge in this activity if you are not a rock climber, as it is challenging and exhausting because of the steep rocky faces. This is also not an activity for those who are scared of heights. That being said, the beauty of the Wadi Rum is incredible from the top and gives you spectacular views of the sand stretching endlessly, far and wide.

Camel Riding

As we all know, camels are known as the ‘Ship of the Desert’, and taking a camel ride is the best way to experience the way Bedouins travelled in the desert and their ancient way of living. Though the pace of travelling is slow, what is appealing is the unique way of enjoying the stunning desert-scape. Camel rides are better for short distances; say 60 minutes and you might find it enjoyable.


The Ultimate Wadi Rum Travel Guide


To conclude: I had heard the desert held a certain magic, but it wasn’t until I went there myself that I understood what people meant by that. And if you listen carefully, the endless stretches of sweeping golden sand does speak to you quietly and in hushed tones…

“I like Wadi Rum, it’s the best view I’ve ever seen of what could be Mars.” ~ Ridley Scott. This quote sums up the unmatched beauty of the reddish-orange sands of the Rum that leave a tint of red and orange on your face and hair. The laughter that echoes and the silence of the dunes are contrasting and complementing and made us discern that there is immense beauty in simplicity. The unforgettable views of the sand and the sky, geological formations, sipping sweet tea with the Bedouins at various points in the desert, and the starry nights ~ made this trip rather memorable for us.


I hope this detailed Wadi Rum guide has proved useful and answers all of the questions you might have had ahead of your Jordan trip! Let us know what you think about Wadi Rum in the comments!


Disclaimer: This review was done on an invitation from the Jordan Tourism Board {Visit Jordan}, and is a narrative of the author’s experience. Due judgment and care have been applied by the author to remain objective and unbiased in the review.

Disclaimer: The material on this site may not be reproduced, distributed, transmitted, cached or otherwise used, except with the prior written permission of Urban Diaries.

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* I love bringing together a bunch of conflicting items and weaving my own sense of one-ness to them. *


  • You have an awesome ability to personalise and humanise your travel documentation, Tanya. You weave your stories with the goal that it is much the same as though we are hiking along together talking about our experiences. Thank you!

  • Extraordinary post and your photographs are stunning! I’ve needed {nay wanted} to go to Jordan for quite some time… Thanks for giving me even more motivation to visit!

    • I would highly recommend Jordan, Gayathri. There is so much to see and do that it merits spending a little while more in the country.

  • Omg, so much beauty in one place! I have heard about Wadi Rum and unquestionably need to visit Jordan. Incredible captures and extraordinary work sharing, Tanya!

  • Exploring Wadi Rum made my husband and me feel very much like Lawrence of Arabia… it’s quite an amazing destination! Bravo for camping in the desert, as we couldn’t manage without a comfortable bed and hot shower. 🙂

    • This was more glamping than camping, Vijayalakshmi. “Sun City Camp” has both {super} comfortable beds and proper toilet facilities with running water.

  • What a remarkable experience! If there’s one thing I’ve learned, it’s that the wonders of the world are not that far away. Travelling abroad is always an incredible experience and one that I hope will continue to be a part of my life.

    • Jordan was amazing, Rajeshwari! Try not to pass up a great opportunity for Wadi Rum when you go ~ it was so much fun being out there, yet so peaceful at the same time.

  • I quite recently returned home from a trip to Australia’s Northern Territory, and your photos of Wadi Rum absolutely remind me of the Red Centre – even the camels! What an amazing place!

  • Wadi Rum is the one place in Jordan I wish I had visited! I rode a camel in the Syrian Desert, however, and it was one of the most awkward things I’ve ever done! Haha!!

  • I’ve seen impressive deep red, ferrous-oxide-rich red deserts, in Arizona. Wadi Rum looks especially like that as far as landscape and rock art go. The colours of your shots are so beautiful, by the way!

  • Stunning captures, and sounds like an amazing experience, Tanya! Jordan is so enchanting – I would love to experience something similar. Thanks for acquainting me with Wadi Rum.

  • This sand blew my mind! There was red, there was yellow, and the two only minimally mixed. How many sunsets have these grains of sand seen? How many times has the wind reshaped the ripples after people and animals have walked across it? Neat to think about… Wadi Rum is simply stunning!

    • Camping out in the desert is amazing, Aniket! Everyone has distinctive experiences, but I’m glad yours were as exciting as mine!

  • This looks like so much fun! I could absolutely envision everyone enjoying the sand dunes… Isn’t that the reason you’d go there in any case? 🙂

  • Absolutely stunning photos, and the sand looks like gold! These are indeed some magical moments ~ transported me back to another time! Keep posting. xx

  • Stunning images! I did a day trip to Wadi Rum while staying in Petra. Both places were cool in their own way. Although, the sunset in Wadi Rum looked amazing with the changing colours of the desert.

