Valentine’s Day: On Being Unconventional When It Comes To Celebrating Love

Valentine’s Day: On Being Unconventional When It Comes To Celebrating Love

Valentine’s Day: On Being Unconventional When It Comes To Celebrating Love


Have you wondered what could be the history behind February 14; the day when everywhere around the globe ~ candy, chocolates, red roses, and gifts are exchanged? Celebrated in the name of St. Valentine, myth has it that this day of love has its origin from ancient Rome ~ when Emperor Claudius executed a Roman priest named Valentine, who performed the weddings of young lovers clandestinely. It is believed that Valentine’s Day is celebrated as a tribute to his martyrdom on the Roman holiday Lupercalia.


Doing Valentine's Day Differently

Doing Valentine's Day Differently


Doing Valentine’s Day Differently

The meaning of Valentine’s Day can vary from person to person, and each person’s idea and perception of celebrating this day of love can be very different. In my opinion, expressions of love need not have specificity. Hence, Vikram and I have our own way of looking at love. Our calendar is not inked with a date to celebrate what we feel for each other, nor do we wait for a special occasion to show our love for each other. Every single day is a celebration; heart-shaped chocolates, loving embraces, sparkling wine, and flowers are for when we feel like it.

For us, love resplendently shines in the little joys around us, and the daily small gestures that make us feel appreciated. Be it ~ waking up to a beautiful sunrise as the bold and brilliant shades of the sky envelops us, appreciating a dazzling sunset with myriad hues that resemble an artwork in progress, cycling down cobbled streets far away from our homeland while feeling the gentle caress of the breeze, road trips which spell excitement as we sit together referencing maps and discussing routes, enjoying our time together on the beach as we watch the waves lapping the shore to have a rendezvous with the golden sand, or savouring delicious cups of hot chocolate while the rain draws its patterns on our window panes ~ are experiences all laced with love, and have always been our idea of romance. Yes, we do not need a special day or a date to celebrate love.



For me, love is also hidden in the small moments of waking up to the twinkle in his eyes, or lying down beside him and talking about my day, or bonding over insignificant and trivial things. Maybe it is time for you too to stop waiting for just one day to keep the flame ignited; give your loved one a reason to cherish the love you two share ~ every single day.


Doing Valentine's Day Differently


To my Urban Diaries Galentines,
Thank you for always being there for me. I love getting to know you through all your sweet comments. It means the world to me to have your support every day. I hope you have the best Valentine’s Day, and an amazing day ~ every day… You’re the best!

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* I love bringing together a bunch of conflicting items and weaving my own sense of one-ness to them. *


  • Tanya, this is an incredible way to process the more profound significance of Valentine’s Day! I just love the framing of the images and the elements, too! ❤️

  • Your aesthetics! ❤️ Thank you for this wonderful post! I particularly welcome the idea that the most important relationship we’ll ever have – is the one with ourselves!

    • All too often on Valentine’s Day, people overlook that the focus needs to be on love and not on the commercial aspects of the occasion. Let’s make an effort to bring the emphasis back on love, Pooja. 🙂

  • This is so dreamy and beautiful ❤️ and the PERFECT Valentine’s Day post! If all of us followed your advice, the world would definitely be a better place!

  • My Valentine’s Day last year was a great lesson ~ no expensive presents, no dining out ~ just a peaceful day with someone extraordinary doing simple things and appreciating the world. Bliss. 🙂

  • Speechless with the riot of colours! ❤️ And, you’ve got that contagious smile! Your writing and your photography styling are superb but, of course, it’s also how beautiful your soul is.

  • There’s a whole lotta love here, Tanya and you bring it! May your heart be filled with love over Valentine’s and every day to come! Life starts at 40 and so does extraordinary love! ❤️

    • Life really starts the day you choose to experience each day without limitations and begin to appreciate what’s already in your life, Tina. 🙂

  • What a beautiful heartfelt post! I am delighted to meet other couples who love each other and prove that happy marriages aren’t a dying breed!

  • Genuine romance rarely relies on special occasions… May you have many more Valentine’s Days, even if for you, that’s every day! ❤️

  • Love this and your creative presentation! ❤️

    I guess this could be the day where one could kick back and reach out by connecting with friends and family. Thanks for sharing, and wishing you a wonderful Valentine’s as well!

  • I totally adore this post! Both of you are an incredible model of love, marriage, and bliss. Happy Valentine’s to you both!

  • What an endearing post! ❤️❤️❤️ So beautiful and I’m envious of your happiness! In my defence, it does count as an everyday essential in my parallel imaginary world of being a princess!

