How To Get Flawless Skin

How To Get Flawless Skin

Like I have discussed here, this year I’m all about intentions. One of which is tied in with having a healthy relationship with my body. I know, it’s easier said than done, but I’ve been really trying to prioritise what goes into my body and onto my skin.

As women {and men, I’m sure}, we love glowing, healthy skin. And those who are fortunate to have radiant skin are truly envied. Just so you know, even those who are envied may, in all probability, not be satisfied with their skin too! I’d like to tell you though to remember this ~ transformation does not happen overnight. I believe we are what we eat; so eating right and nurturing your skin using the right products, will go a long way in maintaining skin health. Without further ado, I present to you a skincare guide on how to get flawless skin!


How To Get Flawless Skin

How To Get Flawless Skin


  1. Wash Your Face Right

Maintaining a routine is very important as your skin is constantly exposed to the elements. Now, you’re most likely on auto-pilot when you wash your face. But tonight, eschew the soap {as the pH value of soap is higher than what your skin needs} and reach for a gentle cleanser {as cleansers hydrate your skin}. Get a few drops on your fingers and massage onto your face using upward and circular motion to dispense the cleanser properly. Use tepid or cool water to wash your face, again using an upwards motion {gravity pulls down, which is how wrinkles are created!}. Rinse a few times and pat dry using a soft towel {I use soft baby washcloths} ~ don’t rub, as rubbing stretches your skin. And don’t forget the toner; it helps to rev the skin up and refresh it for further ministrations. I know, I know ~ this may require some time to get used to, but you’ll thank me later!

  1. Exfoliate To Improve Skin Texture

While lotions and creams are great for your face and body, you do need to allow your skin time to breathe. The way to do this is to exfoliate; to clear away the layer of dead skin which will leave your skin soft and supple. Remember to be gentle with your skin and use an exfoliating body wash and a loofah in conjunction. You’ll be surprised with the results; your skin becomes more elastic and your skin texture improves to reveal gorgeous skin. Use the loofah on moist skin and stick to that circular motion. Rinse with warm water and watch your skin come alive.

Tip: I exfoliate before a waxing session, as this helps get rid of dead skin that builds up around my hair follicles and gives great results!

  1. Dry Brushing ~ An Alternative To Exfoliation 

If you’re not a great fan of the loofah and body scrubs, but still need a body massage, then this one is for you. I’ve been dry brushing off and on for a couple of years now {remember this post here?} and I think it’s a great habit to get into. You would normally need a long-handled natural, non-synthetic bristle brush but go easy on your face and sensitive areas, get one with softer bristles for those areas. Use the dry brush in an upward and circular motion once a week, this gives your circulation a boost and gets your lymphatic system to work overtime to get rid of toxins. Dry brushing also helps improve the appearance of cellulite!

  1. Moisturise With Hyaluronic Acid

With time, our skin weathers and the result can be dull and blotchy skin. Our skin needs to stay hydrated and protected from external factors, so finding the right product can be quite a challenge. But don’t despair, help is always around. Hyaluronic Acid is safe for your skin as it’s something that is naturally produced in your joints, connective tissue, and even in your eyes. This acid is really good at retaining moisture, and adding HA serums to your daily skincare routine helps your skin become firm, smooth, and radiant. There, you’re a new person altogether.

  1. Never Skip Sunscreen

You’d think that if you spent the better part of the day inside your cool home, you wouldn’t need to use SPF ~ wrong! The sun’s UV rays have an insidious way of attacking your skin even though you don’t feel it. As a result, age spots appear, your skin looks weathered, and your confidence takes a nose-dive. So, regardless of whether you’re at home or whether it’s sunny, overcast, or raining; you should be wearing sunscreen Every. Single. Day!

I would advise you to use a day cream that has an SPF of 30 at least, or a broad-spectrum sunscreen that will protect your skin from damage by the UV rays of the sun. Also check whether your sunscreen has zinc, titanium, or mixoral, as they are the real saviours! I use one that sets my makeup as well as provides SPF coverage. We all know how much I love a good double-duty beauty product!

  1. Retinol For Use At Night

If you thought your skin needed protection and moisture only during the day, think again. The natural process of regeneration happens at night, therefore night creams need to have active ingredients and need to be more moisturising. Retinol is one great ingredient as it helps with skin upkeep and regeneration.

There are many other benefits to using Retinol {time-released, gentle formulas} as well: it stimulates the production of collagen, reduces hyperpigmentation, reduces scarring, and smoothes fine lines. A word of caution: Retinol is powerful and should never be used during the day. Since it’s derived from vitamin A, it’s likely to break down in broad daylight.

