Urban Diaries

Blogger Tips: How Not to Get Caught Up in the Comparison Game

Blogger Tips: How Not to Get Caught Up in the Comparison Game


My neighbour, Rajesh, and I were relaxing on the veranda of his home, sipping on masala chai and talking about a book based on the intricacies of the Human Mind {that we had both recently read}. Just then the front door opened with a bang and a tornado called Jai {my neighbour’s son} came in. He was accompanied by two of his friends from college. Oh, the energy of youth! I felt as if an army had invaded the house.

They were chatting nineteen to the dozen. Much of the conversation seemed to be about the engagement/number of likes each had received on posts they had shared on Instagram. I then recalled that it was just last week I had noticed Jai’s face reflect gloom. Rajesh had explained that his son looked strained because one of his Instagram posts containing a link to his latest blog had not been well received. Jai is a good writer… I have read some of his blog posts and found them to be well written. But I guess that sometimes, life does give us lemons, especially when we hope for so much more. It happens to all of us, doesn’t it? I am sure you will agree with me.



The above incident triggered some thoughts. One of the most difficult things about being in this industry is that everyone is really freakin’ good! And the Instagram likes that Jai had received ~ gosh, how these aspects of Social Media dominate today’s world. I pondered on how the internet has captured us; heart, mind, and soul. Crazy but true, this is how things stand today.

Look around you… People today are tech-savvy and prefer online transactions to off-line. Distance, language, or even time is no longer a concern. The world is full of picture-perfect selfies, perfectly articulated blog posts, visually stunning videos and short films, brilliantly crafted business promotion campaigns… every person, business or brand, is trying very hard to one-up the other! All this content is uploaded to online platforms like Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Linkedin, YouTube, Whatsapp, Pinterest and so many more. Most of these uploads are viewed and reviewed by people across the world, which makes you realise that the reach of each of these mediums is truly incredible! Social media competition is here and gaining momentum. So it will.



As preferences change ~ with this intense competition and pressure to generate amazing content, where it would seem like everyone out there has aces up their sleeves, especially where social media campaigns are concerned ~ comparing ourselves to others is bound to happen.

When we look at another person’s online content, we start looking for snags on our own and the whole process takes a different direction. You start questioning your competence and your worth. It could even go as far as losing motivation.

When my wife, Tanya started blogging two years ago, I noticed that she always found it difficult not to compare her work to those whose content she was engaging with. And, I strongly feel that this is a struggle most people combat in the early stages of any creative endeavour. Just remember, once you start comparing yourself, it will become a habit that cannot be easily overcome.

What then, is the best solution to sort this crisis? How can the comparing stop?



I’m sharing a few things that I coached her through, that might work for you. Here’s how to stop comparing yourself to other bloggers:

Focus: This is the most important aspect of blogging. You are bound to wander off your track, and this happens especially at the start of any venture. Be aware that you have started your project with a purpose. Mentally push yourself back on track. It is a struggle, but also the first most important thing to do.

Stay Committed: Don’t expect to be successful overnight. These things take time, but the wait is worth it. If you are committed to your project and purpose, you will slowly develop your own style. Trust this and you will be proud of your achievements!

Take An Internet Sabbatical: This means staying away from browsing the net for long periods of time. Connect with your ‘self’, your creativity, your originality. Do something you like instead; listen to music, read a book, watch a movie or go for a run.

Copying Was Never The Answer: Cloning is never interesting, just mechanical. Nobody likes to read or experience repetition, over and over again.

Live In The Present: In the here and now. It will help you become more focused, and connected to your inner power. A sure-fire way to rein your wandering mind and allow the flow of positivity.

Introspect: Reflect on your journey. Measure the progress you have made from the day you started until now. This includes personal and professional progress. What you have learned? What have you experienced? Get into the habit of capturing each milestone, big and small. This exercise not only paves the way to a smoother and much loved tomorrow but gives you a sense of pride in what you have achieved. That is the start of success!

When Browsing, Choose Your Platform: I find Pinterest a great motivator. It’s inspirational and you can connect to it without feeling like you are not as good. At the same time, it provides you with numerous ideas to use without being self-judgemental.


To conclude: Comparison kills creativity and originality. Wouldn’t you rather be happy for someone’s success, and use it as a catalyst to get yourself there. Remember, “What sets you apart can sometimes feel like a burden, but it’s not. And a lot of the time, it’s what makes you great.” ~ Emma Stone

How do you deal with comparison? Share with us in the comments below!