How to Network to be a Successful Blogger

How to Network to be a Successful Blogger

Some of us are truly gifted when it comes to people skills, while others have to make an added effort to connect. Although the core concept of Networking stays the same, i.e. it is important to be involved when you are networking at social gatherings, and a personal touch in your interactions can go a long way; for those of you who find it awkward/uncomfortable to mingle and network, here is my guide on How to Network to be a Successful Blogger.


How to Network to be a Successful Blogger

How to Network to be a Successful Blogger


Always be on time

Whether it is a networking event or a social event ensure that you arrive on time. Successful people value the time of others, and part of that involves showing up on time for any event. If due to any reason you are going to be late, make sure that you mention that to the organiser or the event host.

Be in an outcome frame during the event

This may sound about as pleasant as filling out a stack of paperwork to order a sandwich, but having a precise goal for your outing can facilitate a better socialising experience. If you are attending a networking event, then have a realistic goal in mind as to what you want to achieve from the event, and based on that, plan your time there to ensure that you accomplish that goal. Having an objective not only helps you define what you want to achieve, but more importantly, it keeps your brain focused.

Spend the right amount of time

Socialisation is as inevitable as it is healthy, even for introverts. When you are at big social gatherings where there is a steady surge of external stimulus, ensure that you spend just the right amount of time to be cordial with everybody. Then based on common interest and how you feel, spend some extra time with those with whom you are more comfortable; this way you will ensure that you come across as sociable. During subsequent events, you can also focus on those with whom you could not spend enough time, to become better acquainted with them.


How to Network to be a Successful Blogger

How to Network to be a Successful Blogger


Work with your name and work with the names of others

One of the most powerful general networking tips is that while introducing yourself, make sure that you say your name discernibly, and when you hear the other person’s name, make sure that you hear it. If you haven’t, ask for it one more time, and repeat it, and remember it.

Choice of questions

The key to being a great conversationalist rests largely in the ability to ask good/interesting questions. When you walk up to a person/group of people and introduce yourself, follow up by asking questions that are easy to answer, while staying away from non-controversial topics. For example: What’s been keeping you busy this past week? What do you like best about what you do? Pick up on cues in terms of what a person likes to do/their passion or bond over a shared experience.

Be present mentally

During a conversation, if this is your thought process: “What’s in it for me?”, then the chances are that your body language will show that you are mentally not paying attention. Learning to relax in social situations is the key. Once you feel calmer socially, then thoughts like that disappear because you go into the flow and allow a conversation to take its own natural path, without feeling you have to force it. Allow a person to express themselves, and develop a propensity to be a genuine listener. Rapport is very important when it comes to Networking.


How to Network to be a Successful Blogger

How to Network to be a Successful Blogger


Don’t share business cards at all times

This is an alternate view: share your business card only if a person requests it. Not only is it distracting, particularly if the two people are making a great connection, it’s also annoying. It is the equivalent of receiving junk mail in your inbox. You can alternatively request for a person’s business card, and share yours only when they ask for it in return; by doing that you are being selective about who you choose to exchange information with.

No sales pitch

Nobody likes a sales pitch at a networking event or a social gathering. Allow rapport to build, before you request for something where a person can help you. Instead ensure that you offer help if you can, even if the other person has not requested it. You could also help other people to connect. If a person you know strikes a chord with others {thanks to you}, then you will always be remembered as the person who connected them, and this will only help improve the bond that you will share with them.

Express gratitude

On the contrary, if you can connect with a person through someone’s reference, ensure that you thank your contact a few times. Expressing gratitude makes people feel special, especially when you positively express what you feel about them.


How to Network to be a Successful Blogger

How to Network to be a Successful Blogger


Networking with aplomb is one of the most useful skills you can develop. I hope these tips on how to network to be a successful blogger can help you at every stage of your career, and in your life in general.

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Written By

* I love bringing together a bunch of conflicting items and weaving my own sense of one-ness to them. *


  • The depth of information available on each and every post on this blog! Wow! Please keep your ‘Blogging Tips’ series going… xx

  • Love this post, Tanya! Networking can be really scary. I often go on my own and believe there is the very real possibility I’ll be standing on my own, hugging a drink in the corner for the whole event!