  • You just made my day with that lovely visage! And, I wonder what more will your mirror be able to tell us about your beautiful personality… 🙂

  • So thoughtful… and these photos are amazing! ❤️ Your post made me genuinely smile today. To celebrate with fervour the unique elements of femininity this way, is just so ahead of the times!

  • Such a beautiful post and what a lovely photo-shoot! Thank you for this knowledge that you have shared in the simplest manner possible. Much love to you, beautiful! ❤️

  • Really well written… A beautiful celebration of a beautiful mind! Your lovely pictures say it all ~ yes to love every-single-day! ❤️

  • So beautiful! ❤️ You look radiant in this gift of love, Tanya. And to me, you are more than an Encyclopedia with so much knowledge to give!

  • Loved your Valentine’s Day story; pure love! I’m learning so much from you, and along with learning I’m making an effort to incorporate… xx

  • You look fabulous, and the setting/background is so well combined, contrasted and matched! 🙂 Insightful post. too. I’m actually proud of how far you’ve come with your blogging!

  • Everything about this is just perfect! The Indian high tea setting, the greenery and the joy & laughter… everything is so bright and cheerful! Your hubby’s love suits you beautifully! ❤️

  • Love certainly enhances your beauty, Tanya! Thank you for this lovely post, and your time and effort to explain the nuances of Valentine’s Day – every day! My admiration for your blog posts has no end!

  • Such a beautiful post about love! It’s refreshing to see you actively listen to your mind and body, and work on things you absolutely need to… Your post has helped me heal when I didn’t know I needed healing. ❤️❤️❤️

  • What a beautiful piece of art this blog is! This combination of your joy with the earthy beauty you are surrounded by, is absolutely fabulous! Hats off to your imagination and creativity… and more power to you! ❤️

  • Ooh – these are stunning… I love how the shoot turned out! The colours remind me of seasonal changes and new things coming, and your happy smiles remind me that there is hope after the storm! Here’s to celebrating you both at your happy place! ❤️

  • These are gorgeous images… Much needed time to getaway!

    On a side note, thank you for being so open and honest. Very inspiring, Tanya! ❤️❤️❤️

  • A striking couple! ❤️

    Totally feel this, Tanya! Thank you for being a constant light to me and others on this platform! Love you so much!

  • Such a beautiful couple! ❤️ And, I love that you shared this with us! I find the more vulnerable we are, the more we are able to deepen in love…

  • These are wise words, Tanya. It can be a hard balance being in a relationship while keeping your love (flame) alive… Love and light to you both! ✨✨✨

    On that note, lovely photos of you both.

  • This is stunning! What a beautiful setup!

    Tanya, your posts are my driving force in life; on the days when I can’t drive, you figuratively take the wheel and drive me down to my destination! ✨

  • Oh, this is beautiful!! I love it!

    Tanya + Vikram // Love Celebration ❤️ is always great considering the difficult times we are living in…

  • This is so gorgeous! The perfect outdoor setting for an apt occasion! ❤️

    It’s so true that to celebrate love, we don’t need a specific day, but should demonstrate it to those we love most, every day… On that note, here’s to celebrating the true love I grew up watching!

  • Wow, this is stunning babe!! ❤️❤️❤️

    It’s wonderful to know that you both don’t really celebrate Valentine’s Day on the 14th, but celebrate it every time/every way you can! Loving without conditions or expectations is how I would want to be truly loved, with freedom & acceptance…

  • Aww – this is such a cute V-day setup! ❤️

    Thank you for sharing this unique collection of thoughtful ideas to give us all a little inspiration… Love, it would seem, is truly a gift you can give every day!

  • Awww, this is so sweet and lovely! ❤️ Thank you so much for giving me the inspiration to give LOVE a whirl again, Tanya!

  • Love in its purest form!

    Life is truly about all the finer moments that make a difference… I hope you both have a year full of love and health! When you love intensely everything flows in your life better… ✨✨✨

  • …And so they lived happily ever after! ❤️ Seriously, everything about this is adorable! You both are a true inspiration for commitment!

  • Great message ❤️ love this! “The best place in the world is in the arms of someone who will not only hold you at your best but will pick you up and hug you tight at your weakest moment.”

    Here’s to celebrating love, life and everything in between!!

  • Awwww… This so beautifully captures the feeling of being completely lost in the moment of love!

    Well, good times come and go, but the memories will last forever! Tis’ definitely the time of the year to create some amazing memories that I will cherish for life… Thank you so much for sharing your lovely thoughts on Love, Tanya. Hugs!

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