Urban Diaries

My 3 Fundas That Bring Out The Best In Me

My 3 Fundas That Bring Out The Best In Me

If three things actually mean a lot to me, and I am lucky enough to do regularly, they would be ~ travel, love, and laugh ~ though not necessarily in that order. For me, these three words transcend all boundaries and give me a permanent continuum amid the randomness and chaos that exist around me. Though there are many wars waged inside me about myself and my life, I hold these three words in high regard. They embroider collective thoughts and images around me giving me a decisive framework on how I should make them manifest.



We are all individuals with our own identity and individuality that defines ‘us’ as people who are unique and different from each other in many ways. During my growing years, I was encouraged to find myself and not imitate the voices of others around me. In fact, it was not that easy initially to be myself {because you are at times influenced by the people around you} but as I grew older those words made sense to me. I am glad that in this journey called ‘life’ I have been able to find my passion and trudge along happily on this path of self-discovery. And in the bargain, rediscover new things about me which at times have taken me completely by surprise.



My 3 fundas that bring out the best in me: Let me break them down for you. I have always believed and I was always told from a very young age, that travelling was the best way to broaden my horizons as new places introduce you to different cultures, provide you with the opportunity to learn about different cuisines, and you get to meet new and interesting people. All these play a role in shaping your perception thereby making you the person you are today.

Love is addictive and is a universal feeling. Everyone needs love ~ from our partners, friends, and family ~ to bloom and blossom. We need companionship to share our innermost thoughts and feelings, to share the good and bad times, and to just let our hair down and be unguarded with the people we love.

We need to laugh more and become light-hearted and a tad less serious when it comes to life. I find laughing therapeutic, and there is something so energising and relaxing about really laughing with someone; the friends that have me in fits of giggles are my best friends!



To conclude: Let us make our lives a refined and cohesive manuscript with lots of love punctuated with giggles and laughs as we discover the magic that lingers in new destinations!


I would love to know what your views are about my experiences, so we both can benefit from them. Please feel free to share in the comments below.