Simple Ways to Relieve Stress and Anxiety

Simple Ways to Relieve Stress and Anxiety

Up until a few months ago, it only existed in Hollywood movies. A catastrophe on a global scale with a virus infecting every nook and corner of our planet, and a united mankind struggling to keep itself alive. I had not seen it coming, perhaps none of us did; nevertheless, life has taken a different course for us.

These days, my social media scroll and news channels bring stories of surging death tolls… It’s been incredibly hard to turn off the news, get off my phone, and not tune in to the noise. But what I’ve realised is that stress and anxiety have become a normal part of the new world order. Since I know many of you might be feeling the same way, I wanted to share some simple techniques {insights, if you will} that I incorporate to keep my boat sailing. This simple approach on how to deal with stress and anxiety effectively will help you relax and put things in perspective…

  1. It’s Time for Digital Detox

I know you are reading this piece from your digital device. They are our true Swiss knives in a fast-changing world. These gadgets help us stay aware of the world around us, but little do we realise that they are also feasting on our peace of mind. The effects may not be too apparent, but every bit of negative/anxiety-provoking news trickling into our minds, adds to our stress and anxiety.

Besides, posts on social media from our friends are mostly all smiles and cheers. This can create an unhealthy cycle of comparison, making us wonder if we are the only ones struggling to cope with disquietude. But these issues can be resolved if we make up our minds to put the phone down, turn off the computer, and stay unplugged. In a sense, give our brains a break and let it ease for a while.


Simple Ways to Relieve Stress and Anxiety

Simple Ways to Relieve Stress and Anxiety


  1. Think ONLY About the Variables You Can Control

A million things are happening around you, and you are a mere spectator for the most part. I know there are only a handful of events I can determine the outcome of, and very few variables I can control. Worrying over things beyond my control is a recipe for depression. Instead, I take time to invest my energy into little things I can actually do.

Are you bothered about the possibility of virus infection? Well, follow the little things which are well within your reach. Wear gloves, use sanitisers, wash your hands and face, and do not leave indoors unless necessary.

Start compiling a to-do list of actions you can readily take. Whether you are ready or not, dive deep into it. Start checking those boxes one by one. Finished tasks will give you a sense of accomplishment and help you reduce your stress and anxiety.


  1. Take Care of Your Body and Mind

Anxiety comes from all walks of life, but it usually heightens when you’re worried about future events. The enormous amount of stress caused by the defining health crisis of our time ~ COVID-19, has probably taken its toll on your mind and body. I’ve learned that a health wellness and self-care routine is often the best way to restore sanity to your mind and revitalise your body. I wouldn’t be able to advise you on what would constitute as “self-care” for you, but it could be anything from journaling to indulging in a yoga routine. While some people find jogging in the morning a liberating experience, for others meditation works wonders. I have personally found early morning walks hugely rewarding.

Pick your move and start making inroads now.


How To Deal with Stress and Anxiety


  1. Let’s Look at the Mirror

Negative thoughts can often set off a domino effect, and you would find yourself deeply buried in questions before you know it. This used to happen to me; I always imagined the worst-case scenario and played out unlikely situations in my head. I beat the hell out of this habit by talking to myself. I looked at the mirror and asked myself reasonable questions.

“What could I have possibly done differently?” “Was the outcome as bad as I initially believed?” I asked many such questions, challenging my thoughts during my introspective sessions. Once I learned to be realistic and not to conjure up extreme/anxiety-inducing situations, the mirror gave me the right answers.

To reiterate, our thoughts can cause a ripple effect and are what define us. I would hence encourage you to have conversations with yourself occasionally. I have personally found it to be a great stress buster.


  1. Let’s Find Healthy Distractions

I mean a good hobby! If you think that scrolling through your social media feed is a nice hobby to cultivate, you are merely dialling the clock back to its vicious origin. Any hobby that helps take your mind off and bring positivity would be great. Is there a guitar catching dust in your attic? Perhaps it’s time to revive. Was there a book you always wanted to read? There is no better time than now.

