Urban Diaries

Happy Blogiversary to Me!

Happy Blogiversary to Me!

It’s amazing how a long period like 5 years passes by in the blink of an eye. Today, this post celebrates my blog’s fifth anniversary. Looking back, I doubt I could have convinced my younger self that the blog I started would end up being a huge deal 5 years down the line. I remember being so unsure about this idea, struggling to persuade myself that it was okay to call it quits in the corporate world and start exploring the world of fashion and travel from ground zero. Sure, quitting my job caused me some distress… but the idea of getting a chance at doing what I love {what I was passionate about} was a rare opportunity I knew I had to grab.

Urban Diaries quickly gained an important place in my life, and slowly you all became a part of my life as well… from having a small circle of family and friends to acquiring my blog family of readers. To date, this blog has received thousands of views from loyal readers and has garnered a social following of over one lakh users; it has grown enough to even catch the attention of the press, which has allowed me to attend special events and go on press trips. These last five years have undoubtedly been the happiest times of my life, and I’m looking forward to many more exciting adventures!



I know you must be thinking it’s easy for me to preach as I have already ticked off a certain level of success in the blogging world, but I know for a fact that hard work triumphs all shortcuts one can take towards reaching their goals. It wasn’t easy, and here on forward, it’s only going to get more and more difficult. But your efforts are sure to bear fruit if you work hard and never give up on your end goal.

Remember one of those tricky corporate questions; where do you find yourself in the next five years? I never would have guessed in the slightest that I would be here writing this 5th-anniversary blog. And there is no way to predict where I’ll be in the coming 5 years as well because our end goal changes constantly as we mature with our experiences. However, all we can do is keep moving forward and taking risks while enjoying the journey.

This is my reason to encourage you to take that step in your own journey, one step at a time. You are my virtual family and your support means the world to me and that is my drive to do better than my yesterday self. Similarly, try finding your own drive. One that will motivate you to forge ahead. We might cross paths someday, and I would be proud to call out to you as my virtual family member and be happy with your success.


To conclude: Do as your heart wishes, because thinking of other people’s opinions will never let you succeed. You might stumble but will never fall into the pit of regret. So, get out there and make your dreams come true. Trust me when I say this ~ if I can make it, so can you!