My Beauty Secrets

My Beauty Secrets

First impressions are definitely the best! And, the best thing about being a woman is that we have a plethora of looks to choose from to create the perfect first impression as well as subsequent ones. But let’s not forget that creativity expressing different versions of ourselves is not just about fashionable outfits, it’s also about beauty.


My Beauty Secrets

My Beauty Secrets


With that said, there is something about the way we get up every morning that lays the groundwork for the rest of the day. “Golden Hour”, the most beautiful time of the day, is an artist’s favourite ~ for it beautifies everything. And, mornings have always been quoted as the best time to do anything, as the first rays of the sun bestow an elegant softness and delicacy to everything it touches. So, what better time than this to take care of yourself?

Let’s start with our skin.

I personally believe that flawless skin is the first step and the foundation to a flawless look. Following these tips {my beauty secrets} will undoubtedly benefit you, and will ultimately be a significant facilitator in restoring your skin’s texture and tone.

Sweat It Out!

We know that regular exercise results in a healthy, fit and toned body ~ but did you know that it promotes a healthy complexion too? I always walk out with dewy and radiant skin after I finish a yoga session ~ the same applies after a long run or a spin class.

As you sweat, you are not just burning extra calories but the process of sweating also opens up your pores, effectively expelling nasties and giving you clearer and cleaner skin. This works the same way steaming works to open up the pores but with the added advantage of giving you a better body shape and improving your fitness level. Just don’t forget to wash with a mild cleanser immediately after your workout so that all the dirt and sebum don’t just sit there to cause clogging later. Make this a habit and greet every day with confidence!

Drink That Water!

The phrase that an adult human body is composed of 70% water may sound cliché, and yet, the role of water for beautiful skin is crucial. As you gradually increase your water intake the elasticity of the skin increases, which ~ prevents premature ageing and wrinkles, prevents acne by balancing the oil and water content on the skin of your face, and so on. The improvement in my skin tone and overall skin health is quite visible, especially when I up my drinking water game to 2.5 litres a day. Of course, an increase in water consumption is equally important for your general health as well.

Just remember that upping your water intake won’t help you achieve the desired results overnight; the process may well take a few weeks until your body gets accustomed. Either way, drink that water and your body and skin will thank you later.

Ample Sleep!

Just like drinking sufficient water is beneficial for health, likewise, sufficient sleep is important for your overall health too. Of course, restful sleep comes with many advantages and you will notice them particularly with regard to the regeneration of your skin, resulting in a radiant and youthful you! Now, if you are already aware of the “Beauty Sleep” concept, you might want to call me “Captain Obvious” ~ but the number of people who are sleep deprived and yet complain about their skin surprises me.

I can tell you from experience that when I wake up from a good night’s rest, I see a noticeable difference in my skin, the reduction of my large pores being one of them. And the best part ~ sleep is free! So, get those eight hours of sleep and your skin will return the favour, glowingly!


My Beauty Secrets


To conclude: Visiting a dermatologist if you have skin issues like cystic acne or eczema is always the best course of action, but if it is otherwise, with these simple lifestyle changes you would be able to keep a majority of skin issues at bay. And while cosmetics are a good option, when it comes to more natural means to tackle your skin health concerns, the simplest of adjustments {my beauty secrets} in your routine and lifestyle can help the skin age gracefully and beautifully!

I hope you enjoy these beauty tips I have recommended, and share your thoughts by leaving a comment below! I’ll be waiting to hear from you!


Disclaimer: The information provided here is not intended to take the place of a physician’s or healthcare professional’s diagnosis, treat a medical condition or provide medical advice. Always consult a specialist or your own doctor for more information.

Disclaimer: The material on this site may not be reproduced, distributed, transmitted, cached or otherwise used, except with the prior written permission of Urban Diaries.

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Written By

* I love bringing together a bunch of conflicting items and weaving my own sense of one-ness to them. *


  • I absolutely love this post! ❤️ I’ve learned that priorities change, goals change, our bodies change. Change can be a REALLY good thing, so long as you’re progressing forward and learning from the past, not dwelling on it, but truly learning from what has worked and hasn’t worked with the overall goal of becoming a better version of yourself than yesterday.

  • Such great tips! ❤️ For me, it’s all about OPTIMIZING my routine to get the best results possible for what I want and need – and put me in a solid position for the future!⁣

  • Feels like this was curated especially for me. 🙂 On a more serious note, this is so true! And so good for women to focus on – especially as we get older… Thanks a ton for sharing your experience with us!

  • This resonates with me so much! ❤️ Maybe it’s COVID, but I celebrate talking about the phases and changes in our lives! I know my body well now and what it needs and when it needs it – but it took a long time of trial and error to get here. And trust me; I’m still learning daily as our hormones and bodies are changing daily.

  • Love this – gorgeous inside and out! ✨

    To add to your post, I would say your mind is like a muscle that you constantly need to work on growing. I listen to podcasts daily, listen to audiobooks, meditate, focus on breath work and have truly become someone who is open to learning and doesn’t think I have it all figured out. I hope this inspires everyone to rethink the diets, the way they talk to themselves, focus on recovery and on a sustainable healthy lifestyle!

  • Yes to this! ❤️

    Making the right choices can be complex, influenced by many factors. Yet to be successful at it, it’s important to deal with health and wellness on a rational level. So take a step back, analyze your decision-making process, and see what traits you can identify to help you make the right life choices.

  • Thank you for this invaluable post!

