Urban Diaries

6 Effective Stress Relief Methods

6 Effective Stress Relief Methods

The most productive methods of stress release include spending free time cooking delicious food, reading an enjoyable book, playing a musical instrument, or indulging in board games; not only do these activities offer a sense of positivity, but they also help stop overthinking that leads to a negative state of mind. Of course, since it helps uplift your mood, a positive atmosphere is important. Integrate these 6 Effective Stress Relief Methods into your lifestyle to help cultivate a healthy state of mind. I do not doubt that they will enable you to end the year on a positive note and start a new one afresh!



  1. Smile

Research indicates that facial expressions affect our mood deeply. And smiling, in particular, alleviates stress while also helping you project yourself as an optimistic person to those you meet during the day. Therefore, to begin your day with positive thoughts and to keep stress at bay ~ smile more, laugh more, and don’t forget to enjoy life.

  1. Relish Nature

Give yourself the much-needed micro-breaks to beat stress. Look out the window and take time to absorb the scenery; even nature-themed wallpaper is quite effective at enhancing attention and creativity. Furthermore, the stress of routine life can be overcome by natural sounds. Rustling leaves, birds, and ocean waves are music for the ears and a great way to switch off and detox your mind from belittling emotions.

  1. Exercise and Meditation

Exercise hardly needs extensive explanation; it builds strength ~ not only physical but also the mental ability needed to counter stress. Meditation is a well-known way of clearing your mind off the stressors of modern life. It is additionally a great way to improve concentration and focus yourself away from the vicious thinking circle that keeps you occupied.

  1. Music and Dance

Music can have a profound psychological impact, and it has a deep link to human emotion. And the two art forms, music and dance, tend to create an emotional quotient together, often complementing one another. While music pleases, shaking a leg is known to release endorphins, also called happy hormones. So, perhaps it’s time for you to play your favourite song, get into harmony with yourself, and dance the night away!

  1. Cultivate a Hobby

Hobbies are individual expressions of what a person loves or is passionate about. And, in my opinion, these enjoyable activities performed during leisure time are vital for your routine. No matter how simple or demanding a hobby may be, it is bound to bring a sense of fun and freedom to life. If you find psychological satiety in cooking, go for it. If you enjoy playing a musical instrument or engaging in community service or charity work, then do that. Sing, dance, paint ~ the possibilities are endless!

  1. Deeds of Kindness

Helping the needy or just random deeds of kindness can bring a sense of satisfaction unlike anything else. Although, do not equate help to money. Your advice, care, or your mere presence could be invaluable for a fellow human. We have an instinctive need for empathy and bonding; help goes a long way in fulfilling that need.

To conclude: There is almost always light at the end of the tunnel. Keeping yourself occupied with your situation does more harm than good. Stress affects every aspect of health; hence, it is imperative to stay positive and implement effective stress release methods in the darkest of times. I believe these tips will be useful in influencing your mood and helping you relax.

What effective ways do you use to reduce stress? I’d love to have you share your thoughts in the comments below!