5 Simple Ways to Stay Motivated That Actually Work

5 Simple Ways to Stay Motivated That Actually Work

Motivation often comes as a sudden burst of excitement but fades away into the abyss of procrastination. Such short-lived packets of enthusiasm won’t help you fulfil your ambitions, and the key is to know how to stay motivated. That’s what gets things done!


How to Stay Motivated

How to Stay Motivated

How to Stay Motivated


Can you believe we’re halfway through the year?! Well, given that as humans, we have a natural aversion to persistent effort that no amount of caffeine or inspirational posters can remedy, many of you may have trouble maintaining your drive through a task, a project, or even a career… Here are 5 valuable tips for sustaining your motivation to achieve what you desire {ways I stay and feel motivated}:

Visualising Is Believing

If the destination is unknown, how can you ever hope to get there? It would be best if you visualised your goals, creating that image of the success you crave. When we envision the future, our brain makes a neural pathway, which pushes our actions in a way where we can transform those visualisations into reality. So, define your goals clearly and start visualising them now.

Remember Why You Started

As you wade through the obstacles to realise your dream, you may lose sight of your goals. Impediments, tough situations will trick you into thinking that it’s time to give up. How to stay motivated amidst a deluge of such negativity will determine your success. To help with that, you have to remember the results you had in your mind when you began, your dreams when you started. This will keep your boat sailing.

Design Your Reality With Belief

Most of the motivational content works like an energy drink. They boost you with a sudden shot of energy to only fail the test of time. Belief, on the other hand, is the real deal. Belief is not the lazy “hope” that things would pan out the way you want. It’s an instrument you can use to conceive the reality you dream of. Truly believe {not just say} that you will achieve the success you want in life, and you will.

Let’s Change Something

When goal hunting becomes a little monotonous, you can change things around to liven things up. For instance, how about quitting social media for a while and picking up a book on how to stay motivated? How about studying/working in your garden instead of at your usual spot? Think out of the box and come up with exciting ideas to fuel the mind and boost encouragement.

Don’t Bite More Than You Can Chew

Just because we have a clearly defined goal, doesn’t mean that we are always going to follow a routine that helps us attain it. We need actionable steps. Hence, we have to take our goal and break it down to micro-goals that are attainable. You don’t get fit after working out 10 hours at the gym for a day. But you need to spend a smaller, consistent amount of time there every week. Start converting your goals to comfortable bite-sized chunks you can follow.


To conclude: Understanding how to stay motivated is instrumental in your goal pursuit. People find themselves in unique situations that often require unique solutions to their problems. But regardless, the above techniques will work for anyone who wants to know how to stay motivated. Put them into practice, now.

I hope you found this crisp guide on motivation useful. Remember, a little motivation can go a long way. Find it, keep it and make it work for you!

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Written By

* I love bringing together a bunch of conflicting items and weaving my own sense of one-ness to them. *


  • Love love love!! ✨✨✨ Been crazy busy over here but love following along with you, Tanya!

    On that note, I have truly loved creating deep friendships with creators through the world wide web and getting to meet some of you in real life is just the icing on the cake!⁣

  • Thanks for sharing this. ❤️ Nobody in life gets exactly what they thought they were going to get, but with your help, Tanya, I am sure that many have been able to achieve their dreams… I am included – thank you!

    Let’s succeed together!

  • Your posts are lit! ✨✨✨

    While we wait for that perfect moment to appear — which may not even occur — we rob ourselves of our present. And the present is all we have.

    Remember, your time is non-renewable. Be present, use it wisely.

  • This is absolutely amazing ❤️ Your posts are the best of the rest, Tanya!

    To add, I would say ‘Fear’ is the thing which causes people to kill their dreams or opportunities – so, don’t fear failure and focus on your goals.

  • This just changed my mindset! ❤️ Do something today that your future self will thank you for.

    p.s. It’s wonderful to see you trying to build a great community that helps one another…

  • Excellent post! ❤️ Motivation for my week!

    On that note, while it’s something to think positively and see the best in situations – you can’t always think with your heart – you’ve got to think smart, logically, and realistically.

  • Makes a lot of sense now I come to think of it…
    Thanks for sharing this – coz it’s really priceless! ❤️ Here’s to always trying to learn something new every day!

  • Grateful to have weekly content like this, Tanya. ❤️

    On a side note: Do something for yourself to improve yourself and love yourself as nobody loves you. Have a nice day!

