Cup of tea: Mastering the art of the perfect brew

Cup of tea: Mastering the art of the perfect brew

I can still remember the distinctive aroma of tea as it filled the kitchen every morning… as I woke up in my childhood home. I may have inadvertently taken after my mum’s taste, because of my ardent adoration of her, which meant both of us liked our tea a little less strong and sweetened with a generous spoonful of honey. I can still recall my mother calling out for me to “put the kettle on.” Having tea in the morning and the evening was a ritual that we could hardly forgo. It was the time of the day when everything else took a backseat, as we sat down to take a moment for ourselves and relish in the simpler, more beautiful moments of life.


Cup of tea: Mastering the art of the perfect brew

Cup of tea: Mastering the art of the perfect brew


As I added more candles to my cake, I gained a wider awareness of the world around us. My passion for our tea ritual incited me to learn more about the art of making, serving, and drinking tea. This included the different types, flavours, the interesting history, and the charming beauty of tea. I strongly believe that it is an art that is worthy of plenty of attention and detail. My affinity for tea makes the age-old tradition of making the perfect cup of tea an important one for me. I relish the ritualistic process of picking the leaf blends. I revel in the sound of water as it boils, beckoning me to pour the leaves. I delight in the dance of the leaves as they gently submerge themselves in the water emancipating a lovely fragrance as they steep. I love nothing more than a refreshing cup of morning tea as I start my day giving me the chance to gently welcome the beginning of a new day. I think tea truly deserves this detail of ritual, purity, and of time.

Lately, I have been going through the criterion which befits my idea of a perfect cup of tea and I have come across a few fundamentals based on the preparation and presentation of tea that I would like to share with all of you. I hope you enjoy reading it, just like you would enjoy a wonderful cup of tea.


Cup of tea: Mastering the art of the perfect brew

Cup of tea: Mastering the art of the perfect brew


But, first up…

# 1 Attitude means everything. A beautiful mind gives way to a delicious cup of tea. So before you get to the preparations, take a moment to relax. Reach out to your inner soul and find peace within yourself. Fill your mind with the beautiful and positive moments of your life so that you feel a surge of energy as you begin the ritual of tea making.

#2 Tea selection is highly important. The tender, tangible magic of a wonderful cup of tea lies in details as subtle as the right choice of tea. Keep in mind both ~ the physical characteristics like the unique aroma, the distinctive taste and the shape of the leaves, and the spiritual characteristics like the history of the tea you choose, its name and origin; so that you select a tea that you can make a connection with. My tea searching usually ends with the Oolong variety which I feel resonates my taste perfectly.

#3 Water selection needs special attention. The most disregarded aspect in tea-making is the water. After all, the harmless-looking transparent liquid could hardly make a big difference, right? Wrong! Clean and pure water allows you to enjoy the true essence of the tea. It is the freshness of water in its pure state that helps us admire the loving benevolence of Mother Nature. The addition of chlorine and fluoride does alter the taste of water and can consequently have a detrimental effect on the actual taste of the tea you prepare; while distilled water results in flat tea which takes away the pleasures of sipping the beverage. On the other hand, high mineral content in the water abets the exquisiteness and sweetness of green tea. The perfect cup of tea requires water with an alkaline pH level of approximately 7.9 and a temperature that hovers between 75 degrees and 85 degrees centigrade.


Cup of tea: Mastering the art of the perfect brew

Cup of tea: Mastering the art of the perfect brew


Cup of tea: Mastering the art of the perfect brew
My perfect cup of tea: Preparation

• Add fresh water to a stovetop kettle and bring it to a boil.

• While the water boils, prepare the tea leaves by placing an adequate amount of loose tea leaves {about 1/3 full} in a Gaiwan {covered bowl}. Since the tea leaves will need room to expand when they begin to infuse, make sure you do not overcrowd the leaves. This will help the leaves release the maximum amount of flavour.

• Pour the freshly boiled water into the Gaiwan so that it covers the leaves. Revel in the enticing aroma of the tea as the leaves steep in the water. In about 2 to 3 minutes the infusion will complete.

• Once the tea leaves have steeped enough to reach the strength you prefer, pour the tea into your favourite cup and add a sweetener {if desired}. Now that your tea is ready, you can enjoy it on its own or pair it with some sweet or savoury treats.


Cup of tea: Mastering the art of the perfect brew

Cup of tea: Mastering the art of the perfect brew

Cup of tea: Mastering the art of the perfect brew


To note: The fragrance of the tea leaves is what makes the customary drinking of tea complete. If you are using a small cup for your tea then do not indulge in the blatant gulping or drinking of tea without revelling in its aroma. Sip the tea nonchalantly through your lips and teeth and, as you make a hissing sound you will be able to enjoy the more intricate taste and aroma of the cup of tea you have prepared.

* I like my tea at medium strength. If I use more leaves than this then they do not get the chance to reach their complete strength, which in simpler words means that they get wasted.


To conclude: Just like everything else, tea has its own cultural and geographical uniqueness which varies from the person who prepares it to the country it is being prepared in. It is a personal experience that differs for everyone right from the way it is brewed to the manner in which it is presented.


