Urban Diaries

3 Valuable Investments That Will Change Your Life

3 Valuable Investments That Will Change Your Life

Three Secrets to a Rich Life: My framework for getting places, accomplishing things, and living in a way that makes me happy!

What is the price of that pink flush on your cheeks when you ask your crush out? What is the price of the smile that lights up on your child’s face when you prepare her favourite meal? What is the price of the tears rolling down your mother’s cheek when you visit her after a long time?

Some things in life are priceless and these moments remind us that life’s investments are not just the ones we make for financial gain. These are investments that may not require deep pockets but a big heart and a conscious effort. Investing in these will reward you with returns much more gratifying than monetary goods. Keep reading for 3 valuable investments that will change your life in 2022, and help in determining the quality of your life now and in the future.



A Connection With Yourself

Ambivalence is a critical element of life that is often treated as an enemy rather than the friend it truly is. We are quick to judge the uncertainties of life even before they completely unfold before us. By investing in ourselves and the connection we have with the person deep within, we will be able to see the true meaning of living and not just conform to the rules of life.

Some people see age as the advocate for deciding whether it is a good time to bring their thoughts to action or letting their fancies pass as a whim of an ageing soul. But this kind of self-criticism can only limit you and turn you into a cynic ~ never being able to see beyond the incongruence of your own mind. Raised to be a woman who kowtowed to the norms of society while humbly accepting life as it came, I have realised how wrong these notions were and how important it is to take a stand for yourself and know what you really want from life.

Almost six years ago, I left a secure job to follow a dream that didn’t promise much at the time in terms of monetary benefits. Nine to five working hours transformed into round the clock schedules, sleep became a luxury and practises a necessity. It took me time to find myself. But by investing time and energy into introspection, I stand here today, more complete and more rounded as a person than I was before I started this blog.



Connections Beyond Yourself

When we connect with ourselves we’re able to create lives that are meaningful and fulfilling; but the connections we establish and nurture with others will enable us to embrace the reality of our interconnected nature, and help us live with compassion, equanimity and purpose.

What’s important to remember is that relationships aren’t something you plant and expect to grow on their own. They take nourishing and time. And, while some connections are formed to last forever, others may require a little more of your attention. Because without being mindful of the connections you establish around yourself, you will soon be caught up in the noise instead of taking pleasure in the enriching company of people you truly value.

Relationships are crucial in life so be careful to pick the right friends and a partner who will cherish your selfhood as much as you cherish theirs. Invest in these beautiful relationships which bring forth value, empower you, and help you enjoy a sense of achievement in the life you lead.



The Celebration of Life

Celebrating life is one of the biggest investments you can make. I know I’ve touched on the subject of gratitude earlier on a deeper note, but I’d like to reiterate. There is nothing more wonderful than being grateful for the big and small moments of happiness that dot your life. Be grateful even in everyday moments which spin around the big wheel called life. When you are mindful of these moments and appreciate life for being benevolent to you, you will be able to attract positive energy that can really help you to raise your vibration.


A Final Word

Don’t just focus on the finances you are setting aside for the trip you want to take or for the house you want to purchase or for your retirement. Think of the person you would like to take that trip with and how important it is to invest in the relationship you share with that person. Think of the people you would want to be surrounded with when you reach retirement age. Think of the life you currently lead and ask yourself that if you were to be sitting on a rocking chair right now thinking of the things you missed out on when you were young, will you still lead the same life? Or will you stop and reset?

Please share which of the 3 valuable investments that will change your life, listed above, you plan to implement this week… I would love to hear from you!