5 Lifestyle Choices to Slow Ageing

5 Lifestyle Choices to Slow Ageing

How to slow down the ageing process


I am convinced that you may have noticed a person or two in your life whose age would be difficult to guess by the way they look and behave. Of course, I mean this in the best way possible. But when one were to examine the causes behind that maintained youth, it would be convenient to sum it up to a lucky win of the genetics lottery. In reality, however, you will be surprised to know how much an individual’s lifestyle choices affect the outcome when it comes to ageing gracefully. Embrace these 5 lifestyle choices to slow ageing, and radiate youth and energy!

Here are my recommendations on how to slow down the ageing process and get the most powerful anti-ageing benefits: 

Use Sunscreen Every Day, Even if it’s Cloudy

Although the sun brightens up our lives, it does not do much for our skin. UV rays cause harm to the elastic fibres present in our skin and decreases the skin’s resilience. That’s not all, the age spots and discolouration that you might encounter are also due to the giant ball of fire.

To protect your skin, I recommend using SPF induced products. For instance, your daily moisturiser or your occasion-fit makeup needs to have SPF in them, so much so that SPF becomes a component of your daily life. It might also help to remember that UV rays are still acting regardless of how sunny it is outside. Applying sunscreen to all uncovered parts of your body will reduce significant damage the sun might cause and as a result, prevent you from looking older than your age.

To sum it all up, UV rays remain an environmental factor that raises concerns for your skin, and therefore, protecting your skin from the sun is non-negotiable.

Your Skincare Routine Needs Some Retinoids, Now

A spell from Harry Potter might be fiction but the closest thing to the same when talking about skincare in reality could be using Retinoids. Popularly known as Vitamin A, the substance helps vitalise collagen manufacture, counter free radicals, and speed up skin turnover; making those fine lines and acne among others alleviate, and your skin look better!

Now, for the best experience, it is recommended that you use a moisturiser along with a retinoid. This will aid in the hydration of the skin, and dampen the chances of irritation from retinoid. I personally prefer to use vitamin C in the daytime, to reduce any radical damage, and use retinoid with other growth factors during the other half.

To remember: It is best to allow your skin to get used to products for obtaining full benefits. That is to say, it might be wise to start slowly, perhaps using the product a night or two in a week, then slowly changing the usage until you are ready to use it every other night. Once your skin becomes accustomed, you can reap the benefits and watch your skin transform!

Fermented Foods is the Way to Go

Besides helping in the digestion process, foods that are rich in Probiotics also play a role in decelerating the process of ageing. Now, the basic question would be how they accomplish that. The answer is very simple; there is a presence of anti-inflammatory and antioxidant traces in fermented foods, which help regulate microbiota imbalance. It would also not be difficult for a person to notice that a majority of beauty products in the market have some kind of fermented extracts present in them.

To sum it all up, let’s just say, their work on skin ~ even complexion and clear skin without blemishes ~ bears an extraordinary satisfaction. I would advise you to start consuming fermented products right away, assuming you want to maintain your skin glow.

Smile a Lot More, and Worry Less

It is easy to believe that your mental health does not influence your external body. In reality, prevailing negativity might give a free hand to stress hormones, which ultimately oppose other hormones and affect your health through neurotransmitters. Looking for a solution? It’s not hard ~ just be happy!

The above fix will have multiple effects in life concerning the ageing process. Firstly, the belief that being sanguine about life affects how you age plays a role here, and a buoyant attitude might just make a person appear younger than others of the same class. And the other effect, well, it’s a proven truth that stress can condition your complexion in an unwelcome manner. To defy the same, a positive outlook would be the way to go about it; lowering your stress and, in turn, reducing the prevalence of stress-related skin concerns.

The take-away? Do not underestimate how beneficial thinking positively is!

Beauty Sleep is Real

Don’t be surprised when I mention that proper sleep is the ultimate contributor to the ageing process. Yes, adequate shut-eye is a must if you want to maintain a youthful glow!

As we know, both stress relief and exercise help you dose off in the evenings. What we may not know, is besides enhancing the functions of our body and providing energy, sleep maintains our youth by liberating growth hormone which in turn expands muscle mass and nourishes the skin. Sleep also contributes to the same by advancing blood flow to our skin, resulting in a healthy glow.

To remember: Along with causing damage to skin, mental capability and testosterone levels are also compromised due to sleeplessness. What is to take away, is the significance of sleeping 7-8 hours daily without interruption and the apt time for skin repair, as determined by experts, would be 11 pm.


