Highly Effective Solutions For Hormonal Acne

Highly Effective Solutions For Hormonal Acne

Hormonal Acne: Why It Happens and How to Treat It

Highly Effective Solutions For Hormonal Acne


Whether you’re 45 or 15, if every time you look in the mirror and you notice an eruption of acne, then you may not be treating your skin/the acne the right way. No matter what your age, hormonal acne can have you looking droopy faced one day and Miss Sunshine on another. The best way to keep your skin blemish-free on any sort of long-term basis is to follow a regime using the right products; diligence in your routine is peremptory. If you’re dealing with what you think is hormonal acne, then keep reading to learn what causes acne in the first place, plus highly effective solutions for hormonal acne to help you get a handle on your hormonal breakouts once and for all!


Is It Hormones?

Acne is triggered by bacteria that live on our skin. It essentially draws its life source from the excessive oil produced by the hormones in our body, which creates an ideal environment for it to thrive. High pollution levels in our city cause dirt to clog the pores while the build-up of dead skin cells reduces the breathability of our skin, resulting in a breakout. Stress also plays a significant role and then, we have our diet and the skin products we use that can make a difference too.

You’re a typical hormonal-acne patient if even well past puberty acne seems to be right around the corner every time you go through hormonal changes which could include monthly period cycles. Hormonal acne can be relatively easy to combat, but in very severe cases you may end up getting stuck in a vicious cycle of acne breakouts and new skincare regimens.

The secret to zapping away hormonal acne successfully is to choose a treatment that you can follow consistently. Patience comes next to consistency; you may hence have to wait for up to two to three months to ensure that the treatments are effective. In a world where everyone believes in quick fixes, this seems to be the toughest part. As I’ve mentioned earlier, a consistent routine is key ~ follow it religiously to ensure that your skin clears up and you have a permanent solution to your acne problem.


Highly Effective Solutions For Hormonal Acne

Highly Effective Solutions For Hormonal Acne

Highly Effective Solutions For Hormonal Acne


Find a System and Stick to It

This is true of even very mild cases. If you have decided to go with a particular treatment, then make sure that you follow the routine of using a cleanser, mild exfoliant, and your treatment product; doing this every day will help reduce acne and improve your skin. If you quit too early and decide to switch products, then your skin will have to adjust to a new treatment all over again and you would only end up with an incomplete regimen that may eventually lead to another acne breakout.


OTC Ingredients

While over-the-counter products may help you fight acne to a certain extent, to treat the hormonal component of acne, I would advise you to consult with a skin specialist. But to help clear your skin of dead cells and dirt, you could use salicylic acid which has a mild antibacterial effect and is easily available at the drug store. Salicylic acid is also known as willow bark {essentially the main ingredient that makes aspirin} and is useful in clearing clogged pores and reducing acne-related inflammation. However, to target acne bacteria more effectively, you may use Salicylic acid in a preparation that includes benzoyl peroxide. You may notice some dryness or irritation when using benzoyl peroxide, but if you decide not to use it, then make sure that your cleansing routine is an effective one. Tea-tree oil can be used as a substitute for benzoyl peroxide as it is known for its anti-bacterial properties as well.


You will also find Vitamin A or retinol which is available over-the-counter to be useful for fighting acne breakouts. It helps in gentle exfoliation and has mild anti-bacterial properties as well. Good quality retinol are highly regarded for their ability to treat acne and reduce signs of ageing, although Vitamin C is also known to treat acne and fight free radical damage to skin cells.

Additionally, there are overnight clay masks and spot treatment clays which you will find beneficial for treating acne. And, just like charcoal draws out all impurities from water, natural charcoal beauty products can help purify skin and give it a natural glow.


I’m not particularly fond of the dryness caused by alcohol-based toners which are often considered to be good for treating acne. Quite contrary to popular belief the eventual drying of the skin leads to more oil production creating an acne-suitable environment on your skin. Non-alcohol toners or witch hazel can be better alternatives for a more effective treatment. I have also known Tea Tree Oil Cleansing Facial Pads to be good for cleaning the skin before using an acne treatment cream.


Highly Effective Solutions For Hormonal Acne

Highly Effective Solutions For Hormonal Acne

Highly Effective Solutions For Hormonal Acne


What to Eat

Skin specialists agree that your diet can significantly affect your skin. This is probably why there seems to be so much discussion on diets when you are dealing with acne. Dairy and high-glycemic foods doubtlessly play a part, while high sugar diets or foods that can increase inflammation are popular culprits for acne-prone skin. You can explore different diets like the low carbohydrate diet or even a vegan diet to find out what works best for you when combating hormonal acne.