  • A man is worth as much as the things he seeks… Looks like Wadi Rum was a great experience! Hope to do something like this when I visit Jordan!

  • Where normally great sand dunes would roll across the desert, in Wadi Rum they are replaced with enormous stone structures that jut out of the ground! Met this gentlemen in Jordan that insisted we watch the sunset from his favourite spot in Wadi Rum… It was by far one of the most serene views I’ve seen! 🙂

  • I attempted the sand dunes with a 4×4 and was required to stand up, because in all likelihood I’d tumble off if I sat. And yes, I agree that it was truly hard climbing up the dunes. Did you try sand surfing? Great photographs, by the way.

    • Just enough to get a really good sample of what the desert has to offer! Incredible place. One of my best trips, Laxmi!

  • Sea of red sand! Endless expanse of rock formations that have weathered many storms centuries after centuries, standing tall and strong. I love everything about this post! ❤️ Your writing and pictures are mesmerising, Tanya! Thank you for sharing.

  • Wadi Rum looks like such an exceptional affair. The sunsets are absolutely magical, and each day captures new colours! Your stunning post has left me speechless!

  • A part of Mars on Earth. Taking photos in such places is sheer pleasure, isn’t it?! Keep posting such informative and extremely useful blogs, Tanya. xx

  • Adore your pics, Tanya! Wadi Rum is a really unique place, unlike any other, both for magnificence as well as its history. Amazing to be in the same place as “Lawrence of Arabia”.

  • Our desert camp in Jordan looked somewhat familiar, yet a world away. That being said, Wadi Rum in Jordan is the place to bring it on down and enjoy the beauty of an otherworldly landscape.

  • Wow ~ absolutely gorgeous photos you’ve captured! Here’s a fun fact: Wadi Rum is home to the Zalabia Bedouin who, working with climbers and trekkers, have made a success of developing eco-adventure tourism as their main source of income. 🙂

    • The area is one of Jordan’s important tourist destinations, and attracts an increasing number of foreign tourists, particularly trekkers and climbers.

  • A lot of photographers talk about “seeing light” or “chasing light”. I realise what that means now that I’ve seen your version in the Wadi Rum desert of Jordan – definitely the softest light I’ve ever seen captured. There is nowhere I would like taking photos more!

    • The Wadi Rum is so beautiful that I have found there are no need for editing. The colours of the desert are just amazing and I’ve seen some of the prettiest sunsets there!

  • Such amazing pictures of Wadi Rum desert, one of Jordan’s incredible historic sites! Can’t have a better vacation than here; quietness, peace, and disconnection. Just us and nature!

  • To awaken alone in a strange part of the world must be one of the pleasantest sensations in the world. You are surrounded by adventure. You have no idea of what is in store for you, but you will, if you are wise and know the art of travel… 🙂

    • The tourist travels in his own atmosphere like a snail in his shell and stands, as it were, on his own perambulating doorstep to look at the continents of the world.

  • I have a book to recommend to you: The Lost World of Quintana Roo. Find it, read it but be warned – this book will push you out the door and toss you feet first into the swampy jungles of the Yucatán peninsula! 🙂

  • Epic landscape! It truly does look out of this world ~ could be a set of The Walking Dead! Your shots are amazing too!

  • One of tourism’s best kept secrets is slowly being discovered. Jordan. A country that’s almost entirely desert, yet holds everything from rolling hills, olive and wheat plantations, edgy mountains and vibrant coral reefs. Thank you for your amazing blogs on Jordan, Tanya! It’s been a pleasure reading them. xx

    • Today, there aren’t as many nomads, caravans and armies crossing this ancient land, but holidaymakers and visitors are still just as welcomed in this safe haven of the Middle East, for an experience unlike anywhere else in the world!

  • Amazing blog! The desert is the best spot to enjoy a spectacular sunset! Your visit to Wadi Rum desert feels like a real adventure with it’s breathtaking scenery!

    • It also feels quite surreal between all those harsh red rocks and the crazy perspectives which opened themselves to us. Definitely worth a visit!

  • You guys travel to exotic places! And this is such a stunning desert with incredible mountains, canyons and dunes! Who wouldn’t want to visit here?!

    • Missing our desert adventures and the beautiful Bedouin camp… I’ve got a bunch more to post in case you need more convincing! 🙂

  • “Exactly where I want to be, right here in paradise.” ~ wonderful pictures and beautiful words, Tanya! You never fail to impress! ❤️

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