Ways to Celebrate the Changing Seasons

Ways to Celebrate the Changing Seasons

Reasons To Celebrate Fall


The beginning of the Fall season marks the time for transition; while some enjoy the cool nights as the darkness sets in, it is time for others to bid adieu to green leaves and long sunny days. No matter what is the case for you, there are always reasons to celebrate Fall and take the time to introspect, prepare, and plan for change. I, personally, love the cosy feeling this cycle of the year brings with it, and can’t wait to share my favourite reasons to celebrate the upcoming season!


Reasons To Celebrate Fall

Reasons To Celebrate Fall


I specifically like:

Spending Nights by the Fire. Setting up a cosy fireplace and enjoying a good book wrapped in a warm blanket, or watching the flames flickering as the sun fades enveloped in the arms of your special someone, or spending quality time with your loved ones enjoying the warmth and using the fire to toast marshmallows while enjoying cups of hot chocolate ~ are among the best ways to create truly special Fall memories.

Seasonal Festivities. Considering the traditional calendar, Fall is regarded as a time for festivities and celebration. Remember that this is that time of the year where our ancestors would have been occupied with storing food to last through the winter and spring seasons. Thus, Fall is a beautiful way to see how Mother Earth sustains us. Look around your locality and see if there are food events to celebrate the beginning of the Harvest Festival, which is indicative of how well the land is endowed. And since, Fall also means that we are a skip and jump away from Halloween {or Samhain}, get into the spirit of it by trick or treating or hosting a themed soirée for family and friends.


Reasons To Celebrate Fall

Reasons To Celebrate Fall


Cook a Delectable Meal. Embrace all that the season has to offer and make the most of nature’s gifts at this time. Forge beautiful memories by inviting your friends or family members to enjoy a joint cooking experience; this way, not only will you relish treasured family recipes passed down from one generation to another, but also set the mood for the new season by sharing moments of happiness. In addition, by dressing up for dinner, you can make it a real occasion and enjoy the night in a themed ambience.

Make Some Music. For me, the tradition has been to create lasting memories by using evenings during the Fall season to engage with others and interact. In my opinion, restaurants make for a great gathering place. If music is your strength and your weakness, have a get together with like-minded friends and play for your audience. Playing an instrument is not only a skill but also a confidence booster that relaxes the mind while creating a cheerful and enjoyable atmosphere. Else, explore your local community and find music events to dance your way through the night!

I hope you enjoyed my favourite reasons to celebrate Fall! I sure am ready to find enjoyment in the little things as the wheel of the year turns towards Fall, and I wish you the very best of the season this year!

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* I love bringing together a bunch of conflicting items and weaving my own sense of one-ness to them. *


  • Oh, how lovely! ❤️

    It’s a dull morning here with a cloudy week ahead, so I’m very happy I got to enjoy the sunshine last week! Today will be a day for books, tea, chocolate biscuits and writing. Enjoy your week, Tanya. ❤️

  • Beautiful images, like a magazine shoot. I’m glad you intend to enjoy the new season as much as you can. Here’s to fall, my favourite season. Always so welcome after the long, sticky monsoons.

  • Gorgeous photos and writing! ✨✨✨

    After reading your valuable advice, I must now take time to convalesce, and not rush back to work. I know convalescence is very unfashionable in the present day, but I am a firm believer that it pays to take the time to fully mend before getting busy again!

  • Hope you soaked up every healing ray of that sweet sunlight during your stunning editorial, Tanya. 🙂

    I am enjoying some simple pleasures: a leisurely walk through my neighbourhood, carrot cake in the tin, and some beautiful flowers to start my week!

  • Such beautiful photos on your blog today – a magical moment describes them perfectly!

    It’s hard to match the beauty of early fall mornings, with the sunrise turning the sky pearl-pink over the fading daffodils and the mist still clinging to the low ground… I shall enjoy incorporating your suggestions into this season.

    • You have the nicest things to say to me, Vasudha. Thank you so much for your love!

      The light and the daffodils sound lovely. Nature waking up just a little ahead of us to prepare for the day ahead…

  • Looking lovely. ✨ I can almost smell the sweetness of that spread looking into the images.

    Sometimes, for whatever reason, we just need to step back and work on our health, whether physical or mental. ✨ I’ll look forward to your future posts and super recommendations!

  • This is stunning – totally love the vibes! ✨ You’ve certainly put me in the fall mood!

