How To Create An Inspiring Workspace

How To Create An Inspiring Workspace

Monday blues are hard to get by. As you stumble down the corridor of your home on a fresh morning, juggling through your files, making a mental list of to-dos, you realise that the inertia of rest has caught up with your system. Life, it’s funny like that.

You look at the puddle in your front yard, imagine the traffic you have to maze through, think of the emissions you have to inhale, and then you look at your home… It’s a portrait of serenity, all nice and cosy.

You wonder what you would not trade for owning the comfort of working from your home. How you wish you could simply throw the office etiquette into the dustbin, find your laptop, and revel in the pleasures of your home environment. It might just be the boost your creativity craves for. But then you look around, and you see the problem ~ it’s your workspace.


How To Create An Inspiring Workspace

How To Create An Inspiring Workspace


The walls of your home office are probably screaming for a coat of paint, the ergonomics of your table is virtually non-existent, books lie in disarray ~ its total glum chum. Now you think that you have a good reason to be at your office. But what if I tell you that you can create the work-space of Pinterest dreams while ensuring that your budget is not too strained? The kind of space you would love working in and the kind of area that would inspire your deepest creativity and focus. Don’t believe me? Read on for my tips on how to create an inspiring workspace!

Pick Your Spot Carefully

Be careful what you wish for. Your workspace should be a world aloof from distractions. It’s not a place to flaunt; it’s to work. So, choose an area that doesn’t get frequented by your family members and also provides you with some privacy to work through your thoughts. Preferably, it should be where digital media noises cannot breach, or else you might find yourself going after your grandma watching soap operas!


How To Create An Inspiring Workspace

How To Create An Inspiring Workspace


Now, For The Furniture

This is where your choice should reflect function over style. It’s easy to get lured by the expanse of furniture choices beckoning you, but don’t surrender to the trap of chasing something expensive. Yes, you don’t need that cocobolo. A sturdy desk and a comfortable chair would serve. If the former comes with a drawer, it’s an added advantage since inbuilt storage can be handy in keeping things organised and clutter-free. For the chair, make sure you take into account factors like the presence of an armrest, lumbar support, under-thigh support, etc. For if you get your posture wrong, your work will invariably suffer.


Then Cater To Your Nose

The importance of fragrance is probably the most overlooked factor when it comes to setting up your workspace. You won’t believe the wonders it can do. For instance, Rosemary helps in thinking, concentration, and memory. While peppermint can help you focus. These are findings backed by research. Even fragrance sticks or room diffusers would do the job. Just ensure you are setting the intensity of the scent to your preferences.


How To Create An Inspiring Workspace

How To Create An Inspiring Workspace


A Bit Of Green And Lots Of Yellow

Lighting plays a significant role in affecting your mood and your productivity. So it’s time to get the lights right. I wouldn’t recommend mood lighting for a professional workspace. Prudence dictates that you should take advantage of natural light. It would help enormously if you have a large window close to your worktable. Once the sun sets, you can migrate to a warm, yellow light so it does not interfere with your sleep, especially since good REM sleep is crucial for sustaining creativity over time.

The latest studies reveal that the presence of plants can reduce your stress levels while boosting your creativity. Therefore, it would be a good idea to have some indoor plants to liven up your mood and breathe life into your workspace. Just make sure that your fauna are not too demanding, or else watering would take up a share of your precious time. Small cacti, succulents, and terrariums are perfect for even the not-so-green thumb among us.


How To Create An Inspiring Workspace

How To Create An Inspiring Workspace


Hang Them, Paste Them

It’s your personal space, and you can pepper it with visual aids that help you stay afoot. Some of you might prefer the neat and tidy look of walls, but walls serve as a gentle reminder for many. Be it pinboards to create collages, or cork boards to make mood boards, or pictures of your loved ones, or motivational quotes to help keep you inspired throughout the day; it’s a good idea to surround yourself with positivity. Paste them or frame them. That way you can ensure you are never losing sight of your goals.

The Most Important Rule

You know best about what works for you. You can, therefore, ensure that your workspace is a reflection of you, in every sense. Use your better judgment to choose the right props you need around you. But there is one rule that should never be broken ~ eliminate everything from your sight, which is causing you stress and distraction. You’ll be much more productive and feel relaxed in a space with minimal clutter; tidy desk = tidy mind.


How To Create An Inspiring Workspace


To conclude: Whatever your area of expertise, you need a dedicated space to work from; it’s where ideas are born, and it’s where you will make important decisions about your work life. Having an inspirational workspace will additionally aid your creativity and thinking. It might take you a day or two to set up your space, but once you do, you will find it to be an investment for a lifetime!

If you haven’t yet thought about your home office, now is the time. Or do you have any exciting ideas to share on creating a great workspace? Post your comments below and let me know!

