The Ultimate Summer Bucket List

The Ultimate Summer Bucket List

Summer lovers know well the sunflower effect, how a person is drawn to the season like a blossoming flower. It is nature’s cycle that has sunlight filtering clear through the clouds, bringing with it a warm breeze. Unless you’re walking on the shore and letting the sand run through your toes, you should read ahead, and I’ll help you build the ultimate summer bucket list, where I provide suggestions and give you fun ideas to enjoy the season.

Personally, changing seasons bring delight to me, and the beginning of the summer feels like the sunrise. I spend time planning on how best to make the summer season memorable. Now and then, I pen down my thoughts about places to frequent, activities to indulge in, and new cuisines to try. I believe my thoughts over the years have translated into this list.

Without further ado, here’s the ultimate summer bucket list for the coming months:

  1. Take Your Fitness Routine Outdoors

While I am aware {as are you} that bucket lists do not remain ultimate forever, I would like you to use the novel ideas listed here and try new things this summer. On that note, how about bringing a change to your fitness routine?

Have you been using an air-conditioned gym? Try running in the morning or take an outdoor fitness class {while ensuring strict infection prevention and control measures are in place}. Like most metropolitan cities, Bengaluru changes face to the warm busy city starting before noon and going until late evening. Hence working out outdoors may not be practical during those hours. So, why don’t you start with the sunrise? I have always been an early riser and I quite enjoy starting my day with a neighbourhood walk. Early to bed and early to rise, I trust you know how the phrase ends.

  1. Cultivate a Herb Garden

You need not be a staunch advocate of the green way of life but, trust me, gardening is very empowering. In addition to being a low-cost solution to redesigning your kitchen or balcony, growing your own herbs gives you a fun hobby and you also get to be a plant parent ~ watching seedlings grow into healthy plants. Gardening brings about a sense of regularity as well. I hardly need to say it ~ when you have a gardening routine, you take care of your health and that of the Earth. Is there anything more significant than that?

  1. Toss up a Healthy Salad

Why change things that happen only when the sun is up? Replace dinner with a fresh salad, perhaps. I like to give my stomach some rest from hot and spicy Indian foods and detox with summer salads. The recipes are unlimited, and so are the possibilities. Last week, I prepared an exotic salad to celebrate delicious seasonal produce, using roasted cherry tomatoes, roasted chickpeas, tangy feta, and big pearls of couscous!


The Ultimate Summer Bucket List

The Ultimate Summer Bucket List


  1. Try a New Food/Read a New Book

Old is gold when it comes to food, but we have only so many summers. Why not try something new? Maybe you have never had sushi, or perhaps you would like to try oysters {delivery orders with Zomato/Swiggy?}. There is a possibility that you will discover a delectable delicacy that gets your taste buds addicted. You shall then realize the potential of being adventurous with your palate.

In my opinion, summer and books are inseparable ~ you can just relax on your porch, sip some lemonade, and devour a bestseller. I always make a list of the books I’d like to read during warm summer afternoons and balmy evenings. And, the great aspect about reading is that you can lose yourself in a great story by a new author. Technology has made me evolve into podcasts, but the joy of reading into the afternoon while getting some sun is simply incomparable.

  1. Take a Detox from Technology

Now, I know that’s asking a lot, but technology has invaded human life, and we’re addicted to social media. Just think about it. When was the last time you went without your phone for a couple of hours? What better time to take your screen time seriously than this summer? Yes, your ultimate summer checklist simply must include this detox because technology involvement really needs to be balanced. Ditch your phone, ride that bike, and go knock on your friend’s door, face mask in place and sanitiser in hand. Enjoy a face to face conversation while sipping {or not} on a refreshing beverage. As the saying goes, “No man is an island entire of itself.”

  1. Declutter your Closet

I truly believe that clothes should be cycled every season. With each subsequent summer, your light and airy clothes are taken out while the winter ones are put away. I take this time to do a little closet decluttering by identifying clothes that are not to my liking. I either donate these or sell them. Donating to a charity brings me joy, while selling is the equivalent of getting a discount on my new summer dress for which my closet now has dedicated space.

  1. Host a Barbecue Party

An afternoon soirée with friends and family, united by fresh food, cool beverages, and great music ~ I find it a fantastic way to take a break from technology and meet my loved ones in person and create beautiful memories. What more could you ask for in this world, really?!

Because warm outdoor weather BBQ parties have no specific recipe ~ if you are the host, do it your way. There are numerous ways to grill that meat/those veggies; be the inventor of your own specific style. The same goes for drinks ~ mix them as you like. Whether your vibe is more low-key with casual denim cut-offs or high-key with elegant all-white summer attire, you set the stage with your hosting skills. I personally do not go by convention because that’s run of the mill. My summer soirée should have the scent of my personality.

** You should convey ground rules to your guests as a host. Small gatherings can require a lot of preparation and effort in the coronavirus age, but seeing friends will help to relieve anxiety in these stressful times.