  • Gorgeous writing, as always.

    Well, my brain’s comfort zone default tells me I’d be MUCH safer just staying at home on the sofa. Why bother going at all? But these are the most effective tips I’ve read with regard to an approach to networking! I can’t wait to put them to use!

    • Thank you, Amit.
      It’s hard to remember that there are always others who want to chat too, we always assume we’re the only loner/introvert in the room…

  • Both you and your posts are incredible – I love your site, its amazing and truly inspirational! 🙂
    Here’s what I follow: Before I ask for something, I make sure I’ve invested in that person.

  • Thanks for sharing, Tanya. I usually think about who in my network seems to be going places and is really interesting, and then I make a strong connection. xx

  • This is a powerful message! Meeting people gives us an opportunity to really show our personalities and look people in the eye. We can ask them questions more easily, and show our warmth and share tips in the moment. But getting ourselves to that event and overcoming that initial fear is essential.

    • It’s amazing the confidence networking can you give – especially when there’s a clear focus and something you’re passionate to tell people about, Anubha.

  • You are absolutely right! When you learn how to network, it doesn’t just improve your career — it improves your personal life too!

  • Thank you for these step-by-step networking tips, Tanya. Definitely something I need to do and you have captured it perfectly! Now, all I need is an action plan that outlines who I want to build connections with… 🙂

  • I think that it’s important to go with a purpose to events and BELIEVE that networking can open doors and hold possibilities for us, way beyond the online world can! Mindset, as with everything, is key to making the most of networking!

    • Thank you for sharing, Meetika.
      We never really are left on our own, are we? We just THINK and FEAR that’s what will happen.

  • Love this post! I love networking and meeting new people. It isn’t the easiest and sometimes you get the odd idiot, but then it gives me something to talk about. And, it’s good to come away with a story or two, too!

  • Great post! I used to dislike networking before I started my own business – now I love it! Perhaps seeing the value and wanting the connections more helped.

  • I go through phases, sometimes I love it and I love the buzz, other times I’m just not feeling it! And it depends on who’s in the room too, and just the vibes generally. I still want to keep pushing myself to go because you just never know who you’ll connect with.

    • It can get unnerving, can’t it? But once you’ve eased into an environment, you’ll meet so many inspiring and supportive people, Sumaira.

  • Thank you for your insight, Tanya! It can be daunting for me especially as an extroverted introvert. I always feel like I need to retreat away for a day afterwards, as all those new faces and talking can be draining and overwhelming!

    • Yes, I understand that. And I do know that it’s not ‘essential’ that we do it if it’s actually conflicting with our nature and beat practise for our own health and well-being. But sometimes, it might just be overcoming that fear and finding the right group.

  • Great post, Tanya! I run my own networking events and have to host it, so I’ve gotten used to the networking part. But I’m sure I’d be nervous with public speaking!

    • Public speaking is just a small step up from networking. Nerves obviously do happen but it’s important to see it like that.

  • I did a live cookery demonstration on Instagram the other day and weirdly that was absolutely fine, but I get really nervous at those 30 second intros you get at some networking events! In any case, thank you for sharing.

    • Ahh Darshana, I totally hear you {I think nerves mean we’re human}. I do think that strangers are actually awesome because they take you at face value. And when you own it and say who you are and what you do with pride, they’ll meet you there.

  • It all comes with practice. In my head, I assume I’m the only one turning up alone and wanting to talk to ANYONE! I guess I’ll just have to push myself out of my comfort zone!

  • I’m always so nervous beforehand with a touch of impostor syndrome thrown in for good measure! However, once at the event and talking to people, I always do tend to enjoy networking! I just need to remind myself of that before I leave the house! 🙂

  • Such a great topic to write on, though I wish there had been someone to coax me out so much earlier…! I was always the painfully shy and scared one…

    • I think once you embrace it, you realise the value. But I don’t think the fear and nerves ever totally disappear, Mahathi.

  • This post is brilliant, Tanya!
    Networking terrifies me, and yes, I force myself to attend events! That’s largely because I think networking has the power to change your whole business!

    • Thank you, Mohammed.
      Yes, I totally agree. Some people build their whole businesses on it – it can be so powerful if you’re doing it right!

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