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Written By

* I love bringing together a bunch of conflicting items and weaving my own sense of one-ness to them. *


  • In love with this setup! Your photos are always magnificent, Tanya! ❤️

    Recently I’ve been feeling like there’s not enough hours in the day to do everything that I want to do. So, I woke super early this morning so I could have the time to cook, clean, work on my digital planner and plan for the weekend ahead. Definitely going to look into creating a more efficient workspace, too!

  • Love your content, it’s always so uplifting! ❤️ Of course, always forget other parts of the world have a different workspace setup. Hope you have a fabulous week, Tanya!

  • That home office is such an aesthetic ✨ gotta love the vibe!

    You’re such an inspiration! Thank you for the advice; these tips could not have come in at a better time for me.

  • Exactly what I needed to hear today! During my freelance years, I told myself that if I created one small workspace for myself, my productivity would improve. Given the times we live in, it looks like I need a space to be motivated everyday! Here’s to hard work & passion!

  • You are are a huge inspiration and role model to me, Tanya! You are so lucky to be able to do what you love every day! Creating art through your words and images must be such an experience! ❤️

  • Thanks for sharing your valuable guidance, Tanya. And, I am so happy to see your blog growing day by day! You are one of the reasons I keep pushing myself to improve (but I need this same discipline as you). 🙂

  • My productivity levels are at an all-time low… I guess after such a long lockdown, the pace is going back to normal (pre-lock down days) and it’ll just take a little time to adjust. You’re such an inspiration, thank you for sharing this. ❤️❤️❤️

  • What a lovely desk set up! Looks like a really comfy place to set up shop for some work time… Especially as June has (already!) been a lot for me, I have to consciously make a mental note to pace myself. 🙂

  • This is such a dreamy space! Home office goalssss! ❤️

    I’m currently listening to quite a few podcasts on slow and simple living, and it has really inspired me to declutter and eliminate the things that are not being used regularly on my desk. 🙂 Thank you for sharing.

  • This is exactly the approach I’ve embraced! I put together an inspiration board on Pinterest and put the main pieces on there before I made a purchase, to see if they went with my overall look that I was trying to go for. Also, I invested in quality pieces that will last me a long time… 🙂

  • This looks so damn minimal! Love it! ✨ I’m planning to put something minimal/muted on my home-office wall. Of course, still budget friendly. And definitely more plants… Can you ever have enough?!

    • …maybe a 2-layer stand alone shelf for mini plants? Of course, floating shelves are a dream if you can drill holes.

  • I have landed on the right page! Love starting a fresh new week with clear plans and goals so I can hit the ground running… And yes, pictures of loved ones look great and create a welcoming atmosphere ❤️ with a homelike touch. Thanks for sharing.

  • Omg woww! Totally work mood motivation! ❤️ Adulting is hard but this year it’s even harder… that means I would definitely like to come and visit and admire some more! Haha!

  • Wow! This unique home office space will definitely improve productivity, and make light work of organising stationery and files – my dream space! ❤️❤️❤️ Btw I really love these photo so so much!!

  • I can smell the fragrance in you pictures… hhmmm!! I’m feeling in the zone now that my workspace is starting to take shape… it still needs painting though. And, I think I need a little drawer unit to pop my printer onto. Gonna take all the advice I can get! Thank you for sharing. xx

  • This setup! Loved checking out how the ‘new normal’ workspace can also nurture and champion creativity! Well, we’ve officially made it through the most unprecedented phase of the decade, so let’s take a moment to applaud ourselves, and be proud of how far we’ve come! ✨

  • This workspace is so dreamy and beautiful. ❤️ Working in an #inspirational atmosphere is a great privilege… Wholeheartedly appreciate your tips. Hope you had a great weekend and have an even better week!

  • I definitely love a clean vibe and minimalistic home-office… This space is charming; clearly curated with love and passion. ❤️ Your visuals and the elegance with which you weave your words are truly a match made in heaven, Tanya! Thank you for sharing.

  • I love the modern aesthetics expressed using a light palette comprising of white and traces of light wood… I feel inspired to work just looking at this! I cant wait to see your blog-magic grow bit by bit! Hope you have a magical Monday, Tanya!

  • Thank you for sharing such beautiful ideas! ❤️ Given my desk’s placement in the home, I don’t have much space to place a lot of things so I’m trying to keep things as organised as possible!

    Have a wonderful week, and please be safe and continue to practice social distancing and proper hygiene if you are going anywhere!

  • July is upon us (time flies!). I’m not sure if I have quarantine to thank for this but I have been seriously unimpressed with my home office situation! On that note, I love the beautiful and educative topic you’ve chosen to blog about! I’m going to follow your advice religiously all week long and make brilliant progress. So, thank you so much!

  • I love your workspace! One thing that keeps me motivated while working is a good looking workspace. It inspires me to do my job well. I’ll keep your workspace in mind while I re-work the way my desk looks. Thanks for sharing!

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