  1. Eye Creams Are Just As Important

Do we really need eye-creams? As the skin around our eyes is the most delicate layer on our face and tires easily {can you say puffy eye-bags and dark circles?}, it needs extra care ~ i.e. it needs to be pampered a little more than the rest of our face. A good eye cream not only keeps those creases at bay but reverses signs of ageing and smoothes fine lines. But that doesn’t happen overnight, therefore do keep at it.

So get this straight ~ you need a day cream, an eye cream, and a night cream ~ all of which must suit your skin type. The correct face care will support the skin day and night.

  1. Imbibe The Goodness Of Vitamin C 

Include vitamins in your diet is what we hear day in and day out ~ “Eat your veggies and fruits!” Strange as it may seem, if you don’t eat right, it shows up in your skin. Your diet should be rich in antioxidants, biotins, and omega-3. Antioxidants help to fight free radicals that damage the skin, biotins help the skin to remain healthy and revitalised. Omega-3 repairs damaged cell membranes and makes the skin more resilient.

You’ll be surprised to hear that the same formula holds good for your skin too; beauty products with vitamin C help reduce age spots, improve the overall texture of your skin, and visibly brighten your skin. So, ensure you include this vitamin in your daily skincare routine. Remember that learning to love your skin and nurture it the right way and at the right time, helps.

  1. Hydrate, Hydrate, Hydrate!

Perhaps you’re tired of hearing people tell you that water does wonders for your skin; take their advice. Water hydrates your skin, removes toxins and waste products, keeps your skin supple and soft, and enhances your complexion! I don’t always remember to drink water but having a super cute water bottle helps. 🙂

  1. Try a Collagen Powder 

Are you employing a collagen powder yet? As you may already know, collagen is responsible for giving your skin elasticity, giving structure to your nails and hair; it’s what makes your ligaments and tendons strong, and it helps to hold connective tissues in place. So, add a spoonful of collagen powder to your morning coffee or tea, or add it to your orange juice and see the difference in your skin.

  1. Don’t Skimp On Your Beauty Sleep

Last but not the least, I would like to add that you need at least seven hours of restful sleep, as there’s truly nothing like a good night’s rest. Your skin is just like any other part of the body, it needs to relax while you sleep to refresh. So, ensure you get the proper amount of shut-eye to keep you ticking the right way.


To conclude: Adopt these skin habits to allow your skin to take on its own glow and help you get flawless skin! Treat your skin gently every single day and treat it right. A healthy attitude, a healthy diet, and a healthy everyday skincare routine can do wonders. Now that you know how to get flawless skin, go ahead and put these routines to good use.

It takes 21 days to make or break a habit ~ so start TODAY. Do you have a skin habit that you’ve adopted and loved? Let me know in the comments below!


Disclaimer: This content, including advice, provides generic information only. It is in no way a substitute for qualified medical opinion. Always consult a specialist or your own doctor for more information.

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* I love bringing together a bunch of conflicting items and weaving my own sense of one-ness to them. *


  • All the things I adore about this season aside, my skin endures many changes {read extra damage}. Your post has been extremely useful!

  • Lovely post with detailed information on skin care, that was helpful and insightful. What’s more, your photos are clean & nice. Thank you so much for sharing, Tanya.

    • Different things work for different people, so I encourage you to find what works best for your skin and go with it, Mithra.

  • Hyaluronic Acid is my holy grail ingredient. It’s a serum type that will always have a place in my skincare arsenal. You’re gorgeous btw! Have a great day!

  • Tanya, I completely adore your writing style. Question: When washing your face do you use a washcloth or a device? And, what are your thoughts on Clarisonic?

  • Protecting your skin with SPF and drinking adequate water are definitely essential to a good skincare routine! Vitamin C on the other hand is something I’m completely new to. Thanks so much for sharing the steps you take!

  • Thank you for sharing your routine! Before going to bed, I make sure I “get the makeup off” – it’s really important! Would you mind sharing your preferred make-up remover(s)?

  • That is solid counsel, Tanya! A soothing cleanser and smoothing cream are two beauty essentials for smoothing your skin, as they soften and moisturise.

    On a side note: Love your space on the internet here!

  • Good skincare advise. What do you prescribe for us ladies over 40? I am told my evening routine ought to incorporate Vitamin C and Retinol.

    • I recommend speaking to your Esthetician or Dermatologist, Alankrita. I would prefer not to advise you without seeing your skin.

  • From the nutrients from the food we consume to topical ingredients we apply to our skin, there are endless ways to support skin health naturally. On that note, have you at any point attempted natural alternative toners – for example, Witch Hazel?

    • I have, Alka. However, I favour traditional alcohol-free toners for my every day regimen since I like the cool tingle I get from it, and I think that its gentler than witch hazel.

  • Hi Tanya, loved this post for so many reasons, especially since I experience dry skin problems for my face! Although, practising sun-safe habits will most definitely pay off in the future because 90% of skin ageing comes from the sun. ⠀

    • The beauty of skin care is that no one’s skin is the exact same as anyone else’s. I truly believe this is part of what makes us uniquely beautiful, Meena.

