My Winter Skincare Routine To Prevent Dry Skin

My Winter Skincare Routine To Prevent Dry Skin

My Winter Skincare Routine To Prevent Dry Skin

As Autumn gently leaves us and winter creeps in, the pleasant evening winds work a wonder on our mood and it is easy to forget how the cold winter winds can affect our skin. As the days grow shorter and the nights colder, switch your skincare routine to combat all those skincare challenges that come with the season.

Cold winds combined with indoor heating and a drop in air humidity can act as catalysts of skin problems like dehydration {read: fine lines} and sensitivity {read: itchiness and redness}. This is why I accommodate some easy changes in my beauty regime which ensures that winter doesn’t act as a deterrent for healthy and glowing skin. If you are still looking for a beauty routine suitable for the winter months, then follow my winter skincare routine to prevent dry skin to help your skin prepare for the chill that sneaks in with the season.


My Winter Skincare Routine To Prevent Dry Skin

My Winter Skincare Routine To Prevent Dry Skin


Switch up your cleanser

The weather serves as a beautiful backdrop against which we lead our lives, and just as changes are necessary in this backdrop, we need to change our beauty habits to complement the change in the climate. With sweat and sebum being the primary concern of the sunny summer months, foaming cleansers work like a charm when the days are hot. But winters are dictated by dryness, so it is time for a creamier cleanser that does its job without breaching the protective barrier on your skin.

Double up on moisturizer

If you’ve been fighting the woes of oily skin for the most part of the year, it is time to sit back and enjoy the goodness of oily skin in winters. All you need is a drop size portion of fresh moisturizing gel while the rest of us slather creamy lotions all over our body. Dry skin can get a lot of help from creams that have barrier-repairing ceramides and fatty acids, as these promote water retention. To enjoy the plumpness of hydrated skin, add a layer of a quenching serum {my skin loves hyaluronic acid} before you apply your day cream.

Try an oil

Facial oils are another trick that saves me from dry and itchy skin. When the mercury falls, I end up mixing a few drops of the oil with my day cream {you can mix it with your cleanser, night cream, or apply it as is on warm, freshly-cleansed skin}. The oil restores balance to your skin and helps in containing the moisture within. In simple words, your skin becomes petal-soft!

Get into exfoliation

A common winter problem is dull skin coupled with uneven pigmentation. This calls for an exfoliator that can gently remove the layer of dead cells from your skin giving you a fresh and glowing look. There are several products that can help you with gentle yet effective exfoliation; gritty scrubs, textured cloth, creamy enzyme masks, and liquid peels being the most common ones. The best time of the day to indulge in exfoliation is during the night because your skin will not be exposed to UV rays after the exfoliation. A layer of serum or moisturizer will help protect your exfoliated skin.


My Winter Skincare Routine To Prevent Dry Skin

My Winter Skincare Routine To Prevent Dry Skin

My Winter Skincare Routine To Prevent Dry Skin


Pile on the extras

Another addition to your beauty regimen is moisturizing your entire body. While the face gets all the attention, the rest of your body, under layers of wool is craving a moisturizing boost as well. A rich body lotion is a must to keep flakiness at bay. A protective lip balm is another necessity given the fact that our lips have to face the winter months without any oil glands of their own. Be generous with the softening creams you use on your hands and feet and winter will be kind to your skin.

Replace hot water with cold

Did I just say that! Apparently, too much hot water can dry out your skin further while cold water keeps the moisture intact. I personally can’t tolerate cold showers, so I use lukewarm water and wash my face with cold water. You can either turn off the hot water for the last bit of your shower or you can do as I do.

Infuse your water

Hydration never takes a backseat no matter what time of the year it is. But winters happen to make hot coffee more luring than a sip of plain water. To get more water in my system than caffeine, I have been infusing my water with some delicious fruits and herbs. I kill two birds with one stone with this because the water helps me stay hydrated while the fruit or herb nourishes my body and skin.

That’s my winter skincare routine to prevent dry skin revealed! Do you have any winter skincare tips you swear by? I’d love to hear them!

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* I love bringing together a bunch of conflicting items and weaving my own sense of one-ness to them. *


  • These are amazing tips! My own personal rec, to assist with the moisturizing tips, is Yu-Be Skin Care’s moisturizing skin cream. Feels gentle yet is very effective. 🙂

  • Your post is elegantly composed and explained, Tanya. For me, a winter skincare routine is fundamental to keep dryness and other skin issues at bay (as I have sensitive skin).

