Lifestyle Blogger Toolkit

Lifestyle Blogger Toolkit

Lifestyle blogging is a niche that is quickly gaining traction in the realms of blogging. Yet, I have come across a lot of people who are not quite sure what this entails. It does not surprise me because lifestyle blogging can include any number of blogging topics. But the one thing that I must clarify before we proceed further into what a Lifestyle Blogger Toolkit entails is the fact that lifestyle blogging is not personal blogging. Lifestyle bloggers may end up including personal experiences but lifestyle blogging is more about sharing your unique blend of interests with the world and that is not the same as sharing your personal stories. I hope today’s post will help you to shape your lifestyle blog’s focus so that you can create content more easily and feel more confident in owning your lifestyle niche.


Lifestyle Blogger Toolkit


Lifestyle blogging as a platform for influencers offers a broad niche and is somewhat similar to what printed magazines have to offer. They offer content inspired and curated from a person’s personal interests and daily activities; e.g. fashion, home decor, beauty, well-being, travel, food, and a whole lot more. In effect, your lifestyle blog will experience different chapters, as you do personally.

If you are planning to join the lifestyle blogging bandwagon then here’s my Lifestyle Blogger Toolkit that will prove useful in your journey from the first post to becoming popular through your blog.

  1. Creating a Catchy Name

Begin by creating an interesting name for your blog. It should match your personality and reflect the character of your blog. When you first begin looking, you will end up realising that many of the names that interest you have already been taken, so you will need to get really creative.

  1. Developing a Unique Voice for Your Blog

Once your audience begins reading your blog, they will soon find a pattern and they will recognise your work from then onward. This is how you tell your audience about your voice through the blog. Use it to give your blog a personality and as much as it is good to stay innovative, don’t lose the true essence of your voice in all your efforts towards getting creative. Your readers will appreciate this effort.

  1. Finding a Niche

Lifestyle blogging will allow you to write about a lot of things. In this way, I find lifestyle blogging to be extremely generous. You can write about personal style, beauty and skincare, entertaining at home, sports you love, cooking techniques, affordable travel and adventure… and still be a lifestyle blogger. But no matter how many categories you choose to write in, you must have at least one niche that targets the majority of your audience.


Lifestyle Blogger Toolkit

Lifestyle Blogger Toolkit


  1. Photography Essentials

Good visuals are always appreciated, so invest in a good camera. If you are starting on a budget then use good editing apps and click pictures using your mobile phone. But remember to transition to a nice DSLR after a certain point of time as high-quality images will help you draw more readers.

  1. A Creative Space

Most bloggers are very creative. I will not say that creativity is a necessity but it will certainly help when starting with your blog. As a lifestyle blogger, you will be sharing creative ideas with your readers so find a work-space that helps you explore your creative side.

  1. Joining a Blogging Community

As connecting with other bloggers will open your mind and help you experience blogging at a new level, join a good blogging community where you can get to know other bloggers.


Lifestyle Blogger Toolkit

Lifestyle Blogger Toolkit


  1. Blogging Apps

There are numerous blogging apps and tools that can help you improve user experience, and provide quality content to your readers.

  1. A Trusty Notebook and a Pen

Laptops, tabs, and phones are good but nothing can be better than a good old notebook and pen to jot down ideas as and when they come to your mind.


To conclude: Use this lifestyle blogger toolkit to begin your journey as a lifestyle blogger and let your everyday experiences educate you as you continue to interest your readers. Whilst I truly hope that you have enjoyed this post, I will continue to share the lifestyle elements I enjoy, to most authentically be the ‘lifestyle blogger’ I want to be.

What interests you right now, both as an individual, and perhaps as a blogger? What does your ‘blend’ look like? I’d love to hear from you!

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Written By

* I love bringing together a bunch of conflicting items and weaving my own sense of one-ness to them. *


  • I absolutely love your content, Tanya, and love that your blend feels uniquely ‘you’! You have SO many great resources for discovering your brand. So excited for your future posts! ❤️

  • I like to mix up my subjects, but tend to usually talk about interiors, fashion, parenting, mindfulness and creativity. Loved this post! Looking forward to exploring your blog more!

  • I love this ~ it’s perfect for aspiring bloggers who wish to take their blog to the next level! My blend as a lifestyle blogger has been moving more towards becoming a minimalist lifestyle blogger. 🙂

  • I’m presently going through a blogging meltdown so I decided to ask “google” a few questions and figure out why exactly I started blogging… and yeah, your blog post popped up on the first page! I clicked on it hoping to get a few answers… and I did get a lot. Thanks for this! xx

  • I just found you through a recommendation, and I’m so glad that I did. I felt like I couldn’t define what it was I was writing about… and reading this just showed me that it’s okay for it to be that way. ❤️

  • LOVED this and really needed to read this today! Everything you’ve said has been floating around my head for weeks now, and you’ve put it all into words so eloquently, Tanya!

  • This is exactly what I needed to read right now… Handpicked tips that actually work, first-hand experience and just the best tools to help you grow! Thank you for sparing your time to curate this, Tanya! 🙂

  • You do such an amazing job balancing all of the roles in your life; plus your articles are always top notch! Thank you for sharing!

  • Even though I feel like I am experienced in the blogging world, I wanted some help with monetising/affiliate marketing, etc. I’m clueless when it comes to that… and any help to drive traffic to my site is needed as well.

  • Awesome tips, Tanya! I don’t believe in a niche either, because we are all living, breathing people who have numerous interests and passions… 🙂

  • I love every point you have made, Tanya! While the average life of a social post is 2-3 days, a blog post can drive traffic to your site for years! I’m committing to blogging more for my business this year, instead of just for my clients…

  • All of these are great post starters! My favourite one would be writing a post that runs counter to a widely held belief or opinion… Thanks for the inspiration.

  • Often times there’s value in group think (lions = bad/avoiding lions = good) but other times we’ve all gotten it wrong, and we’re desperately in need of someone to come along and show us there a different way. Thanks for sharing your insights, Tanya!

  • I like these tips – they seem to be very useful… Blogging done right is definitely the way to go! ✨ By the way, these are the type of posts that really capture your persona, Tanya!

  • Awww ~ amazing share! I seriously feel for the blogger who goes through this journey of feeling pain, joy, love, excitement… It is certainly not simple to become an influencer of repute. Lots of love! ❤️❤️❤️

  • Oooh ~ I love this post! I think it’s wise to be suspicious any time people say there’s only one way to do anything… And I’m really prioritising keeping up with my own blogging niche, too. Thanks for sharing. ❤️

  • Amazing tips! This is on my mind a lot lately. Have some other to-dos first but this is high on the priority list for this quarter! I’m also looking forward to reading more from your Blogging Tips section – looks like you’ve got a ton of great info there!

  • Blogging seems to have been so rewarding for you! Thanks for sharing this wonderful resource, Tanya. You’re about to change some lives with this! Looking forward to dropping by more often… ❤️

  • I’m feeling all the positive energy! I started building my blog a year ago and it’s been an interesting journey… Can’t wait to incorporate these tools to help me grow even more! Thank you for sharing.

  • This Lifestyle Blogger Formula is definitely my one-stop-shop that shows me how to finally start making real connections with brands – regardless of my traffic or how long I’ve been blogging. Thank you! ❤️

  • I can relate to every single word you have written! In the last 3 weeks I’ve started to learn how to write, design, create a website and be patient with a slow computer. I’ve been studying the “do’s & don’t’s” of blogging… So, thank you so much for this and I can’t wait to read your new posts!

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