Urban Diaries

5 Ways to Manifest Anything You Want

5 Ways to Manifest Anything You Want

“The only thing stopping you from manifesting your dreams is you.”

For a long time, I was sceptical about it. The “Law of Attraction” thought philosophy defied logic, I felt. The idea that my thoughts have the power to attract situations into my life felt charmingly magical but undeniably delusional. However, I gave it a go. And I confess, I’ve come full circle to support the scientific theory. From a person who stood bewildered at the face of challenges, I have transformed myself into someone who knows how to manifest anything!



Manifestation is no easy feat but completely doable. Here are the steps you need to follow to manifest your dreams into reality:

  1. Stop The Mind’s Chatter

The mind travels across boundaries sans passport. It’s never there when you want to focus on a particular task. For example, you want to remember the answer you memorised to an interview question, and the mind throws you a song you were humming yesterday. The mind also weighs you down with unwanted thoughts and memories you are striving to get past; resulting in your staying stuck in a cycle you loathe. But by using the Law of Attraction you can silence this chit chat, and learn to detach from your mind.

  1. What Do You See In The Mirror?

Have you heard people saying that when you look in the mirror, you don’t see yourself, but you always see what you are lacking? Some may see skin imperfections, and others may see themselves as inherently unlovable; the focus invariably falls on the pieces they think they are missing. But what if we tried to look deeply into our own eyes instead? And by doing so, saw a person full of potential and who has a great destiny? Yes, to learn how to manifest anything, you need to concentrate on what you want ~ not on what you don’t have. The Law of Attraction is like a magnet that attracts whatever you are focusing on. Now, look at the mirror and tell me what you see.



  1. Start A Gratitude Journal

An essential ingredient in learning how to manifest anything is acknowledging the amazing things you already have going on. Keeping a journal works like a charm to help you build positive thoughts. Let it be a space for you to tell yourself all the things you are grateful for. Besides, keeping a journal will also keep you in good stead for your pursuit of goals and long term ambitions. This is crucial because your mind needs to understand what it’s yearning for… Vague dreams rarely materialise.

My journal has separate spaces for reliving the gratitude moments of each day and for tracking my progress toward the ultimate goals. I have pages where I lay out my targets, my vivid plans to achieve them, and I ensure I pay a frequent visit to these pages. Gradually, the goals and the means to reach them are what dominates my thinking.

  1. “Feeling” ~ The Secret Ingredient

Haven’t you heard those boring lectures where the speaker delivers a monotonous soliloquy? On the other hand, have you had wonderful teachers who place a depth of emotion into each word they say? Which one lingers in your mind? I bet it’s the latter. The Law of Attraction follows similar rules. The Universe is lending an ear to what your mind has to say, but if the mind is not weaving words with passion, then those words will probably fall on deaf ears. Remember this: when you sit down to visualise your dreams, hoping that you can attract them ~ if it’s not accompanied by strong emotions, it won’t fetch results.

Try to remember the joy you experienced when you had something beautiful happening in your life. Can you feel that emotion again? Now, imagine the dreams you want to fulfil and the goals you want to meet, and let yourself experience the same joy. It’s a habit you need to build if you are hoping to learn how to manifest anything.



  1. Get Vocal

I am a firm believer that things work better when you get vocal. The universe has a way of working when you declare what you want ~ not just in your thoughts but vocally too! Words are energy, and when words take the form of a passionate account of your goals and ambitions, it will help you realise them even faster. That being said, I find that a lot of us refrain from sharing our dreams and aspirations lest someone steal them from us! But, you never know who someone can connect you to ~ and isn’t it always great to get valuable feedback from others?


To conclude: Learning how to manifest anything using the Law of Attraction may sound simple, but in reality, may be hard to emulate. But, by keeping your eye on the prize and maintaining an optimistic mindset regardless of the circumstances, you can manifest your dreams into reality!

What you can visualise in your mind, you can hold in your hands. So get to work! You have manifesting to do!



Tanya Dhar sharing a light moment with Gaurav Rege, General Manager at Jehan Numa Palace

Tanya Dhar with Executive Chef Jeevan Singh

Tanya Dhar with Vikram Dhar