    I just recently subscribed to your blog. I’m really looking forward to reading all your posts gradually. I continually hear that they’re beautifully written and immersive, and I’ve been really enjoying that in today’s share.

  • This is so stunning! I’d want to dine there each day! ❤️

    On that note, absolutely lovely to be able to start my week with your posts; thank you for all the effort you put into it to make everything so delightful! So looking forward to your next post.

  • Beautiful post and your images are a treat to the eyes. ❤️❤️ You have such a knack for capturing moments at peak loveliness! Hopefully, we’ll all get the chance to apply your wonderful recommendations in due course.

  • Such a beautiful and detailed post. And, these pictures are absolutely gorgeous – always admire your style! Keep improving and take your time enjoying fall!

  • I’m absolutely in love with your outfit, you carry everything so well but then what’s new in that! ❤️

    On a side note: I went for one of those magical fall walks today, complete with lambs gambolling in the fields and a wood full of bluebells. Oh, and that delicious scent!

  • Oh my goodness! So beautiful, it’s like a scene in a movie!

    You really have to savour this special time of year! Take all the time you need for yourself. ❤️ Sending lots of love!

  • So atmospheric! ❤️ I would be pleased to be out and about… Nothing like a few close friends to revive and renew my beautiful spirit!

    All my love and support, happy new week!

  • This looks like a beautiful set of pictures from a magazine! ✨ A stroll in the fresh air was so lovely today morning… Last week was a good mix of work, rest & creativity, and I ended Sunday feeling excited about Monday, which is a feeling I never take for granted.

    Just so you know, I’m so glad to be connected to you on here and thankful for our friendship.

  • Fabulous you, Tanya! Your surroundings look gorgeous, too. I’m glad you regularly take the time to take care of yourself and encourage us to do the same. Can’t wait for your new post next week… Hope you have a lovely Monday! ❤️

  • What amazing photographs! They have a dreamy, fairytale feel about them… ✨✨✨ And, that’s such a simple yet lovely outfit, it really suits you!

    On that note, I’ve enjoyed reading your post – there’s so much promise in the air!

  • ‘My heart with pleasure fills and dances with the daffodils.’ Wordsworth never fails to delight,

    On that note, this is a beautiful way to start my day! I just discovered your blog, and am planning on looking back at them from the beginning. 🙂 Have a wonderful week!

  • Magical images! A little bit of heaven on earth. ❤️

    I have to say, visually, you have the most beautiful posts, which makes me want to drop by all the time. And I am so enjoying all the recommendations that you have introduced to me today.

  • Another beautiful share, Tanya! Everything about this is gorgeous – thank you for the heart-warming visual treat! ❤️ Also, really inspired by your beautiful suggestions… the simple pleasures have returned! ❤️

  • Such a lovely photo of you and your surroundings, and so full of hope! Hence, I’m now excited for Monday – that’s the attitude I am carrying with me to set this week off to a good start!

  • So pretty and inviting. 🙂 I would love to be sitting there with you, Tanya. ❤️

    I’ve truly loved all the pictures you’ve posted in your previous blogs, too. Thank you for your honesty and inspiration.

  • What a lovely setting for some tea, everything looks delicious and beautifully presented – makes me want to be there. Outdoor activities are always a good idea to make things feel better, right?! 🙂

    Thank you for being a constant light to me and others on this platform! ❤️❤️❤️

  • I often feel like I know you and will be joining you in sharing that delicious spread! 😀

    On a more serious note, your latest blog is so beautiful and elegant, like yourself. It’s always a joy to view your Instagram and read your blog posts. ❤️ Enjoy fall!

  • Those dishes look delicious and indulgent! 🙂 All the ground here is under dried leaves… but I know there are all sorts of flowers waiting to make their way into the open. Have a lovely Monday!

  • Your photos are absolutely stunning! Looks like perfect tea and reading weather!

    Fingers crossed we get some sun down here tomorrow. I’ve been enjoying your weekly shares, by the way! Keep warm and well!

  • I love the vibes in this photo set… I would be delighted to describe to you some happy moments from the start of my week – from unboxing a new bag, to enjoying a walk amongst the autumn leaves, and having a relaxing afternoon with hot chocolate & books!

  • Just a gorgeous and heart-warming scene… It has not been an easy year but these beautiful visual memories you’ve shared has put a smile on my face. ✨✨✨

    Well, I have baked a delicious marmalade pudding cake today, and I look forward to devouring that over wonderful music, and a simply enchanting read.

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