Essential Skills You Need as a Full-Time Blogger

Essential Skills You Need as a Full-Time Blogger

How To Become A Professional Blogger

How To Become A Professional Blogger


There are no endless hours of study, no subservience to a boss, no corporate etiquette to follow… One can easily see why blogging is an alluring prospect. It’s a domain where you are the lone ruler ~ an idea that is well-liked. But realistically speaking, being a blogger of influence is not for the faint of heart.

I have been a full-time blogger for over 5 years, and have come to realise that the effort and energy we put into our work, is often played down. I have had people tell me, “Blogging? Well, anyone can do that. All you need is a laptop and some basic content making skills.” Yet these very same people enter the words “How to Become a Professional Blogger” into their search bar, hoping to get a bite of that elusive cherry. If it were easy, everyone would be making fortunes from blogging, right?

In my experience, blogging is a field driven by passion, skill, and intelligence. It takes nerves of steel to willingly quit the safety net of a traditional job and take on so many different responsibilities; i.e. idea-building, financial management, delegation, and many others that allow the business to become viable. Since many of you have been asking, today I wanted to give you a few lessons on how to become a professional blogger.


How To Become A Professional Blogger

How To Become A Professional Blogger


Generate Unique Ideas

Many prospective bloggers tap into advice from the Internet on the subjects they should blog about. Youtubers and Instagrammers shower them with ideas, micro-niche topics, keywords with low competition, and what not! While there is nothing wrong with emulating these plans, the fact remains that all those who watch them are getting the same ideas. This is why your creativity is of paramount importance. You cannot let another’s brain dictate your work.

Let loose your imagination; use your knowledge and skill to come up with unique ideas. Be it about writing blog posts, shooting photos, or creating incredible videos; you have to make an effort to get ahead of your peers. Expressing your individuality combined with being your genuine self, is a formula I can’t teach enough!

Key Takeaway: With millions of pages and videos being added to the repository of the Internet each day, it’s tough to think outside the box. But it’s not beyond anybody either; the sky is the limit for your creativity.


Teach Yourself Some Discipline

I cannot overstate the importance of self-discipline in blogging. Professional Blogging is a territory where you are not under the watchful eyes of anybody. No team leader to micromanage you and no boss to check your progress. So if you are unable to self-monitor, you are bound to lose your way.

I learned this lesson early on in my career, and I continue to set tough goals for myself. To date ~ I maintain a precise to-do list, I always push myself to go that extra mile, and am not easy on myself when I miss my daily goals. I also schedule my work hours and often go beyond them to meet my deadlines.

Key Takeaway: A traditional work hierarchy with managers above you will always have you finishing your tasks, even if you don’t consider yourself the most disciplined person. Blogging doesn’t give you that luxury. Consider self-discipline a quality you need to start building on now if you want to make it at a professional level.


How To Become A Professional Blogger

How To Become A Professional Blogger


Nobody Hands You Anything, Find Your Options

For a blogger, nothing arrives on a silver platter ready to be consumed. You will have to strive for every opportunity. You will have to knock on many doors, and you have to sense opportunities and grab them. If you are serious about growing your online presence and establishing yourself as a brand, you will have to stay ahead of the game.

Key Takeaway: A blogger is an independent player. How resourceful you are, will determine how easily you can tread new paths. Where others see an impediment, you have to sense an opportunity. In essence, you have to be able to adapt and turn a situation to your advantage.


You Fall 100 Times; You Get up 101 Times

Blogging demands enormous willpower and determination. There will be days where you will long to curl up inside your blanket, and moments where you will feel your dreams come crashing down. But the grit to break those shackles and bounce back from setbacks is what will set you apart from the rest. It is what defines a champion.

In my early days of blogging, I came to realise that I had to get used to bad days and still not lose sight of my goals. I would write my long term goals on a sticky note and paste them where I could see them while working. Every time I felt like quitting, it helped me remember why I started in the first place. If you want to learn how to become a professional blogger, I highly suggest writing your goals down and keeping them within reach.

Key Takeaway: Ask any successful blogger, and they will tell you how tightly they held on to their goals. In a world with so many established bloggers, it can feel as if you are falling behind. But the secret to survival clearly isn’t to give in.


How To Become A Professional Blogger

How To Become A Professional Blogger


Learn to Build Your Brand

At the beginning of your blogging career, curating content will consume all your time and attention, and rightly so. However, once you start making a name for yourself, you will realise the need to develop an entirely new set of skills to help your business thrive. Skills to manage your money, to carefully spend the money earned from blogging to expand your business, to manage people you have hired, and so on.