The Ultimate Summer Bucket List


  1. Rooftop Season!

Recently, I, along with my husband, decided to spend the afternoon dining ~ with all the pandemic rules in place ~ at a rooftop restaurant that afforded a beautiful view of the city. Sitting at a height feels like a privilege that you are a part of the skyline, doesn’t it? Although this time of the year can get uncomfortable even for those with an extreme love for summer, we, however, enjoyed a few drinks at the alfresco area before venturing into the restaurant to devour delectable hors d’oeuvres. Tip: it’s just a matter of doing some research so you can hop one every weekend!

  1. Get to Know Your Own City

Few people know their city well. Are you among those who could become five-star local guides on Thrillophilia, who could review restaurants and give expert tips for the tourist attractions in your city? If not, explore the unexplored. The status quo is boring; exploration brings the thrill and the joy of discovery. Ask yourself, do you know your town as well as you know your neighbourhood mall?

Take time on the weekends and transform yourself from a resident of the city to a tourist. There are enough landmarks, unknown streets, and local markets to explore that you never knew existed. {It can be done ~ with plenty of caveats, of course.}

  1. Go on a Road Trip

Be it solo driving or one with your best friends; there is a unique feeling driving on empty stretches by the countryside. Go hard on the accelerator with the music turned up and the windows rolled down and let the adrenaline flow! And, accomplishing this bucket list goal doesn’t mean that you have to set a destination on your map. The roads are open and continuous ~ keep going as long as you are comfortable; stop where you see a beautiful sight. Let the sunshine brighten your day and inhale that fresh air on your sunny drive through unknown roads. At the end of it all, you would have created a new memory.


The Ultimate Summer Bucket List

The Ultimate Summer Bucket List


  1. Be a Good Samaritan

The world’s a big mirror. Your acts of kindness get reflected and come back often with their own reward. Do something nice for a stranger ~ it’s a natural high that brings inner peace. Or ~

  • Feed the needy
  • Visit a nearby animal shelter and help take care of the animals
  • Pay the highway toll for the vehicle behind yours
  • Donate clothes you can do without

You could even sign up as a volunteer for an NGO that works towards causes that you believe in. There’s no exhaustive list of the good you can do in the world. When you volunteer your time and effort towards what you believe in, there is an inner energy that keeps you going. Because doing a good deed, especially on a warm and sunny day will give you warm memories to keep delighting you like sunshine when you think about them!


To note: The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) has issued recommendations to help prevent the spread of COVID-19. I propose you implement the same guidelines while making the requisite precautionary adjustments to meet your specific needs and circumstances.

To conclude: Summer’s a season that brings with it lessons that last a lifetime. I often find myself contemplating the things I would want to do this season; many entries are put on my list every year; some are crossed while others remain. I hope the ultimate summer bucket list featured ensures that you enjoy your summer to the fullest so that, by the end of the season, you may confidently say, “This has been the best summer of my life!”

What’s on your bucket list this summer? Be sure to let me know in the comments below!

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Written By

* I love bringing together a bunch of conflicting items and weaving my own sense of one-ness to them. *


  • Wonderful pictures and topic, Tanya!

    The three things on my summer bucket list:
    – a picnic in the park.
    – scouting woods for native (non-endangered) plants for bonsai terrarium ideas.
    – visit Thailand, explore and include at least one nap on a beach.

    COVID better damn end so I can do some of these things!

  • This is such a beautiful and fun bucket list! Saved it! 🙂

    p.s. My summer goal is always to go water skiing as much as I can – when I can!

  • This year I have been trying to live more in the moment, so a summer bucket list makes me feel focused and lets me learn to love some of summer’s greatest joys. Lists are always good! Thank you for sharing, Tanya. xx

    • It’s no secret that summer is the most relaxing time of the year, Geetha. Be safe, and remember it’s important to take COVID seriously.

  • That’s a great list! I am planning some summer fun and have already saved this list to my Pinterest… living for it! 🙂 Now to wait for life to come back to normal, and start living…

  • Love this list! 🙂 I’m thinking a full night under the stars…

    I love your positive posts, Tanya! I miss your heart and soul and your humour!

  • You look beautiful & that list is great! I’ve come to appreciate nature, so I guess I’d like to get out there when it’s alright to & explore some more… Praying for it all to end soon!

  • I really needed some inspiration, and everything I’ve read on your blog has been really creative! I shall now write down my summer bucket list. Jot down everything and anything I hope to do in the season ahead – precautionary measures in place – and then post it somewhere prominent where it can’t be ignored.

    Thanks Tanya! 🙂

  • Loved this!! Just made me even more excited for Summer!!

    The thing I’m most looking forward to is my first festival experience in July!! So grateful for my building’s gated courtyard where I can enjoy trees and grass and sunshine without the throngs of the city during this pandemic.

  • Couldn’t have said it any better! What words what insights! ❤️

    It’s almost summer, which would have otherwise meant – sun, freedom, beach/pool, and hanging out with my best friends 24/7! Sigh.

    Thank you for sharing! Love you & grateful for all your amazing/uplifting shares!

  • This read definitely was a nice way to start the week. xx Glorious summer months are the perfect time to try something new even if it means leaving my comfort zone and making amazing memories in the process.