To conclude: If the idea of remaining biologically young does appeal to you, think also about being smart and strong until a later period in your life. And if the process seems even a bit unnerving, it is essential to take one small step at a time and believe in all the benefits the above 5 lifestyle choices to slow ageing have in store.

Important to note: Any information provided above is not a replacement of any counsel received by a doctor or healthcare specialist. It aims to supplement and does not include all alternatives, interactions, or adverse effects.


What do you do to counteract signs of ageing? Share with us in the comments below!

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* I love bringing together a bunch of conflicting items and weaving my own sense of one-ness to them. *


  • Can I exfoliate and also use retinol – because I am new to it? I have an acne problem and I was told by my friend to start using retinol.

    • You would not want to exfoliate and use retinol on the same night, as it would be too irritating for your skin. You could probably alternate nights {exfoliate one night ~ use retinol the next}, but the frequency should depend on the type of exfoliant/strength of retinol and how sensitive your skin is.

  • Thank you for this, Tanya! Following these simple and effective tips will not only prevent wrinkles and fine lines, but protect my health overall, while also adding years to my life.

    • While time will continue to move forward, by taking some steps you can ensure you’re aging as healthy as possible while enjoying the highest quality of life. 🙂

    • Thanks Himanshu. Establish a nightly routine to ensure you have plenty of time to unwind and relax from your day to get a proper night’s sleep.

  • Thanks for sharing this really informative post, Tanya! Speaking of ~ take that brisk walk. Regular exercise can also help slow the aging process.

  • Beautifully worded! I make sure to carve out time throughout the week to spend with friends and loved ones, as staying socially active can really improve your overall health.

  • Incredible post, Tanya! I’d like to add that I eat more protein, as it is essential for helping to repair tissue as well as construct new tissue.

  • Good genes are one thing, but I absolutely agree that you can also help game the system and age gracefully with healthy lifestyle choices. Thank you for sharing. xx

  • When it comes to aging and wrinkled skin, most of us tend to think of slathering our skin with the latest beauty product to reduce lines and imperfections. But there are many elements that help to slow the aging process. From diet and exercise, to reducing stress and choosing the right beauty care products. 🙂

  • Thank you for sharing these interesting ways to keep yourself feeling healthy and energetic ~ which can boost your body’s ability to deal with the typical signs of aging. xx

    • My pleasure, Arti. Making smart lifestyle choices has been proven to slow the aging process and stave off disease.

  • Lovely post, Tanya! Btw, the Japanese have a custom of taking a break for a walk in the woods. Called Shinrin-yoku – or forest bathing – the practice is proven to have a positive effect on health. 🙂

    • Thank you for sharing, Smriti. Graceful aging isn’t just about avoiding wrinkles and gray hair; the ultimate goal is to maintain brain alertness and improve energy levels.

  • It may seem unlikely, but a small and growing body of evidence suggests that regular meditation can indeed slow ageing… and almost any amount and type of physical activity may slow aging deep within our cells. 🙂

    • Thank you for sharing, Jyotsana. Without question, I want loads of happy hormones flooding my body, who doesn’t? 🙂

  • Lovely blog, Tanya. And yes, you can stop the clock if you feed, rest, and recharge your body right. I intend to live more days like this to roll back the years and prevent aging. 🙂

  • Everything from a calm morning commute to a nourishing dinner makes a difference to me. And yes, I do want to live a longer, better, and prettier life. xx

    • Absolutely. Some basic lifestyle tweaks can help reduce the processes and have a noticeable effect right at the cellular level.

  • I rub a few ice cubes on my face for a minute every morning. It’s not just a wake-up call (by chilling the skin), but it slows the metabolic activity that can lead to visible signs of aging.

  • Anything you can do to distract yourself from what’s driving you crazy will help reduce stress levels!! Haha!!

  • Anti-aging advice? Not taking things or yourself too seriously, and celebrating the gift of growing older and staying young at heart! 🙂

  • The body is a smart, amazing machine. It will get you to pay attention eventually. Some people go their whole lives without achieving this sort of connection. Kudos to you!

  • I LOVE this, Tanya! The ONLY thing we can control is our self! The thoughts we choose to believe in, our actions, and the way we choose to live our life!

  • I think there are so many different elements involved, and I always need to remind myself of all of this! Especially learning to accept and care for myself without guilt! Thank you so much for sharing your insight with us!

    • Putting our needs before others’ wants… I write a lot about this; it’s so important but often such a difficult thing to learn! Thank you for being here, Najah.

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