Cup of tea: Mastering the art of the perfect brew

Cup of tea: Mastering the art of the perfect brew

Cup of tea: Mastering the art of the perfect brew


But one thing that bridges the vast chasm of cultural differences is the fact that tea invites a moment and a refreshing pause in the day. It gives us the chance to cherish time, to stop and sip bringing in a sense of being carefree even if it lasts till your last sip of tea. No matter which continent you sit in, and how you drink it, tea is always soothing and always welcome.

Craving a cup of tea? I hope you enjoyed reading ‘Cup of tea: Mastering the art of the perfect brew’. 🙂

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Written By

* I love bringing together a bunch of conflicting items and weaving my own sense of one-ness to them. *


  • In love with these pictures! My winning mix involves brewing two teas separately at different temperatures and times. 🙂

    Side note: Your blog is so sophisticated, Tanya!

  • You are the perfect embodiment of going against the grain and designing your own career path! And, your writing is very inspiring, Tanya!

  • These pictures have turned out beautifully! Enjoying a delicious cup of tea is considered to be a favourite pastime for many people ~ moi included. 🙂

  • This is an amazing editorial, Tanya! And, I absolutely agree – correctly brewing tea to enhance the experience of tea tasting is a must as it is an art by itself. xx

  • Gorgeous post!! I love these photographs so much! Thank you for helping us perfectly master the art of brewing tea and enjoying our afternoon tea break. 🙂

  • Absolutely stunning photographs! While few of us are likely to go to technical lengths at home, it’s easy to lift our tea game by paying just a little more attention to the process. Thank you for sharing. xx

  • It’s really about considering the overall experience, isn’t it? Serving tea in a wine or sherry glass is “an elegant way to drink tea”, by the way. 🙂

  • Most people don’t realize that blending tea is a fine art, similar to blending champagne or whiskey. 🙂 Thank you for this fine post, Tanya!

  • A perfect cup of tea unfolds it’s flawless harmony of delightful flavour, tempting aroma, and so much more! Thank you for your pointers to help make my tea taste better, Tanya. 🙂

  • So creative! I’ve said it before, and will say it again ~ you’re incredible with your choice of visuals. It makes me want to savour your posts!

  • “To see the extraordinary as extraordinary is ordinary, but to see the ordinary as extraordinary is extraordinary.” ~ Wu De

    So much perfection in this one! Absolutely love your style of writing and photography, Tanya!

  • “Tea drinking is the highest form of the art of life” ~ Yuan Hongdao

    Beautiful ❤️ Thank you for sharing your insightful tea-experience with us, Tanya! I delighted in all the details!

  • Such a beautiful share! Tea to me: Taste of curiosity, playfulness, fruitiness, and cosiness. Wishing you a tea-lightful Monday, Tanya! ✨

    • Take a moment after lunch to brew a refreshing and healing cup of tea today, Subhashri. Nurture your glow, from inside out. ⁠:)

  • If you are cold, tea will warm you;
    if you are heated, it will cool you;
    If you are depressed, it will cheer you;
    If you are excited, it will calm you.

    Your blog-posts are the perfect mix of beautiful writing and interesting art! Thanks for sharing. ❤️

    • There’s something special about tea, isn’t there? 🙂 Drinking tea has been associated with feelings of relaxation, and its chemical properties have been linked with making the brain more alert and helping people recover from stress…

  • Exquisite and exclusive ~ I definitely enjoyed reading this! The detailed effort put in and tea visuals are just commendable! ✨✨✨ I absolutely adore your blog and can’t wait to see more…

  • Thinking about what you wrote, my best tea moments are probably somehow connected to a place or friends. It somehow makes tea more enjoyable or even more tasteful. The sharing aspect of tea is what attracted me from the beginning…

    • Agreed. Tea is instrumental in bringing family/friends together and provides a platform for sharing and caring.

  • I am from Turkish heritage and we drink a lot of black tea during the day… Most of us even drink hot boiling tea in the middle of summers! 🙂 My first experience with tea bags was only recently… where I realised the difference between tea made from a teabag and tea made from fresh leaves.

    • I love the Turkish tea culture and could spend hours sitting at a cafe, on a terrace, in the Old Bazaar! 🙂 Thank you for sharing this beautiful memory, Zarah.

  • What light, and tremendous aesthetics! 🙂 I remember drinking loose leaves “black” tea in tall glasses served with honey or sugar and lemon, after every meal, when I was really young… It was simple Ceylon tea, but brewed in large porcelain teapots on special occasions ~ which made it something special!

  • When I was young my mum used to make herbal teas which growing up made me curious about the tea world. After a while I found myself in a wonderful rabbit hole… much like what you’ve narrated! 🙂

  • Your writing is exquisite! ❤️ Meaningful post accompanied by beautiful visuals! I see my tea moment now as a moment to stop. To be grateful and contemplate. And yes, I need to find an occasion to bring out my prized Japanese Tea set…

  • Sometimes people ask me what is so special about tea. But even though I can see the journey clearly in my head, it’s difficult to explain tea in words… Hugs to you for this post – it so resonates with what I feel! ❤️

  • What a beautiful post… Growing up, tea meant a mug of hot water with a tea bag in it. What we called tea was actually tisane: chamomile, mint, or dried fruits. When I compare that image with the rich world of tea I’ve been blessed to explore these past few years, I can’t help being in awe. ❤️

    • Tea is an experience, isn’t it? From a mug with a tea bag soaking in hot water to a Japanese tea ceremony… allowing the ordinary to turn into something extraordinary!

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