My Writing Journey So Far

My Writing Journey So Far

I recently had the pleasure of being interviewed by the Eat My News team, where I talked about my inspirations, my motivation, and how my journey to be a successful blogger/writer has shaped so far. Here’s to living this life as passionately and keenly as I do now!


My Writing Journey So Far


  1. Tell us more about your background and journey.

Tanya Fontes: Emerging from the chrysalis of a reticent girl, I’ve finally grown my wings; but it isn’t the sky that I’ve been flying towards. I have a goal that is closer to Earth, and so just like a butterfly hops from one flower to another and then from one garden to the next admiring the beauty of the world, and in turn is the source of amazement for onlookers; my journey is a discovery of new ways to fuel my passion for travel, fashion and life. From boutique hopping to country hopping, I’ve been looking at the world through a kaleidoscope of dreams, and by transforming my experience to words, I hope to inspire wonderment in each one of my readers.

  1. When did you decide you wanted to be a writer?

Tanya Fontes: Reading and getting lost in those stories is what I have been doing ever since I was a little girl. But it was my cousin who reeled me into writing. When I was about 12 years old, my cousin who was visiting for the summer holidays shared a story with me that he had written himself, and I was instantly captivated. I then started building my own world, along with participating in the worlds of other writers’. There has been no looking back since…

  1. Is it a financially stable career?

Tanya Fontes: I’ve seen people assume that if you’re a blogger, you’re a journalist, which isn’t the case. I write because that is what I know best. I can quickly give words to my thoughts and while some may say that is but natural, I think that it isn’t always easy especially when you are reaching out to a diverse audience Also, I think it’s rather interesting that technology is what really opened up that possibility for me.

That being said, money has never been the reason that drove me to pursue blogging; it will never become my primary motivator either. And I wouldn’t trade it for anything!

  1. Who is your favourite writer and why?

Tanya Fontes: Good question but a tough one! I would say Jorge Luis Borges who paints this fantasy world full of magic and never ceases to amaze me. Jean-Paul Sartre’s is another different world I love to indulge in where he tackles life-altering questions, while never letting story-telling take a backseat. The subtlety of morals endorsed by the works of Kazuo Ishiguro is something I admire in him and wish I can learn more from his work. When it comes to Hamara Desh Bharat, I must mention Vikram Seth. He is one of those who holds the power to immediately transport you to another dimension and space. Really though, these are just from the top of my head ~ the list is endless!

  1. Where does your inspiration lie?

Tanya Fontes: I personally believe a writer’s inspiration is no one but him/herself. It’s the world I create on my own, so only my past, present, and future self can help me in exploring this. I love keeping a diary and writing little encouraging messages to myself. Then by reflecting on these entries in a different light, I find new ideas motivating me to express them. Of course, my focus and dedication to writing is what keeps me going.

Tip: When you submit and dedicate yourself to writing, it is then that you realize there is a whole different meaning to the life that we live.

  1. What piece of advice would you like to give to future aspiring writers?

Tanya Fontes: Belief in yourself, I would say.

Dejection is the ultimate fall of any writer. Remember, there are way too many people out there to let your talent go unnoticed forever. Each of us has his/her own path carved, so it’s upon you to not give up and let your determination walk you till the end. Your desires will be fulfilled when the time is right. This is a belief I personally hold and plan on continuing to forge my own.

  1. Which is your favourite book and why?

Tanya Fontes: Singling out a book is a near-impossible task; however a thoughtful, engrossing book that I’m currently re-reading is “History of Love” by Nicole Krauss. The book speaks about love and loss, and the lucid language just touches my heart with its lyrical style. Krauss’s words elevate emotions, and for me, this book particularly reminds me of why I started writing ~ to display the raw parts of humanity and the struggles that we hide.

I’ve always wanted to have a different name tag appended to my name, a tag that nobody else has. But a tag everyone admires. I hope you find yours soon!


You may access my interview here.

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* I love bringing together a bunch of conflicting items and weaving my own sense of one-ness to them. *


  • Congratulations to you on all the progress you’ve made over the last 4 years, Tanya. Your work is beautiful, and you will no-doubt continue to write however it feels natural to do so. ❤️

  • As the year comes to a close and you reflect, I’m certain you are so proud of how much you’ve accomplished! Congratulations Gorgeous!

    On a side note: I’ve been making little steps on my novel writing journey. I know the advice is often to knock the draft out, don’t worry too much, edit later. But that’s not the way I work – so it’s slowing me down, but this way, I feel good about what I’ve produced. Anything to keep the self doubt at bay! ✨✨✨

    • Oh Bianka, thank you so much!

      I know exactly what you mean. 🙂 I edit as I go too. I imagine for a novel this does slow the pace, but like you ~ I need to like what I’ve got on the page.