    I have been staying true to my goals, and the lifestyle I want for myself. I have definitely been challenged in many ways, and am also seeing how my dedication is starting to pay off.

    You can transform yourself
    You can become who you want to be.
    You control your life, nobody else.
    Get started now!

  • I absolutely love this! ❤️ And appreciate that you encourage balance and the removal of shame as we do the work to learn what our body needs to be our best selves. Thank you for the guidance!

  • Your posts are worth reading, always! There are definitely trade-offs you have to make in order to reach certain goals but life is all about balance! You got this!

  • Inspiring ✨ It’s true that good health is not just the absence of disease or illness, it is a state of complete physical, mental, and social well-being. This means eating a balanced diet, getting regular exercise, taking care of your skin, and getting plenty of rest.⠀

  • You’re amazing ✨ love this and love you more!! ❤️

    Here’s my little reminder that happiness starts inside of you. Start there & the rest will follow.

  • Absolutely love this! ❤️ Simple and effective wins every time!

    We have a tendency to look outside of ourselves to feel better – I’ve been able to be more grounded and clear on my thoughts and development as a result of making it point to do the points you’ve mentioned daily.

  • Am so grateful for all the guidance. You are my inspiration, Tanya!

    On that note, some days are better than others and some days it all goes out the window, but I make it a point to remember that what I do every day is more effective than what I do once in a while. 🙂

  • So informative ❤️ love it!!

    Practice more good habits and have more good days than bad days, and you’ll find yourself living a happy life.

    That’s just my two cents.

  • These tips are so helpful!! ❤️

    I wholeheartedly believe in balance. Eating healthy, thinking healthy, exercise, adequate amount of water, nutrient supplementation with vitamins & minerals, good sleep habits… these create a healthy life!

  • Probably the best thing I’ve learned today. Whether I choose to stick to this for a few weeks or for the rest of my life, I’ve learned a lot of information worth sharing. I look forward to having you take us all on this wellness journey with you, Tanya!

  • Okay, I NEED to try this! Love learning from you ❤️

    The lesson of the day: What you can achieve today – don’t leave for tomorrow!

    Wishing you a relaxing Monday, Tanya.

  • Beautiful! ✨ Your words are very powerful, and repeating these recommendations to myself assists in keeping me calm, focused and confident. I guess one could never go wrong with some extra positivity. Thanks for sharing!

  • You glow differently when you are happy. ✨

    It’s so important to remember that even making small changes will show results – if they are stuck with! Keep inspiring & rocking, Tanya! ❤️

  • I love this, thank you so much for reminding us of the important habits in life and for being an example of this, Keep pushing and keep motivating us with your posts, Tanya!

  • I couldn’t love this more! Change your perspective, change your life.

    I love that you allow us to be a part of your journeys, Tanya. My advice for your readers in whatever their journey of growth right now is this – trust the process & consistently show up for yourself!

  • Looooooooove all of these tips! Fresh mindset, fresh start!!

    To rephrase ~ to recognize what good your amazing posts do deepens my appreciation for your presence in our lives, individually and collectively.

  • Love that you always provide value with your posts, Tanya. ❤️

    I absolutely believe that the payoffs of healthy habits are REAL. It’s not easy, there is no quick fix, each and every day you have to CHOOSE YOU and KEEP choosing yourself…

  • Surround yourself with people who push you to become the very best version of yourself… I’m glad I have you! Thank you for all that you do. ❤️

  • So true! Love this motivation! ❤️ I know how my energy transforms and vibrates higher when I align to my truest values.

    On that note, I can’t reiterate enough why you are my most treasured content creator. Adjectives fall short. ❤️

  • “When it comes to staying young, a mind-lift beats a face-lift any day.” – Marty Buccella

    On that note, thank you for the reminder… I needed it!! And, you look so elegant. ❤️ Well, it’s the perfect time to try these tips that will push me past my comfort zone and help me get closer to my wellness/beauty goals!

  • Many thanks for your valuable tips! ✨ I think the important takeaway here is to focus on becoming healthy. ✨ Eat healthily and live a healthy lifestyle.

    More power to you… you are my inspiration, Tanya.

  • You’re the perfect blend of grace & style, Tanya. ❤️

    By the way, just reading through your posts gives me goosebumps… Your words on wellness are a treasure. Thanks for writing in detail. Looking forward to many more.

  • It certainly is all about finding a way to live that helps you feel amazing! ❤️ Thank you for sharing such valuable tips via your experience, it will undoubtedly be enlightening to all who access this post.

    On a side note: It brightens up my day to see you – and you look beautiful. ❤️

  • This sounds right up my alley… Imagine what my life could FEEL like if I simply decided now was my time! ✨ Just so you know, it’s good that you are sharing your own personal experiences; it will definitely be helpful for many. ❤️

  • Thank you so much for sharing this. ✨

    I would like to add a point as well. Don’t accept bad energy in your life, and keep your spirit high with daily affirmations. Small positive actions every day, and practising them on a regular basis will make you happier, increase your self-esteem and will make you sleep better!

  • Thank you for documenting your experience, Tanya. It helps clear many myths.

    Thought for the week: Every flower must grow through the dirt, just like each human must persevere through their own challenges and struggles. What matters is that when faced with these struggles, we march forward – knowing we will bloom soon. Keep going, my friend!

  • Loved it. Yet to read the remaining ones.
    You are such an amazing person and are strong with the pen. Keep your writings coming.

    Nice connecting here.
    Lots of love, darling.

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