Dermatologist Office Solutions

If you’ve made a concerted effort with over-the-counter regimens and/or diet and still aren’t seeing results, then it may be time for you to visit a dermatologist. Depending on the findings of the doctor and the condition of the acne, you may be prescribed retinol, topical treatment creams, antibiotics, or blue light treatments like Isolaze. Also, an easy way to tackle acne scars is to use light lasers like Clear and Brilliant which can clean the pores and reduce the redness or brownish tones of your skin caused by old acne lesions.

Oral antibiotics usually represent the less-travelled route for treating acne, but in severe hormonal-acne cases, oral antibiotics can be very effective. Birth control pills and hormone-mitigating medications can be used in treating more-severe acne as well. Accutane is a more aggressive oral antibiotic that can be used to treat severe cases of hormonal acne but it must be taken with care since it is known to cause birth defects when taken during pregnancy, and it can also lead to severe dryness of the skin. Used correctly, it can be something of a miracle for people who’ve tried everything and failed.

Most situations are thankfully much less dire and can be treated with a firm regimen and constant vigilance. Try these highly effective solutions for hormonal acne to ensure you keep your skin clear.


Disclaimer: This content, including advice, provides generic information only. It is in no way a substitute for qualified medical opinion. Always consult a specialist or your own doctor for more information.

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* I love bringing together a bunch of conflicting items and weaving my own sense of one-ness to them. *


  • I have been going through a tough time with my skin-care regime, and I have tried making positive efforts towards taking care of myself. You seem so focused and determined, and move forward with life with so much grace and hard work! More power to you, Tanya!

  • Taking care of our skin is so essential! I use topical medications to treat my acne, but still get the occasional breakout… I’ll have to keep your tips in mind.

  • Absolutely wonderful share! ✨ I have always looked up to you, Tanya. The way you take care of yourself and the way you strive to move forward is remarkable!

  • This post has been very helpful… and I’m so proud of you for being so confident in your skin! I honestly should try Vitamin A, especially since my skin has not been good to me lately!

  • Very interesting read – I still remember my acne years but now on to a new journey without it! And, the only thing I’d add to my list is Tea-tree oil. Thank you for sharing.

  • My acne is so much worse than before… so this post could not have come at a better time! Also, do you have any tips for acne scarring?

    • Thank you, Ashley.

      For deeper scarring that effects the texture of skin, I personally don’t have any experience but have heard that the Fraxel laser treatment does wonders, and that micro collagen injections are also an option. Hope that’s helpful.

  • Love your tips! I think I have all of these down except Tea Tree Oil! Don’t use it as often as I probably should; will definitely start to use it again now that I’ve read this informative and useful post!

  • Awesome post, and I do really want to try this in my routine! By the way, are AHA products available OTC or do I need to see a dermatologist?

  • Consistency is the key! ✨ Wonderful advise for acne prone skin, and I especially love the overnight clay mask suggestion. #skincareregime

  • I’m definitely someone who needs the extra motivation to take care of my skin… haha! Thank you for this informative post, and I definitely need to check out your blog more often! ❤️

  • Tanya, I’m so glad I found your blog and this post. I went through a bad skin-breakout this year that left me feeling pretty broken at a time when I wasn’t feeling all that together in the first place. Looking forward to your future posts!

  • Wonderful post! ❤️❤️❤️ Such a simple way of making more conscious decisions. It’s so important to be aware about what we use on our bodies – in every capacity!

  • Great tips! I’ve been struggling with acne since going off birth control – can’t wait to try some of these suggestions. 🙂

  • Ohh ~ love these products on display, and love this informative post! ❤️ By the way, good healthy foods are also important for skin care!

  • What a beautiful share, and such a nice way of looking at things! There is always a learning from your posts… and yes, there are just so many incredible brands with amazing products out there! ❤️

  • Your posts are always inspiring, Tanya! It’s never easy to treat our skin and body with respect, but it’s always the better road… By the way, the Diwali holidays have given me extra time to indulge in a skincare routine and I’m loving it! ✨

  • This literally looks like a magazine editorial! ✨ Love reading your skincare and wellness posts, Tanya! Completely in love with this share!

  • I’m starting to love skincare a little bit more … If I am 100% honest, I have noticed visible changes to my skin since incorporating Vitamin C into my routine. Thank you for helping us through our acne nightmares, Tanya! ❤️

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