9 Best Ways To Get Traction For Your Blog

9 Best Ways To Get Traction For Your Blog

Most of us, who have been a part of the blogosphere, have a few tricks up our sleeve that have always worked when it comes to making our blog popular. It is commonly said that gaining traction often depends on quality work and the time you give to your blog. But these are things that we all know. Hard work and time given to anything will result in success. So, what are the special tricks that work when it comes to gaining traction for your blog? Explore these 9 best ways to get traction for your blog to ensure your blog content gets the traffic and exposure it deserves.


9 best ways to get traction for your blog

9 best ways to get traction for your blog

9 best ways to get traction for your blog


1. The Title of Your Blog and Blog posts

If you were to dissect a good blog, and look closely from start to finish, then the first thing you will notice in every popular blog is the creative set of words that form the title. There is a punch in most of the blog titles that we end up reading. Think of these really popular blog-sites: ‘TechCrunch’ and ‘LifeHacker’; both have magnetic titles ~ titles that promise great content. ‘Girl with A One Track Mind’ or ‘Last Message Received’ are two other popular blogs that have long titles but are catchy enough for people to go ahead and explore them. This is exactly how you set up a level of excitement in your readers when they check your blog title.

Once you have an exciting blog title, the next thing you must focus on is good headings for your blog posts. ‘ManRepeller’ is a popular blog on fashion and life, and its popularity lies in innovative blog post headings. ‘Teeth marks in the Cheese, Or: Why I Love Being Single’ is one blog post that gained a lot of popularity on this blog-site. The ingenious title somehow aroused the curiosity of the reader to check the post. This is how you achieve traction. A punchy blog title and creative blog post headings can go a long way in building traction.

2. Concentrate On Giving Your Readers Exceptional Content

Every time we hear about great content, we want to check the blog and see how it measures up. The quality of your blog can make or break your popularity. Readers want to read something deep, something meaningful that they can relate to. A lot of blogs make common occurrences simply outstanding while many crush brilliant ideas because of the writing.

Make your content informative. Readers like to read a post from which they can gain knowledge or insight.

3. Add Visual Appeal To Your Blog

Your audience will always love to see some great images that complement your blog post’s content. Statistics tell us that blogs with images end up getting 94% more views than those without one. Optimising your blog images and adding them strategically to ensure that your readers get a good dose of your post and can enjoy all the images as well, will ensure that your blog gets popular quickly. Blogger and professional photographer, Georginna Lane, has a wonderful blog full of vivid images.

There are several other blogs, especially food blogs, like ‘Serious Eats’ that use stunning images with great content to propel their blog’s popularity.


9 best ways to get traction for your blog

9 best ways to get traction for your blog

9 best ways to get traction for your blog


4. Create A Keyword List That You Can Rely On

Bloggers have a list of keywords that improve their rankings on search engines ~ this way more people will see your content if you target the right keywords. You must make sure that you create your list of keywords and remember to add these keywords to your post to improve its visibility. If you do not already have a list of keywords then you must ensure that you spend some time creating a list before you write your next post.

5. Write Frequently

The frequency of your blog posts also plays a role in its popularity. Blogs like ‘Mashable’ have one post in almost every hour. While you may not be able to reach this target early, making sure that you post at least three times a week will help you improve your blog’s popularity.

Since search engines also prefer blogs that post frequently, ensure that you post frequently and that the content you post is of great quality.

6. Tag Your Posts And Make Them Relevant

Tagging your posts will help your readers and search engines find the post easily. You will also be able to target the right people with tags. This is why it is so important that your tags are relevant. Make sure you tag carefully so that your readers reach your blog to find content that they were really looking for. Wrong tags will only lead to lower traction.


9 best ways to get traction for your blog

9 best ways to get traction for your blog

9 best ways to get traction for your blog


7. Socialise Online To Promote Your Blog

There are a lot of social media platforms that you can leverage when it comes to sharing your blog posts and increasing the visibility and popularity of your blog. Blogger, Anne Sage, decided to write a book called Sage Living, which made her blog even more popular as people began to share her book online and talk about her anecdotes in it.

Make your blog more visible by commenting on everyone else’s blogs, participating in Facebook questions that target your audience, answering questions on Quora, etc. You will find that people will be able to trace you through these social conversations.

8. Make It Easy For Your Audience To Share Your Posts

Your audience will share your post if they find the sharing buttons easily located. Give them the ability to share your blog on Instagram, Twitter, Facebook, or any of the social media platforms that include your target audience. You will find sharing services and tools online that can help your audience share your content, and you will even be able to track the posts that have been shared. Find out which ones are great for you. Martha Stewart’s personal blog ‘The Martha Blog’, relies on ShareThis to share her posts through more than 80 different sharing channels.

Don’t limit your blog posts to just the people who find them. Allow them to share it with others and you will be able to build a larger audience and gain traction more quickly.