Activities that involve concentration and focus are usually the most effective, as they redirect your energy. Start finding your meaningful activity and indulge in it. I took up reading to keep myself occupied healthily and productively, and I am thankful for the moment I decided to do so.


How To Deal with Stress and Anxiety

How To Deal with Stress and Anxiety


To conclude: You are never too far from a stressful experience in the modern world. If you are unsure about how to deal with stress and anxiety, just remember that stopping and mounting the pressure is what’s causing you to undo yourself. But by continuing on your wellness journey with proper self-care, interesting hobbies, a determination to control the variables you can, and introspecting ~ you can restore calm to your chaotic life.

With some patience and a few useful strategies, you can live a fuller and healthier life. That being said, I am aware that every individual has their unique strategy to beat stress and anxiety; I’d love to hear yours. Consider leaving your thoughts in the comments below.


Disclaimer: The information provided here is not intended to take the place of a physician’s or healthcare professional’s diagnosis, treat a medical condition, or provide medical advice. Always consult a specialist or your own doctor for more information.

Disclaimer: The material on this site may not be reproduced, distributed, transmitted, cached or otherwise used, except with the prior written permission of Urban Diaries.

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Written By

* I love bringing together a bunch of conflicting items and weaving my own sense of one-ness to them. *


  • You’re so inspiring, absolutely love this! ✨ Now, to get a large dose of calm with a side of fresh air and sunshine…

  • Beautiful post! ❤️ It’s calming just looking at the pictures!

    Feeling anxious, a little lightheaded, and frustrated because I was stressed out for no reason was how I felt at the beginning of quarantine… Then I made several natural lifestyle changes to begin feeling great again. Keep up the good work you are doing and have a great day, Tanya!

  • Thanks a lot for the encouragement, Tanya! I think that you should definitely do YouTube videos! Not only will you be able to help people, but you’ll be able to create and expand your brand!

  • You look stunningly beautiful, Tanya! And, I love your post!

    I think that self-defeating activity and self-animosity occur when we do not accept ourselves. This self-animosity distracts us from the real gift of human life: the capacity to confront and experience the self in relationship to the Unknown Infinity of our Self. I use the power of meditation to conquer the state of self-animosity.

    • Well done, Shishir. Meditation gives you the ability for constant consciousness in support of the core self, and is one of the few things that costs nothing and can improve everything.

  • Just what my heart and soul ordered. Thank you! ✨ I’m now aware that expressing gratitude is linked to lower stress levels, improved happiness and better sleep! Not too bad for something that is so simple and FREE. ⠀

  • Love this! It definitely seems like it would help to form the habit of gratitude. So starting today; I’m grateful for having met you through your blog and to have your amazing and inspiring posts to help guide me on my own personal and professional journeys. ❤️

  • The mix between knowledge and wisdom is a powerful combination. As we learn, we must learn to let go, so we may move on. At times we might not know how, yet by asking the question of what will help me to move in the direction that will get me there, is a great start! #RealTalk

  • Some weeks are so hectic that I need easy ways to create calm. Yoga works. Meditation is great. BUT, after a long rainy day, there’s nothing I like more than turning on some music, firing up the oven, and baking away! The act of measuring and chopping puts me in the moment and helps me instantly unwind. Plus, at the end, I have a fresh batch of extra fudgey (mood-boosting) brownies to eat!

    • Ah ~ I bet it starts with licking the batter and ends with eating too many fudgey brownies. But it’s all good! 🙂

  • Sometimes I need a smidgen of help – especially on Mondays, ha! Sometimes stress sneaks up on me because I haven’t had a moments peace to sit down and check-in with myself.⁣ Thank you for sharing.

    • Then grab a seat and reflect on ways you can reduce your stress levels BEFORE it leads to burnout, Srishti. ⁣

  • Absolutely love the content you create! ❤️ Although I am sure that stress, anxiety and depression will increase exponentially over the next few years… self-care and self-love can go a long way to help you relax and decompress.

    • Absolutely, otherwise you will never rise up and be who you want to be, and live the life you should be living!