  • You have been so productive with your writing on here, and I know this is just the beginning of it all! I have said this before, but I truly believe that you have found a place where you and your passion truly belong… May your world constantly be flipped upside down for the better! ❤️

  • Tanya ~ the writing community and the indie scene are honoured to have you in them! ❤️ I’m in the process of setting up my writing/publishing goals and plans for next year. It’s going to be the start of a new decade (hopefully sans the pandemic), and it looks like I’m going to be starting it off with a bang!

    • Thank you so much for your kind words and support, Snejana! I can’t wait to see all of the exciting things you have planned for the new year!

  • This is super exciting! The day you made the choice to start focusing on writing and self-publishing (on Urban Diaries), was the moment you made this world a better place with your words and your perspective! ✨✨✨ Love you and I wish you all the best!

  • Congratulations love! You certainly write what we want to read! ✨

    On that note, I’m loving the changing of the seasons. It may not be autumn/fall here but winter is its own kind of special, and with it, we enter my favourite part of the year! Halloween, my birthday month, Christmas… ❤️

  • Congratulations, and thank you for bringing us on the journey with you! ❤️

    By the way, this week I finished Over the Borderline by #authorleannafloyd. It was such an absorbing read with plenty of twists and a “what the?” cliff-hanger that has me craving the sequel! Have you read it?

  • I love this ❤️ thank you for sharing! I can’t wait for your first novel to be out there for the whole world to enjoy! And you already know this by now, but Urban Diaries is my favourite blog-site!

  • It was great to read your answers and learn a bit about your writer’s journey. 🙂 I, personally, love the part right before you start writing… when you get to bring your story to life inside your head.

  • This is so awesome! Love your answers, Tanya! ✨ With all the murky degradation and ill in the world, I also crave the simplicity and honesty of words ~ away from politics and the heavy emotional burden that the world’s complications pile on top of us!

  • Your notes had a gently nostalgic mood, and that was like having a talk with a close person from my inner circle that I haven’t seen for some time… Congratulations!

  • This was so beautiful…. I felt transported to another era! 🙂 I would like to add that when I started my writing journey about a year and a half ago, I came to learn that life isn’t about wealth and fancy things ~ this helped me enjoy the little moments/the trifles in life!

  • Tanya, I am so happy for you and I am so glad you’ve shared this. You have accomplished so much, and it’s amazing! Also, thank you for always being an encouragement to others. ❤️

  • This really is so inspiring to see (you out there, living your best life and smashing all your writing goals!). And you are only continuing to grow… ✨ Thank you for being a constant light to me and others on this platform!

  • So beautifully said! Anything is possible, indeed. As long as we hold on to the vision… Congrats on all your amazing accomplishments. You really do inspire us all! ❤️

  • Loved reading these answers! How are you constantly this adorable, I can’t even… Also, I LOVE this picture of you! ❤️ Best of luck to you on this journey!

    I would like to add a point as well (on a slightly more serious note). 🙂 A reader’s gut instinct about what “feels off” is startlingly keen. I rarely dismiss a negative comment, however small or innocuous–BUT, I grant myself the freedom to fix it in my own way.

  • So fun to learn more about you as a writer! ✨ Your are a true beauty, and all your blogs are fantastic!

    Not gonna lie: I would read the HECK out of any novel you publish!

  • What has emerged via Urban Diaries is something that parallels your stories even better with themes, images, and circumstances! And, of course, we are all be able to see the magic of it’s influence through the sheer number of encouraging and appreciative comments on here! Congratulations my dear!

  • You look pretty, I know that much! ❤️

    On a more serious note: You’re one of the most sincere people here, and you’re more authorly than the term but more than authorly you enjoy little lively pleasures and care for people and that means a lot more!

  • Nailed it.

    I was curious about your process… so I was definitely intrigued to read this. Can’t wait to read your work one day…

  • Love this picture, and I love that writing advice! 🙂

    To share… Quite honestly, my goal is to first finish my first draft and then see where I go from there. I’m kinda insecure about my writing cause I only started writing seriously like 2 years ago, and although I have improved somewhat, I still feel like I have a long way to go…

  • I love your answers to these questions! ✨ Such a pretty photo, too.

    On that note, when we permit ourselves to write anything, however messy, unorganized, confusing, and tragic it might be… we find ourselves. We find the words we desperately need to tell our stories. We begin to understand what it is we are trying to say. It is only then that we can mould those words into beautiful masterpieces (we’ve always dreamed of)!

  • I read and re-read this… It is one that I know I will refer back to again and again to keep me on track to accomplish my goals.✨✨✨

    p.s. Free writing is an exercise I find useful to explore my thoughts, too.

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