Are Your Pattern Choices Discreetly Defining Your Persona?

Are Your Pattern Choices Discreetly Defining Your Persona?

Does the pattern you prefer for your clothing and accessories reflect the inner you?
Read on to find out what they say about you.


I apologise for the total absence of activity on my blog these recent weeks. I decided that there was a dire need for some R&R on my end {remember I am a proponent of working at my own pace} and so, I ended up taking some time off to recharge.

And now, to get on with this week’s sartorial dose. 🙂 Your personal sense of style moulds your personality. It is how people recognize you and it plays a huge role in building your confidence or stripping it down. We’ve always know that a neatly put together outfit, that we know looks good, makes a difference; but did you know that the difference goes as deep as reflecting the inner you? A fashion history professor at Woodbury University took to researching this: Are your pattern choices discreetly defining your persona? The study concluded that the design prints we tend to pick more often, have an inherent relationship with some of our finest qualities. Explore what your favourite pattern holds in store for you ~

Prints and Personality

Nautical stripes: If you gravitate towards stripes every time you go shopping then chances are that you’ve got an ardent sense of self-worth. The professor’s research suggests that individuals who have a proclivity toward stripes are inclined to believe in themselves. On the other hand, if you need to spur up your confidence, pair a striped t-shirt with a basic solid blazer. It’s a style option that works well to give you a clean yet powerful look.

Recent trends have spruced up the pattern to breathe life and vibrancy into the classic stripes. You can pick from a range of wide and bold stripes in a spectrum of pulsating colours with variations on the vertical and horizontal lines. The popular Ikat print is one such design that is getting a lot of attention these days and is an easy way to spruce up a look. Stripes can also create the illusion of a slimmer and taller you, so play around with the pattern to pick one that complements your sense of style.


Florals: Floral prints, it would seem, are largely preferred by people with an outgoing and amiable disposition. The innate nature of a floral print is reflected in individuals who choose these prints; from soft and feminine prints to bold and cheerful ones, florals attract affable personalities who are known to be very sociable.

In my opinion, one can hardly go wrong with the open and inviting botanical print. And although the pattern is a popular choice for dresses, try mixing it up with an upbeat botanical-print handbag or a beautiful floral blouse for a fresh take on the print. Modern trends are embracing this print in a lot of new ways, so you can either mix florals with other prints or keep it simple yet modish by matching it with a solid colour.


Polka-dots: Your fascination for the playful print may be subtly hinting at your energetic aura. According to the study, polka-dots are chosen by dynamic multi-taskers. In case you need a little “pick-me-up”, pep up your wardrobe with a hint of polka. The print that was once a rage, has mellowed down and is found in pretty variations that are fun and playful and look great even in neutral tones like grey, black, and white.


Animal prints: Animal prints reflect the creative leader in you. While the most exotic of prints certainly adds a little edge to your closet, there’s a lot I adore about animal prints. They are season-less, and you can pair them with almost anything. Furthermore, stylish women are getting more creative with how they incorporate everything from spots to stripes into their outfits this season. Try pairing an animal print with a bright colour; e.g. a neon pink belt on a skirt in leopard print or a zebra stripe in a pop of orange. Use your creativity to style the print according to your fashion personality.

To conclude: We usually have a good mix of patterns in our closet, but that one pattern that is close to our heart ends up dominating all our choices. Apparently, these prints also rule our personality traits even if it may be in the most inconspicuous ways.

Are Your Pattern Choices Discreetly Defining Your Persona?


What are your thoughts? Are your pattern choices discreetly defining your persona?

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* I love bringing together a bunch of conflicting items and weaving my own sense of one-ness to them. *


  • Your work is stunning, Tanya! And your work ethic, equally impressive! Also, it’s absolutely true that personas are defined by their goals ~ knowing your ‘Persona’ will give you a solid foundation; for example, for developing your signature style. 🙂

  • Love the whole concept! Even though your persona might be a fictional character, it represents a specific style trait based on trends and patterns you are drawn to!

