Thank you very Matcha!

Thank you very Matcha!

Thank you very Matcha

Thank you very Matcha


Happiness in a cup! 💚 Green goodness of a Matcha Latte! 💚

Matcha by definition is pure powered green tea leaves. 🌿 When you drink Matcha, you ingest the whole leaf thereby receiving 100% of its nutrients. 🌿 Matcha powder when compared to regularly brewed green tea has 137 x more antioxidants.


  • 1 tsp Matcha green tea powder
  • 2 tsp sugar
  • 3 tbsp warm water
  • 250 ml cold milk or 300 ml hot milk


  • Spoon the Matcha green tea powder and the sugar into a mug or cup.
  • Add the warm water and mix with a spoon or with a whisk, until it is a smooth dark green paste to ensure no lumps form.
  • Warm the milk in a small saucepan and pour into the mug until nearly full. Use cold milk and ice cubes for an iced latte.
  • Use a whisk to mix the paste and milk together until smooth and light green in colour.



Matcha tea is a simple and easy way to add powerful health benefits to your everyday diet!

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* I love bringing together a bunch of conflicting items and weaving my own sense of one-ness to them. *


  • I love, love, love Matcha! Matcha recipes are popping up everywhere, but yours is so simple and easy, Tanya! Thank you for sharing. 🙂

  • This is beyond beautiful, Tanya! I can never get enough of your styling and photography!!

    And yes, you’re actually drinking the entire tea leaf! With traditional green tea, in comparison, you’re only drinking the dissolvable elements that the leaves infuse into the water. 🙂

  • In fact, a cup of matcha has about three times the antioxidants of regular green tea!

    p.s. Love how all your photos always have a special touch to them! 🙂

  • Looks so good… It’s a matcha latte kind of day! Regardless of potential health benefits, it’s absolutely delicious and this is a bandwagon we’re all going to want to jump on!

  • This is matcha heaven! I need this beautiful drink! I’m willing to donate myself as the professional “taste tester” 😀

    Have a nice week <3

  • Matcha: the tea we all have grown to love. It is very high in antioxidants, fibre, chlorophyll, and vitamins, and many claim that it has a calming effect that boosts mood and aids concentration.

  • Looks so smooth and delicious! Loving that shade of green ~ definitely one beautiful matcha! I love your food content, Tanya!

  • Wow, this looks like a dream feast! I am a true matcha fan and would love to sip this! Yes ~ I want this right now! 😀

  • Omg matcha! That matcha looks like perfection, Tanya! Enjoy the month of March/Spring with ingredients that bring you happiness!!

  • I have noticed that typical matcha teas have a strong, grassy flavor ~ similar to wheatgrass or even spinach. But premium matcha teas have balanced flavors ~ with layers of unfolding creaminess, umami, fresh-cut grass, and roasted notes. 🙂

  • Apparently those who consume matcha exhibit improved performance; suggesting this tea may support healthy brain function in healthy people. 🙂

    p.s. Beautiful visuals, as per usual.

  • Lovely pictures! Instead of jumping into my to do’s each morning, I begin each day with intention and purpose. I make my matcha tea and then I sit and do my morning ritual. 🙂

  • From pasta to pudding to punch, matcha powder brings an uber-healthy goodness to my day! Of course, nothing compares to a freshly brewed mug of Matcha Latte! 🙂

  • Matcha tea is considered the world’s healthiest beverage. Earlier this year, I realized it was time to do a deep dive into the world of matcha and give this unique type of green tea more attention than I ever did before. So, thank you for sharing.

    • Just as the saying goes about vegetables to “eat the rainbow” so too does “drink the rainbow” apply for teas!

  • Next to water, tea is undeniably the most popular beverage on earth! As with all herbal plants, your health will benefit most from consuming a pure source of matcha free from environmental toxins. 🙂

    • Historically, matcha connoisseurs have long believed that the best matcha comes specifically from Uji, Japan. Uji is near Kyoto, which was an old capital of Japan.

  • If you want to be really authentic about your matcha drinking – drink it out of a bowl or chawan that you hold in both hands, as opposed to a mug or teacup. Bottoms up!

  • Thank you for this gem, Tanya! I choose my Matcha carefully following essential guidelines ~ it should have a silky feel and be as fine as talcum powder. It should not be gritty, have no coarseness and the particle size should be powdery. 🙂

  • Have you tried Matcha with apple juice, Tanya? It’s a really delicious way to incorporate your daily dose of Matcha… even the Matcha skeptics will enjoy this! 🙂

  • Talk about delicious! Beautiful pictures and that matcha colour is amazing! ❤️ You are the Matcha QUEEN!

    p.s. It’s been too long since I had a matcha latte!

  • My new addiction ~ Matcha Latte! DEFINITELY an acquired taste. I went to Japan and tried the purest and most expensive matcha in specialised shops and almost fainted. Most common description is: it tastes like “molokhiya”. But let me tell you something: a little more of a tea spoon in some hot water, a tsp of honey and any plant-based milk definitely got me hooked! 😀

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