Urban Diaries

A Fashionista’s Guide to Finding the Perfect Shopping Outfit

A Fashionista’s Guide to Finding the Perfect Shopping Outfit

The year that is quarantined and deep

Made our dreams merely sleep.

I promise, all of its dullness will be replaced

As first light to twilight is retraced.


It’s finally June! Can you believe that we are nearly halfway through the year?! Well, the past few months have had all of us riddled with stumbling blocks, having to travail our way out of the Coronavirus outbreak. While I’m gradually starting to ease out of my Quarantine life and all of the shenanigans that I got up to, I’d like you to know that there is always a silver lining even in the darkest of clouds. Our daily life will soon embrace sanity again and when it does, I thought all you fashionistas would love some cool tips to help you pick the perfect shopping outfit!

Now, we are all aware of the woes of shopping… You spend half an hour putting together your ‘look’, only to spend a frustrating 15 minutes or more in the trial room trying to peel your legs through your skinny jeans to try on bottoms you’ve picked out. Beyond the naivety of donning something just to “wow”, you need options to make your shopping experience a little easier. So, before you head out to your favourite fashion spots, with hours of meandering amidst colourful choices ahead, I want you to spare a moment to understand the importance of picking the right outfit to make your shopping experience that much more enjoyable. Read through my curated guide that will help you decide what to wear for a day of shopping.



Shopping is pretty high on my list of things to do while Vikram and I are visiting new destinations. 🙂 I.e. I have come to understand the importance of wearing clothing that are easy to slip on and off {read ~ fuss-free try-ons}. Since I’m not a compulsive shopper and prefer to try on what I intend to purchase, you’ll find me in a pair of comfortable paper bag-waist trousers {read ~ loose-fitting bottoms with an elastic waist} in cotton or linen, paired with a racerback {especially if I’m planning to go shopping for the whole day!}.

In fact, for most outfits that beckon me in a store, the unmatched comfort this ‘uniform’ offers, added to it being a breeze to slip on and off without breaking a sweat, ergo makes an excellent case for the perfect shopping outfit! If trousers do not fit your “ease of removal” philosophy, then I would suggest wearing either a skirt with a comfortable yet stylish T-shirt or a summer dress. A seamless bra, like a t-shirt bra, and a panty set in nude, is also a no-brainer.



A shopping day also means that a lot of walking is on the cards. This brings to mind Carrie Bradshaw ~ the gaze of the world turned to her as she strode with confidence and elegance, celebrating the height of her heels ~ not! For us mere mortals, mindlessly picking “style over comfort” isn’t going to cut it; unless your heels are in-soled the heck out for comfort! So, do your feet a favour and reach for either comfortable flats or sneakers, that tick all the right boxes.

What the occasion also calls for is a cross-body bag. Because the last thing you want is a bulky bag that restricts your movements while you browse. Another smart trick; always go shopping with your hair and makeup done. The rumour is that you’ll get better service, but more importantly, along with your cool accessory {read ~ cross-body bag} that goes comfortably around your body, this will help you picture the potential of a fully put-together look in the mirror.



There you have it, simple and easy tips for making your shopping experience a more enjoyable one. While I’m aware that shopping and travelling may not be on the cards yet, I know you will emerge stronger through these tough days. Until then, stay safe.


Do you have any tips on what to wear for a day of shopping that would be worthwhile adding to this list? Comment below and let me know!