  • Loving this post ~ stunning visuals too! It helps me understand why I should put time and effort into creating my persona! And, when designing this framework ~ I intend to take the center stage!

  • Tanya, your visual presentations are a joy to look at!

    Most of the time designers will be designing for people that are not like them, they need to have a clear image of who exactly they are designing for. So by developing personas you avoid self-referential thinking, and help designers place themselves in the user’s shoes.

  • Great artwork and, your writing really shines, Tanya! In my opinion, it doesn’t really matter which pattern I prefer, as long as I feel like I completely understand what my persona is.

  • Gorgeous collages, Tanya! I guess, giving a face to your persona helps people to relate to the persona on a more personal level. 🙂

  • I love the tone and overall style of this post! However, don’t underestimate the importance of age, it’s one of the most telling indicators of someone’s lifestyle {and pattern} choices. 🙂

  • So many ideas and things I want to try! It’s like, I know I’ll find the right pattern to reflect the inner me eventually! ❤️ So glad to be connected to you on here, and thankful for our friendship, Tanya!

  • So, after a wonderful weekend of seeing friends and catching up with all my favourite peeps, I’m setting down on the sofa to soak in this fabulous read! Of course, I consider myself an equal opportunity pattern connoisseur. ✨ By the way, I’m so glad to have you back!

  • Today’s Monday musing is pattern choice. And, I agree with just about everything that’s been said! Also, we are inundated with so many exciting patterns that I find myself wanting them ALL.. Haha! 🙂

  • The beauty of pattern choice ~ how you get there is whatever way you decide works best for you. 🙂 Thanks for sharing… Love your work and your blog!

  • I find myself gravitating towards floral patterns because they feel like an old friend… ❤️ I know how I can fit them in. And on that note, I’m excited to see the fashion community on here growing and celebrating each other!

  • Love this share! It makes me brave enough to experiment with the patterns in my stash because I feel like learning is all about trial and error, and I’m all for learning from my mistakes… 🙂 I’m an artist as well, so designing my own personalised pattern would now be my favourite thing to do!

  • I love the cute and relaxed look of the Nautical Stripes! By the way, I choose patterns the same way I would buy RTW clothes, based on the design and style. ✨ Thanks for always interacting.

  • Aww ~ it’s so hard not to get caught up in social media excitement when it comes to patterns!! I’ll see beautiful images and instantly feel that I NEED to identify… 🙂 By the way, I love the camaraderie I’ve found here. Keep inspiring!

  • Tanya, these classifications are really helpful in identifying with patterns. I’m definitely trying to FOCUS on choosing patterns that suit my needs and style instead of what’s trending. It’s hard bc I am easily distracted by shiny objects! 😀

  • I probably own more floral patterned clothes than anyone else at home… They just seem to be more “Me”. ❤️

    On a side note: I hope you are able to design one day.

  • Well said. I know what I look good in, so I tend to lean towards patterns that help me keep my individuality… 🙂 Well, your writing and blog aesthetic are both inspiring and motivating ~ continue to educate and create!

  • You and I are kindred pattern sisters! ❤️ Of course, I love seeing how patterns have the ability to mould our personality, and it’s also useful to read how other others on this thread choose patterns and interpret them.

  • Right now I’m finding myself drawn to this pattern that features blossoms, leaves and feathers… A recurring theme throughout is animals nesting, so the feathers hopefully reflect that and look soft, gentle, and calming. ✨✨ By the way, the ones you’ve featured are so delightful!

  • I honestly can’t choose one ~ ‘coz when I do, I then change my mind! Haha! On a more serious note, I take my hat off to you, toast my thimble to you and cheer you on! You are amazing and inspiring! ❤️

  • This is such a brilliant pattern-esign read, Tanya! Not gonna lie, it’s basically my #lifemotto lately… And although I am really excited to test this interesting theory, knowing me, I’ll end up matching different patterns and colours together and calling it a day! 😀

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