Urban Diaries

The Secret Ingredients to Being a Top Beauty Bloggers in India

The Secret Ingredients to Being a Top Beauty Bloggers in India

There is hardly an aspect of a woman’s life that goes untouched by the fundamental brushes of beauty: diets for good skin, exercises for a toned body, the use of makeup on a night out, makeup removers for the skin to breathe, salon trips for that perfect haircut, beautiful hairpins and hair bands, and oh, do we know that this list could go on…

Tapping into this elementary facet of the desires of many women in the country are the top beauty bloggers in India, who realise that beauty may be transcendent but not mortal. Beauty bloggers who are recognized as an authority in the industry have a huge follower base which brands look forward to leveraging for their own marketing interests. I am not talking about collaborations with beauty brands alone. Some of the top beauty bloggers in India that I know of have also been approached by non-beauty brands to promote their products.



So how do beauty bloggers carve a niche for themselves in the industry? Does it come naturally to them or can we acquire their skills and beat them at their own game?

The truth is that we can never find out unless we know what they do differently, and how they can do it. So, I have rounded up some of the most basic characteristics of the top beauty bloggers in India to help those aspiring to become one. Here are the secret ingredients to being a successful beauty blogger:

Secret Ingredients of Top Beauty Bloggers in India:

Know What’s Trending

Trends hold a special spot in the hearts of your readers. And, since the world of beauty blogging is greatly based on current trends, the first thing that you must learn to do is get your feelers out in the industry to find out exactly which trends are making it big. Knowing what is easily marketable, and learning about new trends as soon as they set foot in the realms of beauty ~ will help you become an expert that people look up to.

Know Your Product

Nothing aces knowledge of your niche and the products you write about. The top beauty bloggers in India are always keen to learn about and understand products before they write about them. From learning about the brand’s goals and target audience to researching the geographic location where the product will be launched; the greater the groundwork behind a post, the more informative and appealing it will be for your audience. Additionally, remember that it is not just about writing on topics that are easily marketable but also making your post lastingly meaningful.

Dish Out Fresh Content

Every reader thirsts for new content. Information that isn’t already out there, details that others haven’t covered, and DIYs that are relevant to the season, the time, and the generation of audience that the blogger is targeting. Creating fresh content is a bit of a long shot given the fact that the internet is bursting on its seams with bloggers, and new ones keep joining every day. So freshness in content can often come from your writing style, the way you deliver a detail that’s already being talked about, the manner in which you discuss common beauty problems, and your method of creating content according to the existing trends and season.

Tap Into Your Creativity

I strongly believe that all of us are inherently creative. While some are ingeniously creative, others are creative at a smaller, less noticeable level. If you are an aspiring beauty blogger, then I would advise you to work hard towards being highly creative with your content. Brands are more likely to choose influencers who not only provide the advantage of a larger audience but also the ability to inventively present their product to the audience. The top beauty bloggers in India are not just distributors of content; they are avid creators of impressive and compelling content.



Be Passionate About Your Niche

Passion drives success. If the beauty industry doesn’t really make enough sense to you, but you decide to be a beauty blogger only because you think that it will garner a huge audience ~ then you will not be able to go too far. With time you would get tired of blogging about products and services that you are not zealous about. Your readers may begin to realise this, and eventually, you may just end up thinning down your own follower base by not being able to produce content that matches the needs of your audience.

Stay Resilient

Beauty blogging doesn’t come with the promise of an unending flow of paid campaigns. You may experience periods of drought in terms of landing collaborations, and that can greatly affect your morale and dissuade you from writing for your readers. While these can be testing times, you must be able to prove to your audience that they will always be able to enjoy high-quality content on your blog ~ brand partnerships or not. Write fervently and write frequently for your readers, and continue to send in collaboration mails. Brands are more likely to consider collaborating with you when they notice the regularity of your posts and the engagement of your audience.

Become a People’s Person

Build a reputation for yourself apart from your blog. If you have already established yourself as an expert in the industry, then it is time to take your knowledge to forums and communities. By helping people with their beauty concerns or questions through your usual savoir-faire ~ you will be able to garner more attention and launch yourself and your blog as a treasure of knowledge in the beauty industry. When more people find your answers helpful, you will be able to create positive traction for your blog.

Find Beauty in the Most Unexpected of Ways

For ages now, beauty has existed in different forms for people all over the world. Every tribe, every culture, every race, and every country sees beauty through their own lens. As a beauty blogger, you must be able to open yourself to viewing beauty through all these lenses and still be able to give it meaning in your own words. Put your views through but also be receptive to the viewpoints of your readers. They may not see beauty the same way as you do but that doesn’t make one of you right and the other wrong.



To conclude: These are just a few of the secret ingredients to being a successful beauty blogger in India. Remember, the journey to becoming one of the top beauty bloggers in India is more important than the destination ~ so enjoy blogging, and you will achieve the goals that you have set for yourself.