  • Inspired ❤️ These kinds of posts are the reason why we appreciate your work! Thank you for the real-time support and motivation!

  • Awesome post, as always. ❤️

    When I feel uncomfortable with something, I often remind myself that: “When life gives you lemons, make lemonade”.

    So, I find this pandemic period a good time for me to concentrate on my career, and develop my professional knowledge and skills by taking online courses and obtaining professional certifications. This makes me feel motivated when I get up in the morning. Hope that I can keep that spirit alive until the pandemic ends!

  • Keep your face to the sunshine and you cannot see a shadow. ~ Helen Keller

    Just so you know, if anyone is creating the best content – it’s you, definitely! ❤️

  • This is absolutely amazing! Thanks for sharing this valuable post. ❤️

    I’d like to share that I maintained my positivity this morning and got up early for a run. Absolutely stunning morning! The run wasn’t great but I expected that. No pain, no gain!

  • Wonderful post, my friend. Keep it up!

    My two-bits: Be thankful for family, good friends, joy, nature and health. Remember that life is a progress of ups and downs – you grow with it.

  • Yes! Be the energy you desire to attract in your life…

    I’ve certainly understood a few things over time:
    * Keep thinking positively.
    * Work hard to get what you want.
    * Be close to people who deserve that.
    * Don’t think about others’ opinions.
    * Always develop yourself.
    * And, of course, start living your best life ever! ✨✨✨

  • Beautiful. ❤️

    It holds true that you glow differently when you believe in yourself… At our age (or really any age) it’s about feeling good and being happy. When you feel good, you show up as your best for your friends, family, and yourself.

  • ❤️ Ever-evolving & always improving. It is important to keep upgrading yourself for your growth. The more knowledge you learn, the wiser you become! Fact!

  • This post is connected with my own experiences… You decide how you want to approach life – optimistic and positive, or pessimistic and negative. Maybe your efforts will help someone else who looks to you in time of need.

  • Words of wisdom… What I can tell you is that what is waiting on the other side for me when I have figured it out is the sweet scent of success. 🙂

  • Over the next few months, I’ll actually be putting these nuggets of advice into practice rather than approaching them as fortune cookie wisdom, which I never actually implement.

    Thank you for being a constant light to me and others on this platform, Tanya! Love you so much!

  • Yes! Adapt your life to find the upside of everything you go through…

    On that note, I love that the goal here is to help others pursue their dreams and become the best version of themselves! Kudos.

  • You overwhelm me, dear Tanya. This is how you grow and improve…

    You are the decider of your own happiness. If you don’t wake up excited to slay the day or enjoy the ride, then obviously that’s a sign you need to change it up in some aspect.

  • The vibes I need going into the week… I’m now ready to let go of those self-inflicted limitations and become the best version of myself! ❤️❤️❤️

  • Juggling everything all at once makes it just so hard to get your sh*t together. But let me tell you, it’s okay to seek help.

    Tanya, you’re amazingly beautiful inside and out! ❤️

  • This is so, so important. ❤️ Truly treasured post. I would like to add a point as well ~

    Your thoughts determine your feelings.
    Your feelings determine your actions.
    And your actions determine your RESULTS.
    This then feeds back into your self-belief.⁠
    Which then feeds back into your thoughts. ⁠
    And the cycle continues…

    THIS is how we build momentum.⁠
    THIS is how we create permanent change.

    Start at the top and watch it all fall into place.

  • Love this and I feel it true! When we take the time to listen to our body & mind – they really do talk to us. Take some time today to listen to what your body/mind is saying to you.

  • Yes!! I love this because you are spot ON!!

    Set your intention and DO and never stop DOING! Everything begins and ends with YOU…

  • So true and points we tend to forget so quickly. Additionally, understanding how to actually apply this is SO VALUABLE! ❤️ Thank you for sharing.

  • Such great advice! Your mind is your most powerful tool, use it well…

    You provide some seriously good content, Tanya! ❤️❤️❤️ Love you, my beautiful friend. GOD BLESS YOU.

  • Thank you for the enlightening, encouraging and thought-provoking content, Tanya!

    It’s the small steps. ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀
    The things you don’t see.
    All the daily routines creating the foundation. ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀
    Little by little, the consistency moves you into the life you’ve been dreaming of.
    Keep laying the bricks. ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀
    Stay consistent.⠀

    Those small steps are small wins and they do pay off.

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