Urban Diaries

Valentine’s Day: On Being Unconventional When It Comes To Celebrating Love

Valentine’s Day: On Being Unconventional When It Comes To Celebrating Love


Have you wondered what could be the history behind February 14; the day when everywhere around the globe ~ candy, chocolates, red roses, and gifts are exchanged? Celebrated in the name of St. Valentine, myth has it that this day of love has its origin from ancient Rome ~ when Emperor Claudius executed a Roman priest named Valentine, who performed the weddings of young lovers clandestinely. It is believed that Valentine’s Day is celebrated as a tribute to his martyrdom on the Roman holiday Lupercalia.



Doing Valentine’s Day Differently

The meaning of Valentine’s Day can vary from person to person, and each person’s idea and perception of celebrating this day of love can be very different. In my opinion, expressions of love need not have specificity. Hence, Vikram and I have our own way of looking at love. Our calendar is not inked with a date to celebrate what we feel for each other, nor do we wait for a special occasion to show our love for each other. Every single day is a celebration; heart-shaped chocolates, loving embraces, sparkling wine, and flowers are for when we feel like it.

For us, love resplendently shines in the little joys around us, and the daily small gestures that make us feel appreciated. Be it ~ waking up to a beautiful sunrise as the bold and brilliant shades of the sky envelops us, appreciating a dazzling sunset with myriad hues that resemble an artwork in progress, cycling down cobbled streets far away from our homeland while feeling the gentle caress of the breeze, road trips which spell excitement as we sit together referencing maps and discussing routes, enjoying our time together on the beach as we watch the waves lapping the shore to have a rendezvous with the golden sand, or savouring delicious cups of hot chocolate while the rain draws its patterns on our window panes ~ are experiences all laced with love, and have always been our idea of romance. Yes, we do not need a special day or a date to celebrate love.



For me, love is also hidden in the small moments of waking up to the twinkle in his eyes, or lying down beside him and talking about my day, or bonding over insignificant and trivial things. Maybe it is time for you too to stop waiting for just one day to keep the flame ignited; give your loved one a reason to cherish the love you two share ~ every single day.



To my Urban Diaries Galentines,
Thank you for always being there for me. I love getting to know you through all your sweet comments. It means the world to me to have your support every day. I hope you have the best Valentine’s Day, and an amazing day ~ every day… You’re the best!