  • Thank you for the reminder! Stress can feel overwhelming when you feel a need to “keep up,” when you feel that you have to be at a certain level or constantly be grinding in order to be successful! Especially since society can make you feel like you constantly need to be doing, doing, doing!!

  • Awesome message! Finding the perfect strategy for you is beyond important! I find that exercise works for me… it helps me turn my energy around.

  • Amazing share, as always. ❤️ Right now, there are a lot of things that are out of our control – but it is important to remember the things that ARE in our control, and focus on that positive part.

  • Good vibes only. ❤️ Life is so much more than your troubles. If you really think about it, troubles come and go. You have gotten through pain and you will do it again…

    • If we learn to reframe some of our thinking, it can help to make those overwhelming stressors not so overwhelming after all.

  • Awesome post! When did we all get programmed to take life so seriously?! If there is one thing I do to beat stress, it is to play. We all have a silly side to us that needs to come out from time to time…

  • Beautiful share! For me, it’s all about taking the time to soak in and appreciate the small pleasures in life… If it’s not receiving a big hug from a loved one – then it’s enjoying good wine, good music, and a good view!

    • Wonderful! Both social contact and exposure to nature are well known ways to boost mental health, general mood and well being.

  • There are simple ways to feel connected to the world around you. These moments may have been in shorter supply recently, but even picking up the phone or going for a quick stroll in the park can do the trick…. To better, brighter, blissful days!

  • I don’t have words to express how beautiful and delicate you are looking in these pictures, Tanya! ❤️❤️❤️

    Now coming back to your words; smiling makes me feel good, and feeling good makes me smile, producing endorphins which help alleviate stress. Laughing is also a great way to release intense emotions and boost our immune system.⁠

  • You wow us with your content! ❤️ And yes, whatever happened to not having to be “the most…” at anything, and just going at your own pace, doing the things that you wanted, but even more so… what you NEEDed??!

    • Agree. It’s like there’s a competition to getting the most done or achieving the most… even if you’re exhausted and need a break or you’ve been the busiest!

  • Gosh yes! It’s not weak or sensitive people who meditate and journal and practice gratitude, rather it’s disciplined! Consistency matters…

    • Agree. If you want mental toughness and increased happiness, stronger intuition and well managed stress ~ you’ve got to put the reps in and do the mental work. ⠀⠀

  • What brings me peace and calm?

    ~ 5 min in nature.
    ~ A cup of tea and being present while I drink it.
    ~ Reading uplifting books.
    ~ Journaling and brain dumping.
    ~ A hot bath.
    ~ 5 min of guided meditation.
    ~ A walk outside.
    ~ Cuddling with my family member or furry pet.
    ~ Talking with a friend.


  • Thank you for such a gorgeous start to my day! ❤️ Expansion of the mind is key to how we deal with life’s challenges. The greater the awareness, the easier it becomes.

  • A moment of quiet contemplation over a refreshing, freshly blended herbal tea thinking about all the enlightening points covered here… lead me to thinking what I thought was my weakness opened the door to my undiscovered strengths.

  • I relate to your post so well… I started to think this morning whilst having a quiet moment, that getting through challenges is about showing up everyday, being your best self and showing up to your own greatness every single day!

  • Lovely post and you, Tanya. ❤️ A combination of yoga, meditation and the personal development that I’ve been doing has got me into a state, where, for the most part, sh** just bounces off me! Let me tell you, it is the most beautiful feeling ~ this state of bliss!

  • Tanya, your post sure hit the nail on the head. I have a friend who’s really good at distracting me long enough to break the anxiety spiral and then she’ll kick my butt to do something physical (clean, walk, etc.) which helps. I have another friend who will just read to me over the phone. It all helps a lot!

  • Thank you so much for this ~ your words mean a lot. For me, it sometimes helps if the person I love pulls me into a strong steady hug, or just rubs their thumb on my hand. I respond much better to tactile grounding…

  • Your article is so spot on and helpful! I’m actively trying to deal with anxiety but it just creeps in… Just a few moments ago was I was feeling dizzy and experiencing shortness of breath, but some deep belly breaths and consciousness helped. Thank you for sharing. xx

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