  • You are insightful and I am totally taking your recommendation on this one! Although, I may need more practice to get in a good groove with what I’m comfortable with skin-wise! 🙂

  • I care deeply for skincare, and love that you’ve generously shared your daily beauty regimen, Tanya. Getting into using active skincare may seem intimidating but it doesn’t have to be. xx

    • My day to day routine helps in maintaining smooth skin all through the seasons, and keeps me confident enough to go bare-armed or bare-legged, regardless of how unforgiving the weather is on my skin, Deshal.

  • I absolutely appreciate this share, and you are, Tanya, someone I enjoy following online. I think that it is best to start introducing new products into your skincare regimen slowly, leaving no room for error.

  • As we age, our cells lose water. When we are born, approximately 75% of our body is water, but by the time we reach middle age, our body’s water content can be as low as 50%. Without adequate water supply, skin cell structure deteriorates. This winter make sure your intake of fluids is adequate.

  • Great to see you posting and sharing your amazing knowledge. ❤️ I could definitely do with a skincare routine that’s gentle and anti ageing. I feel like I’ve aged about 80 years since home schooling – ha!

  • Okay, I’m officially adding these to my regimen ~ time for some self care. ❤️ Always learn amazing things from your posts, Tanya. Thank you for sharing.

  • Great insight ~ thank you for the helpful tips! Now more than ever, the idea of a dedicated skincare routine is incredibly important. Definitely going to try your recommendations!

  • Stop and smell the roses 🙂 they actually reduce stress and increase hydration in our skin. On a side note, lactic acid helps to keep the skin moisturised and feeling less dry. When you use lactic acid regularly, it can also improve signs of ageing as it stimulates collagen renewal and can firm your skin.

  • Love these cozy vibes ✨ And, obsessed with your gorgeous skin quality and glow, Tanya!

    I would like to add a point as well. I think that face massage is underrated, it’s not just the body that needs massages but your face too. Ageing is inevitable, but let’s not get overwhelmed, let’s get overjoyed that we have solutions to keep our skin as beautiful as in your early twenties… 🙂

  • Love this!! Nothing better than self-love ❤️.

    Small adjustments are all that’s needed to keep your skin in tip-top shape… It’s incredible what confidence can come from having clear, beautiful skin!

  • I wholeheartedly agree, Tanya! Give yourself some lovin’!

    For me lately: self-love = self-care = skincare. My skin has been my biggest insecurity my entire life so I’m investing in it now (thank me later, future self)!

  • Love products that make my skin feel hydrated!

    Thanks for sharing, Tanya. I learned a lot! And, thank you for helping us achieve healthy-looking skin without blemishes!

  • This sounds like what I need… 🙂

    Love this, and thank you for sharing all the skin education you have available! ❤️ Gonna start referring people to this now…

  • Your skin has a memory. In ten, twenty, thirty years from now, your skin will show the results of how it was treated today. So, treat it kindly and with respect.

    In fact, take this weekend to practice self-care; a luxurious home spa session lifts the soul, spirit, and the mind!

  • Yes, let’s discover our own innate beauty from within that’s been waiting to be awakened. And remember, we can always connect with our own inner luminosity – and see it in others, as well.

    Thanks for sharing this and being vulnerable, Tanya! ✨

  • Couldn’t agree more! I wish more people saw the vision and did it for themselves. Become the best YOU ❤️!

    On that note, how you spend your morning can often tell you what kind of day you are going to have. Keep Glowing!

    And yes, YOU are awesome! Keep up the savage work; it’s serious motivation, Tanya!

  • Sometimes I wonder if I’m starting this journey too late; I’m too old. Then I remember, that kind of thinking is STUPID! It’s never too late to invest in sound skincare routine! Thank you for your continued motivation, Tanya!

  • The more diverse my feed of people who don’t look or think like me, the more I am exposed to different opinions, cultures, and stances (and it may also help with my self-image over time…). This will no doubt ultimately lead to a more welcoming environment in health and wellness. ❤️

    On that note, thank you for helping me improve my life in a variety of ways!

  • Yeah – strengthen, revitalize and nourish your skin!

    I would also like to add that touching your face can spread dirt, oil, and bacteria from your hands to your face, which can lead to clogged pores and breakouts. ⁠Always wash your hands before touching your face to cleanse, moisturise, apply makeup or sunscreen. Other than that? Keep them away!

  • Wow! Definitely want to try all of this. ✨

    As I’m getting older (and wiser), I’m realizing how I truly want to help myself in my journey not only with skin but “me” as a whole. I now know that it’s not about the topical but also the inner that I need to heal… And on that note, ⁠your wellness series is my “Holy Grail”!

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