As Another Year Draws to an End…

As Another Year Draws to an End…

As Another Year Draws to an End...


My favourite time of the year has arrived. As I usher in the mesmerising joy of the holidays, my kitchen is filled with the delicious aroma of freshly baked coffee cake My home just feels warmer. But, I have to say, I have been super giddy this past week because forty years ago today, I was welcomed into the world in the charming, idyllic city of Varanasi.


As Another Year Draws to an End...


Let me share a little secret with you… Every time I say “I’m forty”, I find myself giggling within ~ because to me, that number sounds a lot like 19. So when I find myself advising the people who are actually the age I like to think I am, I begin to brim with a sense of wisdom. And the truth is, that at forty, although I may not have reached the age of perfection, I have certainly evolved!

For me, being forty is knowing…

…that as my face gradually gives in to the beauty of the lines that continue to etch deeper, my relationships also strengthen their roots. I rejoice in the choices I have made in my life, and the love that surrounds me. I rejoice in every moment spent in wonder, each belly laugh that has made its mark on my face and has a special place in my heart. I would not want to erase a single one.

…that I absolutely do not cherish every moment in life, but I absolutely do look for moments to cherish. I’ve sadly beheld people close to me lay their parents, spouses, and even children to rest. And every time I saw a soul rest in peace, I am reminded that our days aren’t measured in accomplishments, but what truly counts is our ability to make people feel like they really matter.


As Another Year Draws to an End...


…that while I am grateful for the way technology has connected me with friends I do not see often enough, nothing can replace the time spent alongside the people I have loved, learned from, and laughed with through the years.

…that as I count the years gone by, I also count my blessings that have not just made me older, but wiser and more beautiful within. These years have made me ‘more’ in the true sense ~ where I find myself more capable, more loved, and more affable as I welcome another year with the sweet humming of happy birthdays surrounded by people I can never do without!


As Another Year Draws to an End...


I look at turning forty as coming home. I have realised that there is this inner peace which you find as you enter a certain age. It brings an end to all the soul-searching as you begin to delight in the person you truly are. Cheers to 40!

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* I love bringing together a bunch of conflicting items and weaving my own sense of one-ness to them. *


  • Great capture of the moment, Tanya ~ you look eccentrically beautiful in every angle! ✨ So glad to be connected to you on here, and thankful for our friendship!

  • Your writing is so inspiring! ❤️ I realise that there is so much I love about getting older… I understand myself so much better: my nature, my patterns, my strengths.

  • Self-love truly starts by changing the way you think and see yourself. This all starts with our internal narrative and the stories we tell ourselves. That being said, I think that your work is amazing, and I aspire to be like you, Tanya!

  • These photos are stunning, and your writing is wonderful, Tanya. We think that Forty is a peak time to re-assess one’s values… i.e. re-aligning and re-adjusting how one opts to live their life. 🙂

  • Both your style of writing and pictures are like exquisite pieces of art, Tanya! Really beautiful and inspiring blog, thanks for sharing! xoxo

  • This is a beautiful share! I am in my 40s, and I’ve not only learned that being single isn’t the end of the world, I’ve grown to downright enjoy my own company! 🙂

  • I love this! Things that used to embarrass me before ~ bad dates, faux pas at work, ruminations about how weirdly I danced at “that” party ~ seem pretty inconsequential to me now! 🙂

  • Thank you for this share, Tanya. I think that it is important to help other women, by sharing our own experiences, because we can create a ripple effect… which only compounds over time. 🙂

  • Beautifully expressed, Tanya. 🙂 I know that I need to take my health more seriously now. I am unwilling to gamble with something so precious.

  • This was much needed! I spend way too much time concerning myself with what others think of me… Focusing on freedom is liberating!

  • Beautiful! There is an incredible amount of freedom in being 40 and childless and husband-less: I can go wherever I want, however I want, and whenever I want! xx

  • This is a wonderful post, Tanya! I decided that I am celebrating the entire year of 40 by shifting away from the things I have to do and focusing instead on things I want to do. 🙂

  • I am inching closer to 40… I recently had a spirited conversation with one of my close friends. We talked extensively about enjoying our freedom and embracing the opportunities to pick and choose our next moves based solely on desire! xoxo

  • Love your words, Tanya! I would tell my younger self to jump and figure out how to fly. Your wings are strong enough! xx

  • You look gorgeous! ❤️ Keep up the amazing work!

    p.s. If you do a bit of research, one fact becomes apparent: How we respond to the changes going on with our bodies now ~ in our 40s ~ can greatly affect the quality and outcome of our Act II (so to speak). Meaning that we have to make the conscious choice to get busy living NOW, while we still feel young and healthy. 🙂

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