Urban Diaries

Inside the photo shoot: A behind-the-scenes glimpse

Inside the photo shoot: A behind-the-scenes glimpse

Ever wonder what kind of work goes into creating the glossy photos that I share with each post? As you’d suspect, there’s more to it than just snapping a couple of photos and calling it a day. I rarely show glimpses of what goes on behind-the-scenes here at Urban Diaries, so I thought it would be fun to share some BTS pictures from my last photoshoot.


Getting ready for hair and makeup.

Tanya Fontes with Anushka, Zonal Manager at L’Occitane

Tanya Fontes with Vinay, Senior Hair Stylist at L’Occitane


Tanya Fontes with photographers Vineesh Pareth and Poornima Reddy on set

Tanya Fontes with Vikram Dhar


Once all the images have been taken, they are off to post-production, where they are composited together to create the finished image. The more appealing your imagery, the more likely people will read the text on your blog post, and the more likely they might pin the image to their Pinterest board(s). It’s a long and tedious process. Clearly, there’s more to a photoshoot than meets the eye. 🙂

This post was more fun than I’d expected to write, and I hope you enjoyed this behind-the-scenes glimpse into my campaign.

See how it turned out!

I’d love to hear what you think on my Facebook and Instagram pages.