  • I truly love winter as it is synonymous with the Holidays (for me, in any case), however it really is a bummer to endure winter dry skin. Great tips, thank you for sharing. xx

  • Thanks for these amazing winter skin care tips, Tanya! I hold these truths to be self-evident, that skin care is paramount!

  • Excellent tips, thank you! I might want to include that I think its fundamental to use a high quality organic lip balm. 🙂

  • Wonderfully composed, Tanya. Every one of the tips in this post appears to be exceptionally valuable for women as well as men, too. I have even shared it on my Instagram so my followers can read about winter healthy skin. xx

  • Beautiful blog on skin care, with valuable tips on the most proficient method to keep our skin protected from winter dryness. Thanks for sharing.

  • These are amazing tips to deal with skin drying weather, Tanya. Tea tree oil is a particularly good cure for dry skin in winter, and regular use will enable you to keep your skin hydrated for a longer time. It additionally leaves your skin feeling soft, supple and glowing. 🙂

  • Thank you for this informative post, Tanya. I generally keep up my skin care by using natural products, as they work great for my skin-type. xx

  • Effective! I am absolutely in love with your post. Thankful to have found something non-toxic to keep my skin looking supple & youthful!

  • Amazing tips! Cool air and winter winds pummel our skin. So I love to pick products that are intended to moisturize and protect!

  • Omg AMAZING! My hands definitely need extra LOVE during the cold weather… Thank you for these body care tips for transitioning into the chilly months! xx

  • Great reminder. ❤️ I love getting my skin ready for Fall/Winter with #youthtothepeople Adaptogen Deep Moisture Cream. This is one of my favourite moisturizers ever. I’ve gone through a couple of these – both gifted & purchased on my own. It gives your skin deep hydration without feeling heavy or clogging pores. Have you tried it yet?

  • Love these tips! ✨ Building up your skin’s barrier can take 1-3 months and is a vital step to avoid dehydrated, irritated and weak skin. Keep inspiring!

  • This is so helpful! I would love to add your suggestions to my #skincare routine. Thank you for sharing all this information with us, Tanya!

  • Although the sun might not feel as strong in the winter, it’s a huge mistake to skip sunscreen during this time. Sunscreen should be a staple part of your routine no matter the weather or time of year is! Can’t wait to hear your thought about spf… Beautiful images, by the way.

    • Totally agree with you about the sunscreen in winter, Sushika.

      When it’s cold outside, it is easy to think you may not need sun protection. The fact of the matter is both UVA and UVB rays are still very much present in the cold weather months and even on cloudy and rainy days.

  • The weather is finally cooling off where we are, which means my skin definitely needs some extra love. Although, I have a preference for body oils – when applied to damp skin, it effectively locks in moisture, and active ingredients are able to penetrate into the skin much easier, delivering the skin-loving nutrients where they are needed.

    Do you prefer a moisturizer or body oil?

    • I’ve dedicated a whole post to body oils. I personally use Moroccan Argan Oil, which is rich in vitamins A and vitamin E that helps to boost cell production while promoting healthy skin and hair. But in winters ~ I prefer a rich, cream-based moisturiser.

  • Seasons are changing and so are the moisture levels in our skin! I definitely think that weekly masks are a great way to add in an extra boost for dull, dehydrated skin. 🙂 On that note, these (your tips) are great options for ANY dry skin issues!

  • With this change in temperature, it’s time to put away our lightweight moisturizers in favour of cream-based moisturizers, since we need to focus more on hydration. Glad to always have you here to help us look and feel our best! ✨✨✨

  • Beautiful written, Tanya. During the colder season, a little body butter always helps me. And, my hand and cuticle salve takes care of those nasty hangnails! Here’s to stocking up on your cold weather essentials! ❤️

  • Beautiful presentation! I use an Aloe-Vitamin moisturiser; Aloe Vera has long been used as a home remedy to deal with dry flaky skin. It’s believed to have soothing properties to restore smooth supple skin.

    On a side note: Love to read your posts, and I have very high regards for you.

  • Love this aesthetic! I love how everything looks perfectly placed. ✨ Thank you for putting together this list that have no-doubt kept your skin glowing over the years no matter how dry the weather! Lots of love and power to you, and may your blog readership only grow stronger! ❤️

  • Love the advice! Because no matter how healthy your skin is, it still needs constant hydration and nourishment. May you always keep inspiring!

  • Ooooh, I’ll have to give these a try! I have rather dry skin in winter, and it becomes very difficult to manage my dull skin and keep it hydrated. So, thank you for sharing these amazing tips! ✨✨✨

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