Urban Diaries

2018: The year of sustainable fashion

2018: The year of sustainable fashion

Here’s why you need to take sustainable fashion seriously ~

“Teaching a child not to step on a caterpillar is as valuable to the child as it is to the caterpillar,” Bradley Miller beautifully explains the importance of life at all levels and not just in human form. It may have taken time, but we are finally on the threshold of newfound awareness with regards to our ecological system.

People are beginning to lean towards green brands that put a conscious effort towards reducing carbon footprint. And so, fashion has turned over a new leaf in 2018 through its mindfulness about “sustainability”.

This “Earth Week” let us look at fashion’s impact on the environment, and how sustainable fashion contributes to a greener world.



Did Sustainable Fashion Just Get Real? Finding Out the Hows and Whys.

Our planet has resources that are only going to last for a limited time. We hence need to undergo a genuine shift in our fashion perspectives to include fabrics and pieces which embrace nature instead of causing a detrimental effect to the environment. An increase in the use of natural dyes instead of toxic colouring agents, and the replacement of non-recyclable materials with fabrics that can be repurposed and recycled, will help our generation and future generations live in a planet that celebrates life in all forms.

Not sure how to choose a brand that values sustainability?

There are several aspects of environmental friendliness that brands are beginning to embrace. Sustainability, however, does not happen overnight. It takes time, and it requires brands and shoppers to be more aware of the environmental impacts of fashion. Let us look at ways in which brands are beginning to go green.


Making a Difference through their Choice of Materials

Organic farming and the humane rearing of animals is one of the most fundamental ways of preserving and promoting biodiversity. Organically grown cotton is free of synthetic agricultural chemicals which harm micro-organisms in the environment and have a damaging effect on the soil. Similarly, organic wool is obtained from sheep that have been kept under ideal conditions and are not exposed to unwanted chemicals.

Needless to say, these methods are more cost-intensive because they do not believe in artificially accelerating the process of growth in plants and animals. While you may end up paying a relatively higher price for pieces made from environment-friendly materials like organic cotton, organic wool, linen, bamboo fibre, recycled polyester, and vegetable dyes; the choice you make will harbour positivism in the light of sticking to a moral code of shopping.

Tip: Do it right by going through the fine print on labels before making your purchase.



Reducing their Carbon-Footprint during Production

One of the key goals of sustainability is to keep ecosystems in place. Working conditions and fair living wages have been a concern for many workers in the garment production industry. Inhumane working conditions impact their lives while also negatively impacting their future. I would advise you to choose design labels that believe in ethical production practices, and that decide to be aware of the working conditions of their employees under contractors and sub-contractors. Vigilance by the brands can truly bring about a positive change.

Another process that greatly deserves attention is the reserve migration system wherein designers tie-up with non-profit organizations and craft clusters to create employment for craftsmen by bringing work to them instead of relocating them to cities where they find it hard to survive given the high cost of living. By doing this, not only can artisans continue living in their own region, but the fashion world is also provided with authentic handcrafted products while keeping traditional crafts alive.

Tip: Do it right by indulging in a conversation with the store manager to find out about the production process of the garments.



Designing Pieces Which Can be Upcycled and Recycled

When you discard clothes as soon as they go out of trend in favour of new ones ~ seasonal fads; you are contributing negatively to the environment and increasing world pollution, since the discarded clothes end up in landfills. The burgeoning impact of fast fashion requires our attention and this is one reason why sustainability has become the keyword that graces the lips of designers and fashion houses.

By investing in upcycled and recycled clothes, you are making room for a positive change in your fashion sensibilities. Upcycling breathes new life into clothing; rework a favourite garment, conceal minor repair on jeans with exquisite embroidery or funky patchwork, or handcraft dining table mats using scraps of couture clothing… The possibilities are endless.

Tip: Do it right by looking for upcycling workshops or by having your designer find ways to recreate an old piece {e.g. a vintage sari} into a new design.



Implementing Timelessness in Fashion

There are trends that last a couple of months and those that last years. Classic pieces always make a comeback or they just don’t fade out of the fashion scene at all. By making fashion sustainable, designers are making an effort to focus on creating lasting trends.

In recent years, we have become addicted to shopping more than we need to and switching our wardrobe to make way for runway trends. With clothes being available at surprisingly low costs, we are inadvertently given the power to buy more and to discard what we already own without thinking twice over the amount spent on them. However, these inexpensive pieces usually come at the price of garment workers working in inhumane conditions, getting paid very low wages, and materials being sourced illegally or going through inorganic manufacturing processes.

By making trends take second place while environmental awareness becomes a priority, design houses/designers can centre their attention on the creation of timeless pieces that do not adhere to the limitations of one fashion season.

Tip: Do it right by choosing clothes that will enjoy a more enduring stay in your wardrobe.



To conclude: 2018 is the year of sustainable fashion. The tables have turned, and fashion this year loves the planet more than it leans towards creating trends. Designers are already beginning to transform their existing business models for ones that have a healthy impact on the planet and its people. As a buyer, ethical shopping necessitates the need for principles that guide you to choose environment-friendly pieces that may reduce your overall buying power to fewer pieces but still warrant quality, and help you relish in the thought that you have played a part in saving our planet.


Do you too look for clothes that are manufactured in an environmentally and socially/ethically conscious manner? Share with us in the comments below!