9. Be A Part Of Various Blog Communities

Take out time to list your blog on various blog communities. You will be able to gain more followers since your content will be available in more places for people to view and you will also be able to benefit from the strong SEO of these blog communities. BlogCatalog, MyBlogLog, Blogged, and NetworkedBlogs are some communities that you wouldn’t want to miss. You will find some very popular bloggers in these communities too.



To conclude: Blogging is easy but making your blog visible in a vast ocean of blogs can be a challenging task. Use these 9 best ways to get traction for your blog and improve the visibility of your posts. It will take time, but remember to maintain consistency in your efforts to gain traction for your blog.


Do you have any other helpful tips and tricks that would help improve traction for one’s blog? I’d love to hear them in the comments below.

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* I love bringing together a bunch of conflicting items and weaving my own sense of one-ness to them. *


  • Great insight and refreshing share, Tanya. I may have to read it again to understand and utilise the information, and get the best out of it as I start my own blog. Thank you for this!

  • This is an amazing post, that’s chock-full of information. And, I really have to agree with the essence of what you’ve shared… Amen to what you said about the high and low, not the in-between!

  • Great article with such useful information… It’s given me some good ideas to implement. Of course, I shall remember to just test one change at a time, and give it at least a few weeks before deciding on a winner. Thanks a lot!

  • You always curate such thoughtful and valuable content that always provides the answers your audience is looking for… Loved this one! 🙂 I’ve been tossing up the idea of starting a new blog for ages now… I guess it’s time!

  • Just wanted to say that your posts on Blogging are amazing! And that I am ALWAYS admiring your writing style! ❤️ Of course, implementing your tips will be based on real trial and error, so I shall try not to be upset if what I’m experimenting with doesn’t work… I do have every intention of figuring it out though!

  • Wonderful and easy-to-implement tips! Every platform benefits from a slightly different approach, so I try to make it useful and relevant for each of the audiences I have or am trying to grow in each area. 🙂

  • I think you have excellent strategies for promoting posts on social media. Most bloggers are sailing in the same boat with regards to attracting and maintaining visitors to their blog, and what better approach than promoting quality content… Thank you for sharing.

  • Social media is an important element of a blog, and plays a significant part in any blog’s success. However, one requires hard work and discipline as well to succeed. 🙂 Your support on this platform means the world to us out here, Tanya!

  • Absolutely informative post with excellently outlined content and strategy! Getting any traction for your blog on Social Media is difficult unless you differentiate your blog, and you have to just keep plugging away. Thank you for sharing your insight.

  • Thanks for a fabulous article; it’ll make for a generous guide for established bloggers, and newcomers as well. ✨ Overall, Social Media promotions can be fun, and the results are totally worth it!

  • Your insightful tips provide ways in which I can prepare my blog content to be socially shareable… Starting with “Intriguing Content” which is the essential first step that will set up all the other steps listed here for success. Thank you very much for sharing.

  • I do share my blog posts on as many social media sites as I can, but getting certain things right will help my efforts I guess. Thank you for taking us through the step-by-step processes, and answering some common blogging questions, Tanya. Much appreciated!

  • For anyone wanting a simple and thorough guide on how to start a blog… This is the right place! ✨ I’ve seen so many blogging guides from popular bloggers, and I must say, this is the best of them all! Thank you for these resources (massive, in-depth article) that’ll put us on the path to success!

  • Tanya, you are an amazing influencer, and I am truly inspired! I shall take inspiration from this guide, and get started on my first blog… Thanks for the great tips and game plan!

  • This is a great post full of insightful information. It is no surprise that I subscribe to your newsletter, Tanya… When I saw this article in my inbox late last night, I decided to read it right away, and I’m glad that I did. With the insight from this article, I need to start incorporating your tips now. Thanks for sharing!

  • Outstanding post ~ thanks for the hard work! These are great steps to get started; although leading people to my blog and getting them to subscribe to the blog itself is where my efforts need to be geared towards. Thanks for sharing this.

  • A very helpful article especially for new bloggers like me… After reading this post, I now have an understanding of blog design and how to organise content for my blog. Thank you for sharing such useful information, Tanya.

  • Perfectly crafted to-do list with useful knowledge about blogging for newbie bloggers! ✨ I seriously wish I’d had this wee guide when I first started blogging. Spent most of the time struggling to do it myself instead of asking for help as well, which I am sure didn’t help – haha! Keep inspiring!

  • Such a comprehensive article, and I am just amazed by the blog insight! It was more then worth reading ~ thank you so much and hands off to your effort that you are putting into sharing these resources, Tanya! 🙂

  • This is some brilliant advice! Of course, the best thing about the content for me is that you explain the points in an order that makes sense to me… Also, all the questions that usually pop up in my mind are already answered here! I’m impressed.

  • This article is a grand tutorial with great techniques to get social traction for your blog; and although I have been blogging for close to a year now, I’ve learned a few new tricks. 🙂 Thanks for this valuable share, Tanya.

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