Key Takeaway: Being a blogger is a juggling act of balancing different responsibilities all at once. There will be times when you will miss the routine and convenience {in comparison} of a 9-5 job. But you will need to forge ahead and resist that temptation. Because graduating to entrepreneur mode is the most important ingredient to success in this industry.


To conclude: If you are already confident, a good starting point is to then follow my tips on how to become a professional blogger to give yourself the best chance for success. Because self-discipline, resilience, and determination combined with your unique ideas will bring you great success in whatever you pursue!

If you are focused on growing yourself and your business, the rest will follow. Let me know if there are other blogging topics you want me to cover.

Disclaimer: The material on this site may not be reproduced, distributed, transmitted, cached or otherwise used, except with the prior written permission of Urban Diaries.

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Written By

* I love bringing together a bunch of conflicting items and weaving my own sense of one-ness to them. *


  • Planning is really important to set our priorities and goals! And I definitely need to get myself more organised! Thanks for sharing.

  • LOVE everything about this share! I definitely feel that these tips will be what I need going forward… Keep inspiring, Tanya!

  • Words are just words until you publish them… And I did just that! 🙂 I am just starting out and appreciate your support, Tanya.

  • Amazing tips! I see so many people making such a big mistake when they first start blogging… They lead with the intention to monetise. Instead of focusing on the money, focus first on building a strong brand and creating unique content.

    • Absolutely! Trust the process and KNOW that money will come later if your intention is right from the start…

  • Ahh – you said it! My main objective is my brand and my identity… so, I just put my head down and stay focused! Thank you for sharing, Tanya.

  • Such a beautifully informative post, Tanya. My blog is my creative space… it revolves around food and motherhood. My vision is to share knowledge about ingredients, how to use and store them correctly. I also experiment flavour combinations and share that on my page as well. 🙂

  • This is great value sharing, Tanya! You definitely need to post quality content consistently, and I feel the best content is created when you are feeling inspired. Keep learning and keep growing!

  • This is definitely a Wow post for full-time bloggers! You have certainly harnessed your strengths and built on it, on your digital journey… Thank you for sharing this list, I can’t wait to implement your tips!

  • Your ability to plan dictates your ability to succeed… I believe that wholeheartedly. Not being naturally creative has definitely hindered me in this industry, but I have found that planning helps relieve so much of that added creative stress… and ensures I always have content to share!

  • These tips I would definitely like to explore… And I do understand that blogging full-time is fruitful, as long as you’ve got the skills and have the validation to back up your unique process!

  • Your step-by-step road-map is so on point ~ couldn’t have said it better myself! Just remember that a blog is also meant to be an endless flow of unravelling who you are truly meant to be… Keep at it!

  • You are doing an amazing job with your blog, Tanya! And this is just freaking helpful! I don’t dedicate enough time to actually blogging on my website ~ which I want to focus on more!

  • Your content is really valuable and easy to understand ~ and this post made me so happy! The older I get, the more I realise how important it is to do what you are passionate about in life… Like start my blog, create amazing content, and maybe inspire! Time to take a deep breath now! ✨

  • What a great guide! You have explained the process so well that any beginner can learn and understand… Keep it up!

  • Absolutely love what you have done with this post by breaking down your process… super helpful! And yes, it’s super important to not underestimate the power of determination!

  • Helpful post, and a real gem for budding bloggers! People do sometimes forget that perseverance is more important than perfectionism… You have to do what you are trying for at least 30 days and then you must think about perfecting that.

  • Agreed! Blogging isn’t about publishing as much as you can. It’s about publishing as smart as you can. Thank you for summing up all the essential tips for potential bloggers to analyse, Tanya. Great work, as always!

  • Your posts on blogging tips are highly valued, Tanya. This post provided me with a better understanding of how blogging can boost my business, and how it fits into my wider marketing… Thank you for this perspective.

  • There have been so many times where I didn’t do something because I was scared… and I missed out on so much! Even though this year is kind of a mess, I’m trying to make sure that I am going out of my way to make a life I love… starting with creating an online presence! Thank you for sparing your time to curate this, Tanya!

  • Read your wonderfully informative blog… unconsciously knew these, but seeing them all together makes more sense. Definitely going to implement your tips because I work full time, and I have a hard time managing both!

  • Really informative and helpful blog post. I do set priorities and I try to be as organised as I can… but I do need to seek help as well, so I’m going to implement these wonderful tips. 🙂

  • Well said and great advice! You should be proud of the traction you are getting… definitely making major inroads in this industry, and we’re rooting for you, Tanya!