    Be safe everyone and please keep following the #pandemicprecautions.

    • Bucket lists don’t need to be global or expensive. Think of things that would be important to you and then cross them off one by one. 🙂

  • Great list, Tanya! The weather’s perfect to head out and have some fun under the sun, literally. So, I intend to make sure I take advantage! ❤️

    By the way, my #pandemicprecautions: sanitizing wipes, gel hand sanitiser for my hands, spray sanitiser for the upholstery and carpet, goggles, tissues to hold things with, a shit ton of masks, disposable plane seat covers, and disposable tray covers.

  • Gorgeous you! ✨ I desperately want covid to go away so I can travel, have pool parties, and hang out with my friends!

    In any case, I intend to find some things that I’ve always wanted to do, or some things I never thought I could do, and make a plan to accomplish it this summer – all while staying safe!

    • You go girl! I’m happy to bring you the ultimate summer bucket list. Do some of what I have suggested, stay safe, and have fun!

  • This summer bucket list is really awesome! Summer – it’s always been my favourite season. It may sound cliché, but the living truly does become just a little bit easier. 🙂

  • Perfectly said. ❤️ There’s nothing like summer movie nights – me enjoying an outdoor movie at home with my BF.

    On a side note: I feel like we have done a fairly decent job of keeping busy despite not doing a whole lot these past couple of months, and yet, the time -although it didn’t feel it each day – has somehow flown by.

    • One way to help with productivity is working towards something great. ⁣I’m glad M and you are already are in a summer state of mind. 🙂

  • When I look back at the pandemic summer of 2020 at home with my family, my most beloved… I will remember that life was so sweet while the world felt like it was falling apart. I won’t forget the contradictions nor the simple moments of perfection in a gesture, a gaze, a sunset, a kiss, a just-picked warm tomato from the garden… Stay safe my friend!

  • You’re incredibly thoughtful, Tanya. Thanks for the tips.

    This week has been the strangest (and busiest!) one I’ve experienced since the initial shut down. Looking over my weekly schedule, and intend to pinpoint something I am looking forward to in my week. 🙂

  • Solitude & views. Doesn’t get much better than stumbling upon posts like this! ✨✨✨

    Here’s what’s on my Summer Bucket List for 2021…
    * create a summer playlist
    * do a digital detox for an entire weekend
    * run through sprinklers
    * make homemade ice cream
    * watch the sunrise from a beautiful spot

  • Serene goddess!! I seriously love this list ❤️!

    So excited for summer and all of these fun simple treasures… All while trying to help increase household safety and protect those around me that I love & care about. Road to inoculation…

  • Excellent post, and beautiful pics with you in floral! Thanks for this, you’re an amazing person with a loving heart… Sending you a socially distant hug! ✨

  • What a happy Monday post! ❤️ Love the support you are giving to your friends and others! I’m going to write up a bucket list of places to go and things to do this summer, for when places start reopening.  

    • Thank you, Kiran. It goes back to that whole “you can’t help others until you help yourself” mentality.

  • This is such a great idea! May have to do my own bucket list… Well, new Monday, new week, new goals. Lemme get to it!

  • Aww – love the ideas ❤️! It’s nice to have an idea for those days where you want to go do something but have no clue what to do…

    By the way, I can’t tell if it’s because this weather has me craving some better weather? Or because it’s freaking May already! But take me to the beach ASAP!

  • I’ve been counting down to the summer since last summer – haha… I’m just hoping we will have a bit of the restrictions lifted soon. And, as to your list, spend quality time with my other half away from work and all the stress!

  • Those all sound so fun! My hubby and I already are in a summer state of mind… I’m sure ready for all the summer activities! ❤️ Although, we will be missing the summer getaways because of the quarantine being imposed due to the covid-19 pandemic. Keep on wishing and praying this too shall pass.

    Just so you know, you are a slice of heaven, Tanya!

  • Who else is sliding into summer veeeery slowly this year? 😀 Although summer is my favourite season, maybe because we are so limited with time for that season, I try harder to cherish it. But, undoubtedly not hard enough. Thank you so much for sharing!

    • Summer is the perfect time to make a list of things you want to do but wouldn’t have time for throughout the rest of the year, Nalini.

  • Summer 2021 ~

    The mind is messy but cool.
    My heart is fragile but full.


    Perhaps it’s because of the ferocity with which I anticipate this season that makes it fly right by! Thanks for taking the time to curate this fun list, Tanya.

  • The sun is out longer, the days are brighter, and the weather is warmer… Nothing like a little intentional fun for the summer! ✨ Although to be honest, this feels like a deja vu of last year — except, this year there are unlimited options to have a fun and safe summer at home.
    * Reading? Alright!
    * Indoor picnic? Yes, please!
    * Food trip? Why not!

  • Looooooove this! ❤️

    I put together a LONG bucket list for this summer, and one thing on the agenda is to go to a field of sunflowers or wildflowers. I just think it would be the most peaceful place… Definitely adding these fun activities to my summer bucket list! Thank you!

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