  • Love your tips! And, there’s nothing like consistency, is there? You have to be consistent in this business, in order to grow! Just like you get up and go to your 9-5 everyday, you have to get up and put in the work in order to grow your brand!

  • This is penned down so nicely with very helpful information for anyone interested in joining this industry. I love your blog because it is so unique, Tanya. ❤️ Thank you for sharing your insight.

  • Super helpful share… And yes, you do have to show your personality to be able to connect. I have been working on my blog for over a year and still have a lot more work to do…

  • Agreed! The mantra of Blogging is very simple: produce quality content and you will be the succulent nectar which attracts all the bees and butterflies! 😀

  • This was excellent! Content isn’t just a buzzword; it’s a necessity in today’s digital marketing landscape. Thank you for the clear and informative post, Tanya!

    On that note: Time to spend quality time with your loved ones. Let’s detoxify our life and fight this pandemic together!

  • Great share, as always. You are helping others with your awesome knowledge bombs, and the way you explain this seems like a piece of cake! Keep creating such valuable content and keep inspiring others!

  • Much needed post! Thanks for sharing this list, Tanya. Here’s to learning more skills and increasing my chances of success.

  • Blogs can be a powerful way to get you noticed, and done right, can provide you with plenty to talk about on social media too. Thank you for sharing your blogging tricks that we can use to help build our business.

  • “The scariest moment is always just before you start. After that, things can only get better.” ~ Stephen King

    Great insights you’re shared here, and now I’ve got a long to-do list ready to smash this blogging malarkey!

  • You inspire me. ❤️

    You really are one of the social media stars I look up to. Thank you so much for sharing your knowledge with us (who are just starting out and can’t afford to purchase courses yet). This friendly and informative post will get us on the fast track to success!

  • This post is amazing! Such a reminder of how a few seconds of extra work can make a big difference in social media conversions!

    Remember: Knowing how to grow your blogging community is CRUCIAL. It’s simple marketing and is what will keep bringing you new readers organically.

  • A clear message, simplistic design and TTP! Thank you for always sharing the BEST advice. ❤️❤️ I appreciate you and your giving heart! Keep smashing it!

  • You’re an inspiration! I’ve loved following your journey over the past few years, and looking forward to seeing how far you can keep going! ❤️

    To add to your post, I would say that no matter how big or small – if you are adding value and making a difference – that’s ALL THAT MATTERS!

  • This is literally such a truth bomb! You have to start somewhere to get anywhere. Thanks for inspiring me in so many different ways! ❤️

    And on that note – To everyone reading this, this is really your moment to shine, so don’t be modest now.

  • Wow, this is an amazing post! There is a tremendous amount of value for one to have a blogging platform. Not only does it help validate the business you own or work for, but it will also generate business for you.

    p.s. Thank you so much for sharing this with us. Keep up the awesome work with your content!

  • Yes, if you really want it, work for it – because, in reality, hard work and consistency is the only true way to grow.

    On a side note: Your posts are always very helpful and organized, Tanya. Keep doing your great job!

  • Couldn’t agree more with you, these are an absolute necessity for growth. Writing a blog can be a huge reputation builder, and it gives one good quality content to share on social media, on websites, and by email. Keep doing the great work. ❤️

  • Thank you for sharing these useful tips on creating timely and fresh blogs that meet the needs and engage the minds of one’s readership.

    To add to your post: Writing is all about giving words to your voice. So make sure your voice touches the right chords!

  • Great content… actually learnt something new!! ❤️ Thank you for eliminating the stumbling blocks that are preventing the completion of my blog!

  • Lovely post! ✨ There is always scope for improvement, and the responsibility for progress lies on my shoulders. With this guide and your secret formula, I will be able to unleash my potential and start the blog I’ve wanted to for so long…

  • I love this! Along with the right knowledge, blogging is about imbibing the right skill set in order to make a difference! Just one of the steep learning curves to blogging… I’m slowly finding my style, too. Although, it may take me some time to decide on my niche.

  • We all have to start somewhere! 🙂 This blog that I am looking at is proof that you’ve found a way to accomplish your goal. I look forward to developing to express myself with my blog, by applying this ultimate beginner’s guide!

  • Absolutely! Banging out a 1,000-word post every other day is great, but you won’t see the results you’re hoping for if you don’t keep user intent in mind.⁠

    Well, if you want to level up your #bloggingskills and become a #successfulblogger – then you are at the right place.

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